Rachel Holliday Smith
Rachel Holliday Smith
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‘ShotSpotter’ Tested as Shootings and Fireworks Soar, While Civil Rights Questions Linger

‘ShotSpotter’ Tested as Shootings and Fireworks Soar, While Civil Rights Questions Linger

Additional Reporting by Reuven BlauSHARESHAREAs summer begins, audio sensors placed around New York by ShotSpotter Inc. have a lot more to listen for — and account for.Shootings compared with the same period last year, NYPD statistics show. Meanwhile, fireworks, which can sometimes trigger the gunshot-detection technology, have been .Recent news reports show ShotSpotter alerts sending NYPD officers into confrontations — including the by police last month of a gunman in a Crown Heights housing project and a in Harlem, where cops were pelted with debris. The tech is about to come...

July 5, 2020
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Do You Know Who’s Running for City Council in Your District?

Do You Know Who’s Running for City Council in Your District?

SHAREThere’s a lot of energy around the mayor’s race, which is super important. We also want to make sure you have the important information you need to participate in other crucial races that will be on the June 22 primary ballot. And some special elections are even sooner — Districts 11 and 15 in The Bronx, looking at you!So, this week, we’re diving into City Council contests and revisiting that our team has done about how important these races will be for New Yorkers and our neighborhoods.Sara N., Andrea U. and Aubrey C. — all from Queens — and many other readers asked about how to...

March 10, 2021
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Cy Vance Raises Almost Nothing for Reelection as Manhattan DA Candidates Amass War Chests and Trump Probe Deepens

Cy Vance Raises Almost Nothing for Reelection as Manhattan DA Candidates Amass War Chests and Trump Probe Deepens

SHAREManhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. has barely raised any money for his campaign, state finance records show — suggesting he’s ceding the field to a slew of Democratic candidates running for his seat.Vance’s campaign reported in campaign contributions in the six months leading to a Jan. 11 donation deadline, state Board of Election records out Tuesday show.That leaves the once-prolific fundraiser with slightly more than $4,000 on hand heading into the June 22 Democratic primary, in which eight other candidates are running.Vance, first elected in 2009, still hasn’t committed to...

January 19, 2021
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What Rent Drop? Listed Prices Aren’t Budging Where COVID-19 Hit Hardest

What Rent Drop? Listed Prices Aren’t Budging Where COVID-19 Hit Hardest

SHAREeasIn some parts of the city, rents have dropped since the COVID-19 crisis began. But for neighborhoods that felt the effects of the coronavirus most, listed prices have risen slightly, according to a new analysis.The annual by the apartment-listings site StreetEasy paints a very different price picture between the neighborhoods with the lowest coronavirus infection rates — primarily wealthier neighborhoods in Manhattan and Brooklyn — and the hardest-hit areas, mostly in Queens and The Bronx.Between February and July of this year, rents fell by 1.9% in the zip codes with the lowest...

September 10, 2020
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Affordable Housing Lottery Odds Worst for Those Who Can Afford the Least

Affordable Housing Lottery Odds Worst for Those Who Can Afford the Least

SHAREThe city’s housing agency this month its online application system to make seeking an affordable apartment easier — but the odds to get a lease remain worst for those with the least. A of more than 18 million applications to the NYC Housing Connect system between January 2014 and March 2019 shows that for every one of the 21,382 new apartments built as part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Housing New York plan, 314 eligible applications poured in.The lower the rent  — and the lower the income of the household applying — the more people applied per apartment. Related“It’s...

June 29, 2020
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