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NOT KIDDING: Warren Speaks At Native American Caucus Meeting For DNC | The Daily Wire

NOT KIDDING: Warren Speaks At Native American Caucus Meeting For DNC | The Daily Wire

LoginOn Tuesday, America’s most famous non-Native American  featured by the , and her name was Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).Elizabeth Warren infamously claimed in the past that she was part Cherokee Indian and that she had had “high cheek bones like all of the Indians do.” As far back April 1986, Warren in her application for the State Bar of Texas. “Warren filled out the card by hand in neat blue ink and signed it,” The Washington Post . “Dated April 1986, it is the first document to surface showing Warren making the claim in her own handwriting. Her office didn’t dispute its...

August 19, 2020
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Violent Rioters Set Police Station On Fire In Portland, Smash Out Windows, Attack Police | The Daily Wire

Violent Rioters Set Police Station On Fire In Portland, Smash Out Windows, Attack Police | The Daily Wire

LoginRioters smashed windows at a police precinct in Portland on Tuesday night and set it on fire before attacking law enforcement officers.The Portland Police Department said that “a group of several hundred people” marched toward the Multnomah Building, which houses the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office.“When the group reached the Multnomah Building, they blocked traffic” and “were seen carrying shields and wearing helmets and gas masks,” the Portland Police Department said. “Many of the group members began to vandalize the Multnomah Building with graffiti.”Authorities said that the...

August 19, 2020
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‘A Star Is Born’: GOP Candidate’s Ad Trounces Michelle Obama DNC Speech In Digital Metrics | The Daily Wire

‘A Star Is Born’: GOP Candidate’s Ad Trounces Michelle Obama DNC Speech In Digital Metrics | The Daily Wire

LoginAs noted by on Monday, The ad went viral online, racking up millions of views within hours and earning astounding social media engagement, such as shares, likes, and comments.The ad was so hot, in fact, it seemed to have eclipsed former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech given on the same day, at least digitally, said The Post Millenial’s Chief Marketing Officer Jeff Ballingall.“By digital metrics, Michelle Obama bombed at the DNC last night. The former first lady was completely outdone by an unknown house candidate, . Thread— Jeff Ballingall...

August 18, 2020
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Bill Clinton Lectures Donald Trump About His Conduct In ‘The Oval Office’ During DNC Convention Speech | The Daily Wire

Bill Clinton Lectures Donald Trump About His Conduct In ‘The Oval Office’ During DNC Convention Speech | The Daily Wire

LoginFormer President Bill Clinton lectured President Donald Trump on Tuesday night about his conduct in the Oval Office. Clinton, who had an affair during his presidency with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky, made the remarks during his speech at the Democrat National Convention.“At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center,” Clinton said. “Instead, it’s a storm center. There’s only chaos. Just one thing never changes—his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. The buck never stops there.”Clinton was impeached during his presidency for lying...

August 19, 2020
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New York Times, Leftists Label Susan B. Anthony ‘Racist’ After She Gets A Trump Pardon | The Daily Wire

New York Times, Leftists Label Susan B. Anthony ‘Racist’ After She Gets A Trump Pardon | The Daily Wire

LoginLeading suffragette Susan B. Anthony received a post-mortem pardon from President Donald Trump on Tuesday to mark the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, giving women the vote — a cause Anthony, of course, devoted her life to.But some leftists — and The New York Times — used the occasion of Trump’s pardon to try to cancel Anthony for “racism” and for her opposition to abortion.As The Daily Wire reported Tuesday, President Trump pardoned Anthony for an 1872 arrest for “voting as a woman.” She was fined $100.“She was never pardoned. Did you know that? She was never...

August 18, 2020
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Andrew Cuomo Targets Police After Rise In Crime: ‘Very Little Has Been Done’ | The Daily Wire

Andrew Cuomo Targets Police After Rise In Crime: ‘Very Little Has Been Done’ | The Daily Wire

LoginSpeaking at his press briefing on Monday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took a shot at police in his state, snapping, “I announced an executive order on June 12th, which was ambitious. It was called the New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative. What it said is, we have an issue and we have to address the issue. Very little has been done.”The New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative, an executive order signed by Cuomo on June 12, :WHEREAS, there is a long and painful history in New York State of discrimination and mistreatment of black and...

August 18, 2020
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Michelle Obama: Children Are ‘Torn From Their Families And Thrown Into Cages.’ Her Husband Built The Cages. | The Daily Wire

Michelle Obama: Children Are ‘Torn From Their Families And Thrown Into Cages.’ Her Husband Built The Cages. | The Daily Wire

LoginFormer first lady Michelle Obama claimed on Monday night that the Trump administration was taking children from their families and throwing them into cages but failed to mention that her husband, former President Barack Obama, was the one who built them.Michelle Obama claimed that “right now, kids in this country are” watching “in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages.”Michelle’s remark was just one of many false or misleading statements that she made during her speech at the Democratic National Convention.The Associated Press said that Michelle Obama’s...

August 18, 2020
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Iowa Professor’s Syllabus: You’ll Be Dismissed If You Oppose Pro-Choice Or Black Lives Matter Positions | The Daily Wire

Iowa Professor’s Syllabus: You’ll Be Dismissed If You Oppose Pro-Choice Or Black Lives Matter Positions | The Daily Wire

LoginA professor of English at Iowa State University issued a syllabus for her class asserting that any student who opposes the pro-choice perspective or the Black Lives Matter movement will have created “grounds for dismissal from the classroom.”Chloe Clark gave a warning on the syllabus for her English 250 class, which was obtained by Young America’s Foundation from an anonymous source who wished to avoid retribution for giving it to YAF through YAF’s Campus Bias Tip Line, as Kara Zupkus of YAF .It read:GIANT WARNING: any instances of othering that you participate in...

August 18, 2020
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‘Black Lives Don’t Matter To Democrats’: GOP Candidate Releases Viral Ad Crushing Dems | The Daily Wire

‘Black Lives Don’t Matter To Democrats’: GOP Candidate Releases Viral Ad Crushing Dems | The Daily Wire

Login is the Republican nominee running for the seat of late Congressman Elijah Cummings in Maryland’s 7th district.The brutal ad features “Do you care about black lives? The people who run Baltimore don’t. I can prove it, walk with me. They don’t want you to see this,” Klacik says in the ad, before strolling through the devastated city.Walking by boarded up and rundown buildings, the congressional hopeful continues, “This is the reality for black people every single day: crumbling infrastructure, abandoned homes, poverty, and crime.”“Baltimore has been run by the Democrat Party...

August 18, 2020
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WALSH: Goodyear Bans Blue Lives Matter And MAGA Shirts, Allows BLM And LGBT Messages [Update] | The Daily Wire

WALSH: Goodyear Bans Blue Lives Matter And MAGA Shirts, Allows BLM And LGBT Messages [Update] | The Daily Wire

LoginNote: After this article was published and President Trump called for a boycott of Goodyear, the company issued a clarifying statement about the seminar. See below.WIBW, a local news station in Topeka, Kansas,  that a recent diversity training seminar at the Topeka Goodyear plant included a slide outlining the company’s zero tolerance policy. The image was posted to social media apparently by an employee who says that the material originates from Goodyear corporate headquarters in Akron, Ohio. Listed as “acceptable” messages are Black Lives Matter and LGBT pride. The...

August 19, 2020
