Ryan Saavedra
Ryan Saavedra
Senior Writer at @realDailyWire. Retweets ≠ endorsement.Source
United States
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Charges Against Jeffrey Epstein Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell Unsealed | The Daily Wire

Charges Against Jeffrey Epstein Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell Unsealed | The Daily Wire

LoginThe Justice Department unsealed six criminal charges that Jeffrey Epstein confidante Ghislaine Maxwell is facing after the FBI arrested her on Thursday morning.The unsealed indictment shows that Maxwell faces two counts of Conspiracy to Entice Minors to Travel to Engage in Illegal Sex Acts, two counts of Conspiracy to Transport Minors with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity, and two counts of Perjury.“In particular, from at least in or about 1994, up to and including at least in or about 1997, MAXWELL assisted, facilitated, and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse...

July 2, 2020
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Nike Caves To Activist Investors, Removes All ‘Redskins’ Gear From Website | The Daily Wire

Nike Caves To Activist Investors, Removes All ‘Redskins’ Gear From Website | The Daily Wire

LoginNike appears to have caved to pressure from activists over the name of the Washington Redskins, and has now removed all Redskins gear from their website.“Last week, three letters signed by 87 different investment firms and shareholders asked Nike, FedEx, and PepsiCo to end their business relationships with the Washington Redskins until the team decides to change its name,” Fox 5 . “The investment firms and shareholders are worth a collective $620 billion.”The move by Nike appears to have come after FedEx called on Thursday for the team to change its name after activist investors...

July 3, 2020
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Democrat Party Begins Demonizing Mount Rushmore, Refers To July 4 Celebration As ‘Glorifying White Supremacy’ | The Daily Wire

Democrat Party Begins Demonizing Mount Rushmore, Refers To July 4 Celebration As ‘Glorifying White Supremacy’ | The Daily Wire

LoginThe Democrat Party began attacking Mount Rushmore on Monday night from their official Twitter account and referred to upcoming Independence Day celebrations at the famed monument as “glorifying white supremacy.”“Trump has disrespected Native communities time and again,” the Democrats wrote. “He’s attempted to limit their voting rights and blocked critical pandemic relief. Now he’s holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore – a region once sacred to tribal communities.”The Democrat Party linked to an article from the left-wing British newspaper The Guardian, which...

June 30, 2020
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Atlanta Police Seeing ‘Higher Than Usual Number Of Call Outs,’ Comes After D.A. Charged Police Officer With Murder Of Rayshard Brooks | The Daily Wire

Atlanta Police Seeing ‘Higher Than Usual Number Of Call Outs,’ Comes After D.A. Charged Police Officer With Murder Of Rayshard Brooks | The Daily Wire

LoginThe Atlanta Police Department (APD) said on Wednesday evening that they are seeing a “higher than usual” number of police officers not coming in for their shifts. This comes just hours after Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced that the police officer who shot Rayshard Brooks last week was charged with felony murder.The statement from APD came after numerous reports began to swirl online suggesting that police officers were walking off the job in response to Howard’s announcement.APD tweeted: “Earlier suggestions that multiple officers from each zone had walked off the...

June 18, 2020
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The State Of Texas Delivers A ‘Simple’ Message To Rioters Thinking About Trashing The Alamo | The Daily Wire

The State Of Texas Delivers A ‘Simple’ Message To Rioters Thinking About Trashing The Alamo | The Daily Wire

LoginTexas land commissioner George P. Bush, the eldest son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, delivered a simple message for rioters who might be thinking about trashing The Alamo: “Don’t mess with The Alamo.”Bush released a statement on Saturday evening after social media posts claimed that so-called “protesters” were wanting to take down The Alamo, which comes as violent rioters have trashed inner cities across the country and have destroyed historical monuments and statues in recent days.One social media post that went viral online came from lawyer Robert Barnes, who wrote:...

June 14, 2020
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BREAKING: New York Police Department Eliminating Plainclothes Anti-Crime Unit | The Daily Wire

BREAKING: New York Police Department Eliminating Plainclothes Anti-Crime Unit | The Daily Wire

LoginThe New York Police Department announced on Monday that it is disbanding its anti-crime unit, which is a group of 600 officers who wear plainclothes to blend into the community in an effort to fight crime.“The NYPD is disbanding its undercover anti-crime unit — after being involved in a ‘disproportionate’ number of shootings,” The New York Post . “The roughly 600 cops, spread out at precincts and PSAs across the city, will be reassigned into other posts, including the detective bureau and neighborhood police, the city’s top cop said.”“This is 21st-century policing: intelligence, data,...

June 15, 2020
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Muhammad Ali’s Son: My Dad Wouldn’t Have Supported ‘Racist’ Black Lives Matter, Would’ve Supported Trump | The Daily Wire

Muhammad Ali’s Son: My Dad Wouldn’t Have Supported ‘Racist’ Black Lives Matter, Would’ve Supported Trump | The Daily Wire

LoginMuhammad Ali Jr., son of famed boxer Muhammad Ali, said during an interview this week with the New York Post that his father would be against the “racist” Black Lives Matter movement and that Antifa is no different from Islamic terrorists.On the subject of Black Lives Matter, Ali : “My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘all lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree.”“I think it’s racist,” Ali continued. “It’s not just black lives matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody’s life matters. God loves everyone – he...

June 21, 2020
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Kente Cloth Worn By Democrats Was ‘Historically Worn’ By African Empire Involved In Slave Trade, Fact Checker Says | The Daily Wire

Kente Cloth Worn By Democrats Was ‘Historically Worn’ By African Empire Involved In Slave Trade, Fact Checker Says | The Daily Wire

LoginA top mainstream fact-checker wrote on Tuesday that the Kente cloths that Democrats wore earlier this month after the death of George Floyd were “historically worn” by an “empire involved in [the] West African slave trade.”House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, and other top Democrats wore the cloth to an event on June 8 in response to Floyd’s death, which was .USA Today fact-checked the following statement from a Facebook user:Yesterday the Democrats wore kente scarfs and knelt down for their photo op. So check this out, Kente cloth was worn by the...

June 17, 2020
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Multiple Government Agencies Dispute NYT Report On Russian Putting Bounties On U.S. Troops | The Daily Wire

Multiple Government Agencies Dispute NYT Report On Russian Putting Bounties On U.S. Troops | The Daily Wire

LoginMultiple top government agencies released statements on Monday pushing back against the credibility of a recent New York Times report that claimed that President Donald Trump was briefed about a secret Russian military group that had allegedly offered bounties to militant fighters in Afghanistan for killing U.S. soldiers.The Associated Press on Monday evening that the Trump administration allegedly knew about the alleged bounty on U.S. soldiers in 2019, a full year before the date that The New York Times reported.“Over the past several days, the New York Times and other news outlets...

June 30, 2020
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White House Deletes Tweet After Getting Humiliated By Fact-Check

White House Deletes Tweet After Getting Humiliated By Fact-Check

The Biden administration deleted a tweet on Wednesday after it was fact-checked because it was missing key context. “Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership,” the administration claimed. Twitter’s Birdwatch program, which has existed for a while, attached a note to the tweet noting that the reason seniors have gotten an increase is because of the inflation rates that have exploded under Biden. “Seniors will receive a large Social Security benefit increase due to the annual cost of living adjustment, which...

November 2, 2022

