Selena Simmons-Duffin
Selena Simmons-Duffin
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Transgender Health Protections Reversed By Trump Administration

Transgender Health Protections Reversed By Trump Administration

Transgender Health Protections Reversed By Trump Administration : Shots - Health News Trump has reversed Obama-era protections that prohibit discrimination in health care based on gender identity. Critics warn the rule could harm a vulnerable group — LGBTQ people — during a pandemic.Updated at 7:29 p.m. ET The Trump administration on Friday finalized a rule that would remove nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people when it comes to health care and health insurance. "HHS respects the dignity of every human being, and as we have shown in our response to the pandemic, we vigorously...

June 12, 2020
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White House Coronavirus Testing Czar To Stand Down

White House Coronavirus Testing Czar To Stand Down

Adm. Brett Giroir Will Leave Role Overseeing Coronavirus Testing This Month : Coronavirus Updates Adm. Brett Giroir says he will be "demobilized" from his role overseeing coronavirus testing at FEMA in mid-June and going back to his regular job at the Department of Health and Human Services.The Trump administration's testing czar announced Monday that he will be leaving that position in mid-June. Adm. Brett Giroir told a meeting of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS that he will be "demobilized" from his role overseeing coronavirus testing at FEMA in a few weeks and going back to...

June 2, 2020
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She Lost Her Job And Health Insurance And Had To Fight To Get A New Plan

She Lost Her Job And Health Insurance And Had To Fight To Get A New Plan

Enrolling In A New Health Plan In A Recession Presents Challenges Like millions of others, Liz McLemore always got her health insurance coverage through her job. In April, she suddenly had to figure out how to find coverage in the middle of a pandemic.Liz McLemore was laid off from her digital marketing job in early March, and her health insurance coverage disappeared along with it. "I've always been a saver, so I wasn't as concerned about the monthly money coming in," says McLemore, who's 42 and lives in Inglewood, Calif. "But I really was concerned about the [health] insurance." Like...

June 9, 2020
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Health Officials Testify Before Congress On Pandemic Response

Health Officials Testify Before Congress On Pandemic Response

Health Officials Testify Before Congress On Pandemic Response Leaders of the White House Coronavirus Task Force testified Friday on Capitol Hill. They faced questions on their response to the pandemic and on a switch between COVID-19 patients databases.Heard onToggle more optionsLeaders of the White House Coronavirus Task Force testified Friday on Capitol Hill. They faced questions on their response to the pandemic and on a switch between COVID-19 patients databases.ARI SHAPIRO, HOST:Earlier this week, the U.S. passed a sobering milestone. COVID-19 has now killed more than 150,000 people...

July 31, 2020
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COVID-19 Hospital Data System That Bypasses CDC Plagued By Delays, Inaccuracies

COVID-19 Hospital Data System That Bypasses CDC Plagued By Delays, Inaccuracies

New Trump COVID-19 Hospitalization Data System Is Not Faster Nor More Complete : Shots - Health News The Trump administration had promised complete, transparent information on the coronavirus and hospital capacity. Instead, the new system has produced erratic updates and confusing numbers.Heard onToggle more optionsEarlier this month, when the Trump administration told hospitals to send crucial data about coronavirus cases and intensive care capacity to a new online system, it promised the change would be worth it. The data would be more complete and transparent and an improvement over the...

July 31, 2020
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Ousted Scientist Says COVID-19 Pandemic Could Be Worse Than 1918 Spanish Flu

Ousted Scientist Says COVID-19 Pandemic Could Be Worse Than 1918 Spanish Flu

Ousted Scientist Says COVID-19 Pandemic Could Be Worse Than 1918 Spanish Flu Richard Bright, the high-ranking federal scientist turned whistleblower, will testify before a House subcommittee Thursday. He says the "window of opportunity" to fight COVID-19 is closing.Heard onToggle more optionsRichard Bright, the high-ranking federal scientist turned whistleblower, will testify before a House subcommittee Thursday. He says the "window of opportunity" to fight COVID-19 is closing.STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:Rick Bright alleges that the White House would not listen to him. Today he testifies before a...

May 14, 2020
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States Nearly Doubled Plans For Contact Tracers Since NPR Surveyed Them 10 Days Ago

States Nearly Doubled Plans For Contact Tracers Since NPR Surveyed Them 10 Days Ago

Some States Plan To Big Increase In Contact Tracing Staff To Fight Coronavirus : Shots - Health News To safely reopen without risking new COVID-19 outbreaks, states need staff to do the crucial work of contact tracing. Public health agencies report they have aggressive plans to grow their workforce.Heard onToggle more optionsNote: The graphic in this story is no longer being updated. For more recent data, go to Updated May 7, 5:36 p.m. ET: This story was originally published on April 28. We've updated it throughout to reflect updates and new data from several states. In late April, NPR...

April 28, 2020
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CDC Director: 'Very Aggressive' Contact Tracing Needed For U.S. To Return To Normal

CDC Director: 'Very Aggressive' Contact Tracing Needed For U.S. To Return To Normal

What Will It Take To Reopen U.S.? CDC Says 'Aggressive' Contact Tracing : Shots - Health News We're in shutdown mode for now, but what comes next? Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is working on a plan to safely reopen the country.Heard onToggle more optionsIt's the question on everyone's minds: What will it take for us to come out of this period of extreme social distancing and return to some semblance of normal life? It turns out that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been working on a plan to allow the U.S. to safely begin to...

April 10, 2020
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Survey Indicates How U.S. Hospitals Are Handling COVID-19 Pandemic

Survey Indicates How U.S. Hospitals Are Handling COVID-19 Pandemic

Survey Indicates How U.S. Hospitals Are Handling COVID-19 Pandemic A new report from the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Inspector General presents an overview of how America's hospitals are responding to the coronavirus crisis.Heard onToggle more optionsA new report from the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Inspector General presents an overview of how America's hospitals are responding to the coronavirus crisis.DAVID GREENE, HOST:A disturbing lack of protective gear, medical experts, equipment and supplies - that is the key finding from a...

April 6, 2020
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As States Reopen, Do They Have The Workforce They Need To Stop Coronavirus Outbreaks?

As States Reopen, Do They Have The Workforce They Need To Stop Coronavirus Outbreaks?

As States Reopen, Do They Have Enough Staff To Do Contact Tracing? : Shots - Health News NPR surveyed all 50 states to find out how many people they have doing contact tracing — one of the essential tools for keeping outbreaks from flaring up. Look up your state to see how it's doing.Heard onToggle more optionsAn NPR survey of state health departments shows that the national coronavirus contact tracing workforce has tripled in the past six weeks, from 11,142 workers to 37,110. Yet given their current case counts, only seven states and the District of Columbia are staffed to the level that...

June 18, 2020
