Pien Huang
Pien Huang
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COVID-19 Hospital Data System That Bypasses CDC Plagued By Delays, Inaccuracies

COVID-19 Hospital Data System That Bypasses CDC Plagued By Delays, Inaccuracies

New Trump COVID-19 Hospitalization Data System Is Not Faster Nor More Complete : Shots - Health News The Trump administration had promised complete, transparent information on the coronavirus and hospital capacity. Instead, the new system has produced erratic updates and confusing numbers.Heard onToggle more optionsEarlier this month, when the Trump administration told hospitals to send crucial data about coronavirus cases and intensive care capacity to a new online system, it promised the change would be worth it. The data would be more complete and transparent and an improvement over the...

July 31, 2020
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Dutch Minks Contract COVID-19 — And Appear To Infect Humans

Dutch Minks Contract COVID-19 — And Appear To Infect Humans

Dutch Minks Infected By COVID-19 — And Appear To Infect Humans : Goats and Soda This outbreak of COVID-19 adds to the list of animals that can contract the disease. And, in this instance, the minks seem to have passed the virus on to humans.Minks on two fur farms in the Netherlands began getting sick in late April. Some were coughing, with runny noses; others had signs of severe respiratory disease. Soon, they started dying. Researchers took swabs from the animals and dissected the ones that had died. The culprit: SARS-COV-2, the novel coronavirus causing a global pandemic. It's part of an...

June 25, 2020
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WHO: Airborne Transmission Plays Limited Role In Coronavirus Spread

WHO: Airborne Transmission Plays Limited Role In Coronavirus Spread

WHO: Aerosols Likely Not Significant Source Of COVID-19 Transmission : Goats and Soda After 239 scientists raised concerns about transmission by aerosolized particles, the World Health Organization has issued a brief on the topic — and called for more research.The World Health Organization has issued a that summarizes what's known about the different ways the coronavirus can transmit. The 10-page brief, posted Thursday, considers all the ways researchers think the coronavirus may be able to spread: through close contact with droplets expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes, speaks...

July 9, 2020
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Fact-Checking And Assessing Trump's Letter Of Rebuke To WHO

Fact-Checking And Assessing Trump's Letter Of Rebuke To WHO

Assessing Trump's Letter Of Rebuke To World Health Organization : Goats and Soda In his letter threatening to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization and halt all funding, Trump made a number of charges about WHO's handling of the coronavirus crisis.As the world seeks to join together to bring the novel coronavirus under control, President Trump has sent a letter to the World Health Organization threatening that the U.S. will halt all funding and consider leaving the agency, pending an assessment of its response to COVID-19. The timing of the letter added to its shock value:...

May 20, 2020
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CDC Employees Call Out Agency's 'Toxic Culture Of Racial Aggressions'

CDC Employees Call Out Agency's 'Toxic Culture Of Racial Aggressions'

CDC Employees Call For Racial Justice At The Federal Agency : Shots - Health News Pointing to the pandemic's disproportionate toll on people of color, over 1,200 workers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention call on the agency to declare racism a public health crisis.Heard onToggle more optionsUpdated 6:15 p.m. ET More than 1,200 current employees at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed a letter calling for the federal agency to address "ongoing and recurring acts of racism and discrimination" against Black employees, NPR has learned. In the letter,...

July 13, 2020
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How Will The U.S. And WHO Fare Without Each Other?

How Will The U.S. And WHO Fare Without Each Other?

Experts Say Trump's Order To Pull U.S. Out Of WHO Could Weaken Both : Goats and Soda Global health experts weigh in on the short- and long-term consequences of the U.S. breaking ties with the World Health Organization.Loading...Last week, that he is "terminating" the decades-long U.S. relationship with the World Health Organization over the agency's relationship with China and withdrawing U.S. funding. But it's unclear what will happen next — and what the short- and long-term implications will be. Global health experts are scratching their heads. "It's still kind of murky," says , senior...

June 5, 2020
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Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 Vaccine Is Back In Use In The U.S.

Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 Vaccine Is Back In Use In The U.S.

Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 Vaccine Is Back In Use In The U.S. Federal health officials have lifted the pause on use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. States can resume distributing it, now with a warning about rare complications involving blood clots.Heard onToggle more optionsFederal health officials have lifted the pause on use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. States can resume distributing it, now with a warning about rare complications involving blood clots.SCOTT SIMON, HOST:The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is back in use in the U.S. Last night, officials from the...

April 24, 2021
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CDC Advisory Committee Recommends Johnson & Johnson Vaccinations Resume

CDC Advisory Committee Recommends Johnson & Johnson Vaccinations Resume

CDC Advisory Committee Recommends Johnson & Johnson Vaccinations Resume The CDC's vaccine advisory committee met Friday to decide how to proceed with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is possibly linked to rare, dangerous side effects.Heard onToggle more optionsThe CDC's vaccine advisory committee met Friday to decide how to proceed with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is possibly linked to rare, dangerous side effects.ARI SHAPIRO, HOST:Use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine should resume as soon as tomorrow. That's the word this evening from the Centers for...

April 23, 2021
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What The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Pause Means For The U.S. Distribution Plan

What The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Pause Means For The U.S. Distribution Plan

What The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Pause Means For The U.S. Distribution Plan A pause in the distribution of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will last at least another week, even as eligibility for coronavirus vaccines expand. What impact will the pause have on inoculations?Heard onToggle more optionsA pause in the distribution of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will last at least another week, even as eligibility for coronavirus vaccines expand. What impact will the pause have on inoculations?DEBBIE ELLIOTT, HOST:The CDC says a pause in administering the Johnson & Johnson...

April 17, 2021
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WHO's Measured Reaction To Trump's Pledge To Cut U.S. Ties To The Agency

WHO's Measured Reaction To Trump's Pledge To Cut U.S. Ties To The Agency

WHO's Measured Response To Trump's Pledge To Sever Ties And Funds : Goats and Soda On Friday, President Trump said he would sever ties — and funding — to the World Health Organization because of its relationship with China. On Monday, WHO offers its first official response.This story was updated on June 1 to include WHO's reaction from its daily press conference. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said he learned of President Trump's intentions of "terminating" the decades-long U.S. relationship with WHO through Trump's press briefing on Friday....

May 29, 2020

