Peter Weber
Peter Weber
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Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro says China trade deal is 'over.' Trump, Larry Kudlow, and Navarro disagree.

Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro says China trade deal is 'over.' Trump, Larry Kudlow, and Navarro disagree.

Speed ReadsMis-quotablesPresident Trump's trade adviser Peter Navarro appeared to tell Fox News on Monday evening that Trump's trade deal with China was "over."Peter Navarro says the China Trade Deal is over?— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) The markets did not welcome that news.Dow futures sharply drop 340 points after top White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said the China trade deal “is over” because of how China informed the U.S. about coronavirus— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) Trump economic adviser that the trade deal isn't over. "The U.S. remains engaged with China over the Phase 1 trade deal signed...

June 23, 2020
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Taxpayers spent $77,000 on Donald Trump Jr. Mongolia sheep hunting trip, Secret Service receipts show

Taxpayers spent $77,000 on Donald Trump Jr. Mongolia sheep hunting trip, Secret Service receipts show

Speed ReadsHunting ... sheep?Donald Trump Jr. eight-day trip to Mongolia last August was controversial, not least because he was after he had already killed one. He also had a private meeting with Mongolian President Khaltmaagiin Battulga, a month after Battulga met with President Trump in the White House, and he was traveling with a major Republican donor, . Also, taxpayers spent nearly $77,000 on Secret Service protection during the trophy hunting expedition, the watchdog group , citing updated Freedom of Information Act requests.In March, "the Secret Service told us it cost taxpayers...

June 10, 2020
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Trump's allies are warning him to reboot his campaign. Trump is working on new nicknames for Joe Biden.

Trump's allies are warning him to reboot his campaign. Trump is working on new nicknames for Joe Biden.

Speed ReadsTrump campaignThere's a divide in President Trump's re-election effort between advisers and allies who see and are pushing for a , and those, including campaign manager Brad Parscale, who argue that the polls aren't and insist Trump's base is enthusiastically in line, . "And then there's Trump himself, who has derailed his team's desired themes on an almost daily basis — deploying and mounting incendiary attacks on critics amid a , an economic crisis, and roiling protests over police brutality.""You can't win with these numbers. They're atrocious numbers," Ed Rollins, co-chairman...

June 29, 2020
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The Lincoln Project's brutal new ad doesn't buy Trump's denial on Russia's U.S. troop bounties

The Lincoln Project's brutal new ad doesn't buy Trump's denial on Russia's U.S. troop bounties

Speed Reads2020 ad warA clandestine unit of Russia's GRU military intelligence agency linked to the Taliban for killing U.S. and allied troops in the country, , adding that Trump was briefed on the Russian operation in March. , , and confirmed the classified intelligence assessment on Saturday, and and reported Sunday that U.S. officials believe the bounties .The White House reportedly considered several responses but has taken no action — in fact, Trump has since into and in Germany, both actions welcome in Moscow. The White House on the intelligence assessment — which — and Trump...

June 29, 2020
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Watch CNN's Chris Cuomo laugh 'because I don't want to cry' over Trump's poll retraction demand

Watch CNN's Chris Cuomo laugh 'because I don't want to cry' over Trump's poll retraction demand

Speed ReadsIt's all right to cryCNN's general counsel issued a formal reply to President Trump's campaign showing Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden by 14 points, with an approval rating of 38 percent, and you can yourself or watch Chris Cuomo read it on his show Wednesday night."Why am I laughing? Because I don't want to cry," says on the Trump campaign demanding this network apologize for a poll that showed Joe Biden in the lead."It is so sick and sad and obvious. Lie, deny, defy…Divide and conquer. That's what this President is about."— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) "To...

June 11, 2020
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Joe Biden rises to double-digit lead over Trump in new Reuters/Ipsos poll

Joe Biden rises to double-digit lead over Trump in new Reuters/Ipsos poll

Speed ReadsPoll WatchPresident Trump was so upset about a that showed him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden by 14 percentage points, he if it didn't retract and apologize for the survey. On Wednesday morning, with Biden beating Trump among registers voters by 13 points, 48 percent to 35 percent, Biden's widest margin this election cycle. Biden's lead over Trump is 8.1 points, 50.1 percent to 41. 7 percent, in the (which does not yet include the Reuters/Ipsos poll).In both the CNN and Reuters polls, Trump's job approval rating sagged at 38 percent, with 57 percent of U.S. adults...

June 17, 2020
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Seattle protesters briefly occupy City Hall, return to movie night in 'autonomous' and 'cop-free' enclave

Seattle protesters briefly occupy City Hall, return to movie night in 'autonomous' and 'cop-free' enclave

Speed ReadsGeorge Floyd protestsAfter a tumultuous Sunday night of in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood, police boarded up and vacated the East Precinct headquarters Monday and , setting up barriers and declaring a "cop-free" enclave they are calling the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, . On Tuesday night, hundreds of protesters marched to City Hall and occupied the empty building for about an hour, listening to speeches and calls for the resignation of Mayor Jenny Durkan and defunding police department. They didn't have to break in — Kshama Sawant, a member of the city council, brought her...

June 10, 2020
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The Lincoln Project's latest anti-Trump ad is entirely in Russian

The Lincoln Project's latest anti-Trump ad is entirely in Russian

Speed Reads2020 ad watchWell, this is a new one. On Wednesday, the Republican operatives behind the Lincoln Project released another ad attacking President Trump — in fact one the over Russian bounties for slain U.S. troops in Afghanistan, indirectly — though this one's a little different: It's entirely in Russian. In case you were curious, the ad "is actually in good Russian and voiced over by a good Russian actor," .The Twitter promo for the ad is in English, though. "Add 'America First' to the laundry list of scams Trump has sold in his life," . "It's clearly Trump first, Russia second,...

July 2, 2020
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Trump's campaign reportedly knew the significance of the Juneteenth Tulsa rally date, expected less blowback

Trump's campaign reportedly knew the significance of the Juneteenth Tulsa rally date, expected less blowback

Speed ReadsThey KnewPresident Trump's re-election campaign was expecting some raised eyebrows after in months on June 19 — Juneteenth — in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a state Trump is expected to win easily, two campaign officials ."But the campaign was caught off guard by the intensity" of the blowback, , especially when people made a connection between the date and the host city, site of one of the worst white massacres of black Americans in U.S. history, at a period where Trump is defending Confederate symbols and attacking protests demanding an end to police murdering and terrorizing black...

June 12, 2020
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What would actually happen if Putin hit Ukraine with tactical nukes?

What would actually happen if Putin hit Ukraine with tactical nukes?

Russian President Vladimir Putin raised the specter of a nuclear attack on Ukraine last week when he announced his intention to annex an area of eastern and southern Ukraine roughly the size of Portugal. Since then, Ukraine has in those areas Moscow has now officially, if illegally, annexed.These humiliating setbacks in Putin's war, combined with a botched and unpopular military draft, have prompted broad discontent up and down Russian society and open sparring on state-controlled TV. The pressure building on Putin is raising concerns in the West that he in Ukraine — and in fact, at least...

October 5, 2022
