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Trump's new postmaster general met with him in Oval Office last week, reportedly talks with top GOP officials

Trump's new postmaster general met with him in Oval Office last week, reportedly talks with top GOP officials

Speed ReadsSave the MailNewly installed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy met with President Trump in the Oval Office last week, before a contentious meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) about his controversial new policies at the U.S. Postal Service, . A few days later, DeJoy , including two that oversaw day-to-day operations, and postal employees are now .Trump spokesman Judd Deere the Oval Office meeting was "congratulatory," because DeJoy took over the post on June 15, though "he declined to offer any other details." The...

August 14, 2020
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Trump requested his mail-in ballot 1 day before publicly opposing USPS funding due to mail-in voting

Trump requested his mail-in ballot 1 day before publicly opposing USPS funding due to mail-in voting

MenuSee More Speed ReadsPresident Trump and first lady Melania Trump for Florida's primary next Tuesday, according to the Palm Beach County elections website. This would be the in Florida this year. On Thursday, Trump told Fox Business News he because that would allow for the expected surge in mail-in voting, which he .The Trumps missed the deadline for their ballots to be mailed, so they will have been delivered to Trump's private club in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago, then delivered to the White House. To be counted, the ballots have to be returned to the Palm Beach County election office before...

August 14, 2020
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The Lincoln Project savagely reminds America of everything it has lost due to 'Trump's virus'

The Lincoln Project savagely reminds America of everything it has lost due to 'Trump's virus'

Speed Readsthe Lincoln projectAmid all the fights over wearing masks, keeping a safe distance apart, and opening businesses and schools, Americans presumably agree on at least one thing: COVID-19 has been terrible — socially, economically, in thousands of little ways, dozens of big ones. That's the starting point for a new Lincoln Project ad released Tuesday, capitalizing on President Trump's on his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and making that personal.The ad starts with some "memories COVID took from us," things like birthday parties for children, weddings, first kisses, communal...

July 28, 2020
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Creator of cognition test Trump brags of acing says it's 'supposed to be easy' for unimpaired people

Creator of cognition test Trump brags of acing says it's 'supposed to be easy' for unimpaired people

Speed ReadsTesting testingPresident Trump earlier in July that he "aced" a cognitive test at Walter Reed Medical Center "very recently," and Fox News anchor Chris Wallace did not seem overly impressed when Trump brought up the test again during his over the weekend. Wallace said he also took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test after Trump said he passed it, and "it's not the hardest test. It shows a picture and it says, 'what's that,' and it's an elephant.""It's all misrepresentation, because yes, the first few questions are easy, but I'll bet you couldn't even answer the last...

July 21, 2020
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Nearly 30 percent of Republicans don't trust what Trump says about COVID-19, poll finds

Nearly 30 percent of Republicans don't trust what Trump says about COVID-19, poll finds

Speed ReadsCoronavirus pollingAmericans disapprove of President Trump's response to the COVID-19 pandemic by a margin of 60 percent to 38 percent in a / released Friday morning. And that's bad news for the president, because 63 percent of U.S. adults say it's more important to control the outbreak, even if it hurts the economy, versus 33 percent who say it's more important to restart the economy. In May, 46 percent of Americans said they approved of Trump's coronavirus response; in late March it was 51 percent.BREAKING: Americans by nearly a two to one margin distrust what Pres. Trump says...

July 17, 2020
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Houston is starting to look like New York City before the peak of its COVID-19 crisis

Houston is starting to look like New York City before the peak of its COVID-19 crisis

Speed Readsthe coronavirus crisisTexas reported a on Wednesday and 9,979 new cases, just shy of Tuesday's record 10,028 cases. Austin is turning its convention center, more famous for hosting South by Southwest, into a field hospital. In Houston, hospitals took in 3,851 coronavirus patients on Tuesday, and a growing number of people are dying at home before the paramedics even arrive, , citing Houston Fire Department data."The uptick in the number of people dying before they can even reach a hospital in Houston draws parallels to what happened in New York City in March and April," . "These...

July 9, 2020
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Florida's GOP governor is hindering Trump's Jacksonville convention in a 'stunning act of political pettiness'

Florida's GOP governor is hindering Trump's Jacksonville convention in a 'stunning act of political pettiness'

Speed ReadsV is for VendettaThe people in charge of putting together President Trump's Republican National Convention in Jacksonville, Florida, next month have , : time, the state's raging , and money. The convention planners are "under pressure to raise tens of millions of dollars in the next five weeks to help finance the three-day convention," and as they struggle against this "almost impossibly rushed time frame," Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is actively "hindering those efforts," .DeSantis "has directed his top fund-raiser, Heather Barker, to tell donors not to give to the convention...

July 10, 2020
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Fox News crops Trump out of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein photo, leaves in Melania

Fox News crops Trump out of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein photo, leaves in Melania

Speed ReadsThings that make you go hmmmmIt's President Trump had a and with late indicted pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein and his alleged main accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, , as Eric Trump on Twitter after on Thursday.Eric Trump shared an image of former President Bill Clinton at his daughter, Chelsea's wedding. Circled in the background was Ghislaine Maxwell, the longtime associate of late pedophile sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.Trump has also been seen with Maxwell on many occasions.— Election dot Org (@DotElection) There are of Donald Trump and Maxwell together that...

July 6, 2020
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The Lincoln Project's latest anti-Trump ad is entirely in Russian

The Lincoln Project's latest anti-Trump ad is entirely in Russian

Speed Reads2020 ad watchWell, this is a new one. On Wednesday, the Republican operatives behind the Lincoln Project released another ad attacking President Trump — in fact one the over Russian bounties for slain U.S. troops in Afghanistan, indirectly — though this one's a little different: It's entirely in Russian. In case you were curious, the ad "is actually in good Russian and voiced over by a good Russian actor," .The Twitter promo for the ad is in English, though. "Add 'America First' to the laundry list of scams Trump has sold in his life," . "It's clearly Trump first, Russia second,...

July 2, 2020
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams NBC News for 'totally false and divisive' clickbait on her DNC speech

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams NBC News for 'totally false and divisive' clickbait on her DNC speech

Speed ReadsDNC 2020The Democratic National Convention Joe Biden as its presidential candidate on Tuesday night, but the also included the votes for runner-up Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), a prominent Sanders supporter, , and this is how NBC News : "In one of the shortest speeches of the DNC, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez did not endorse Joe Biden." After being criticized for political illiteracy, NBC News deleted the tweet and issued a clarification about how conventions work.Editor's note and clarification (1/2): This tweet should have included more detail on...

August 19, 2020
