Noah Higgins
Noah Higgins
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Romney slams Trump administration over U.S. coronavirus death toll — 'There's no way to spin that'

Romney slams Trump administration over U.S. coronavirus death toll — 'There's no way to spin that'

Key PointsUtah Sen. criticized the Trump administration's early response to the outbreak on Friday, saying they dismissed the virus as a threat from the outset and failed to take immediate action.  "Short term I think it's fair to say we (the United States) really have not distinguished ourselves in a positive way by how we responded to the crisis when it was upon us," Romney said during an interview with the Sutherland Institute. Romney, a Republican who has spoken out against Trump publicly on a number of issues, said the "proof of the pudding" is evident in the number of...

August 15, 2020
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U.S. tops 5 million coronavirus cases as outbreak threatens America's Midwest

U.S. tops 5 million coronavirus cases as outbreak threatens America's Midwest

Key PointsThe United States has surpassed 5 million Covid-19 cases, a grisly milestone that represents roughly a quarter of all infections across the world confirmed since the first emerged from Wuhan, China a little over seven months ago. It took just six weeks for the number of Covid-19 infections to double in the U.S., which logged the last 1 million infections over the last two weeks, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.The latest grim record comes as growth in new cases in the U.S. appears to be leveling off at an average of 54,235 new infections a day over the...

August 9, 2020
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Trump says there's no question the coronavirus 'will go away'

Trump says there's no question the coronavirus 'will go away'

Key PointsPres. Trump says the virus will just go awayPresident Donald Trump reiterated Wednesday that the coronavirus will "go away," and he continued to push for schools to reopen since the virus "doesn't have much of an impact" on children. "It's going away. It'll go away. Things go away. No question in my mind that it will go away," Trump said during a White House press briefing. Trump applauded the country's coronavirus vaccine and therapeutic development, saying it has had "tremendous success" and is "ready to deliver them literally as soon" as they're approved. Earlier...

August 5, 2020
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New York City sets up quarantine checkpoints as it toughens state travel restrictions

New York City sets up quarantine checkpoints as it toughens state travel restrictions

Keep Me Logged InKey PointsNew York City sets up quarantine checkpoints as it toughens state travel restrictionsNew York City is setting up quarantine checkpoints at "key entry points" along main bridges and tunnels to the city to screen travelers coming from more than 30 states with bad outbreaks, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday. "Travelers coming in from those states will be given information about the quarantine, they will be reminded that it is required, not optional," de Blasio said at a press briefing. "They'll be reminded that failure to quarantine is a violation of state...

August 5, 2020
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Fauci says there are early signs coronavirus outbreaks are brewing in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee

Fauci says there are early signs coronavirus outbreaks are brewing in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee

Key PointsWhite House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday there are early signs that a coronavirus outbreak could be brewing in Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky. The so-called positivity rate, or the percentage of tests run that are positive, appears to be rising in those states — an early indication that the outbreak is worsening, Fauci said. While President Donald Trump and others have blamed the rise in cases in the U.S. on increased testing, a growing positivity rate can't be blamed on increased testing. "That's a surefire sign that you've got to be really...

July 28, 2020
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Texas orders extra body bags, mortuary trucks as it braces for more coronavirus deaths

Texas orders extra body bags, mortuary trucks as it braces for more coronavirus deaths

Key PointsTexas officials and funeral home directors are ordering extra body bags and refrigerated trucks as they prepare for an increase in deaths from Covid-19, which has already killed 3,657 in the state.The Federal Emergency Management Agency is sending 14 refrigerated trucks to the state next week — on top of the eight already sent — to serve as temporary mortuaries, while some funeral homes are reserving their own trucks from private companies."The directors I've talked to in the last week are at capacity or over capacity, thus the reason they had to bring in the trailers," said Gene...

July 17, 2020
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Georgia Gov. Kemp urges people to wear masks despite suing Atlanta over mask mandate

Georgia Gov. Kemp urges people to wear masks despite suing Atlanta over mask mandate

Key PointsGeorgia Gov. Brian Kemp urged residents Friday to wear a face mask when in public, two days after he blocked local officials from enforcing their own rules to further prevent the spread of . "It's the community that defeats this virus, not the government," Kemp said at a press conference. "We need all younger Georgians to recognize the importance of following public health guidance. To realize their exposure can have serious consequences on their loved ones." Kemp on Wednesday barred local authorities through an from implementing and enforcing their own mask mandates...

July 17, 2020
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Top HHS official says 'most' of the coronavirus transmission is from asymptomatic people

Top HHS official says 'most' of the coronavirus transmission is from asymptomatic people

Key PointsMost Covid-19 spread originates from asymptomatic carriers, top HHS official saysMost transmission of the coronavirus is coming from people who are asymptomatic and never develop any signs of the virus, a top official from the Department of Health and Human Services said Friday. "Just feeling like you want to go get a test is really not the best strategy, but we know that most of the spread are from asymptomatic people, particularly young adults, so you have to cast a wide net and I think we're able to do that," Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at HHS,...

July 17, 2020
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New York to investigate potential coronavirus cluster from graduation after Florida traveler tests positive

New York to investigate potential coronavirus cluster from graduation after Florida traveler tests positive

Key PointsNew York Gov. announced on Saturday that the state's department of health will investigate a high school graduation ceremony after a student who recently traveled to Florida tested positive for , according to a press release. Four people who were in contact with the student have tested positive for the coronavirus since the drive-in ceremony was held on June 20 in Westchester county, just north of New York City, according to the release.All of the individuals who have tested positive are now self isolating and anyone associated with the graduation ceremony at Chappaqua Train...

June 27, 2020
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Notre Dame temporarily shifts to remote classes to try to curb coronavirus outbreak, warns it may send students home

Notre Dame temporarily shifts to remote classes to try to curb coronavirus outbreak, warns it may send students home

Key PointsThe University of Notre Dame will move undergraduate instruction online for two weeks to try to curb a coronavirus outbreak on campus, warning that it may send students home if cases don't fall, President Rev. John Jenkins said Tuesday. "If these steps are not successful, we'll have to send students home as we did last spring," Jenkins warned during a conference call. "The virus is a formidable foe. For the past week it has been winning."Jenkins' remarks come after an off-campus party has led to a spike in cases at Notre Dame, which is now reporting more than...

August 18, 2020
