Berkeley Lovelace Jr.
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.
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WHO officials say it's unclear whether recovered coronavirus patients are immune to second infection

WHO officials say it's unclear whether recovered coronavirus patients are immune to second infection

Key PointsWorld Health Organization officials said Monday not all people who recover from the coronavirus have the antibodies to fight a second infection, raising concern that patients may not develop immunity after surviving Covid-19."With regards to recovery and then reinfection, I believe we do not have the answers to that. That is an unknown," Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO's emergencies program, said at a press conference at the organization's Geneva headquarters on Monday. A preliminary study of patients in Shanghai found that some patients had "no detectable antibody...

April 13, 2020
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US now has more coronavirus cases than either China or Italy

US now has more coronavirus cases than either China or Italy

Key PointsThe United States now has more confirmed coronavirus cases than Italy and China, making it the country with the largest outbreak in the world.The total number of cases in the U.S. reached 82,404 Thursday evening, eclipsing China's 81,782 cases and Italy's 80,589, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.The virus emerged in Wuhan, China, in December. It has since spread to more than half a million people in almost every country around the world and continues to pick up speed, the World Health Organization warned earlier this week."The pandemic is accelerating,"...

March 26, 2020
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World Health Organization says some nations aren't running enough coronavirus tests: 'Test every suspected case'

World Health Organization says some nations aren't running enough coronavirus tests: 'Test every suspected case'

Key PointsThe World Health Organization's top official criticized some nations for not doing enough to detect and contain the deadly coronavirus that's infected more than 174,000 people across the world. There's been a rapid escalation of COVID-19 cases over the past week, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus . "But we have not seen an urgent enough escalation in testing, isolation and contact tracing, which is the backbone of the response," he said."We have a simple message for all countries: Test, test, test. Test every suspected case. If they test positive, isolate them...

March 16, 2020
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World Health Organization declares the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic

World Health Organization declares the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic

Key PointsWhat is a pandemic?The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on Wednesday as the new , which was unknown to world health officials just three months ago, has rapidly spread to more than 121,000 people from Asia to the Middle East, Europe and the United States."In the past two weeks the number of cases outside China has increased thirteenfold and the number of affected countries has tripled," WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference at the organization's headquarters in Geneva. "In the days and weeks ahead, we...

March 11, 2020
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Starbucks' China sales drop, US coronavirus cases jump to 197

Starbucks' China sales drop, US coronavirus cases jump to 197

Coronavirus cases top 100,000—Here's what medical professionals say about the outbreakThe coverage on this live blog has ended — but for up-to-the-minute coverage on the coronavirus,  All times below are in Eastern time. Ebay said it would block new listings and begin to remove listings for face respirator masks, hand sanitizer/gel and disinfecting wipes because of regulatory restrictions in the U.S. Ebay's mask ban includes N95/N100 and surgical masks."We will continue to monitor the evolving situation and quickly remove any listing that mentions COVID-19, coronavirus, 2019nCoV...

March 5, 2020
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CDC chief says Northerners heading South for vacation may be to blame for surge in coronavirus cases, not state reopenings

CDC chief says Northerners heading South for vacation may be to blame for surge in coronavirus cases, not state reopenings

Key PointsThe current surge in coronavirus cases across the American South may have been caused by Northerners who traveled South for vacation around Memorial Day, said Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."If you look at the South, everything happened around June 12 to June 16. It all simultaneously kind of popped," he  Tuesday with Dr. Howard Bauchner of The Journal of the American Medical Association. Independent of state reopening plans, "we're of the view that there was something else that was the driver. Maybe the Memorial Day, not...

July 14, 2020
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Covid is officially America's deadliest pandemic as U.S. fatalities surpass 1918 flu estimates

Covid is officially America's deadliest pandemic as U.S. fatalities surpass 1918 flu estimates

Key PointsCovid-19 is officially the most deadly outbreak in recent American history, surpassing the estimated U.S. fatalities from the 1918 influenza pandemic, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.Reported U.S. deaths due to Covid crossed 675,000 on Monday, and are rising at an average of more than 1,900 fatalities per day, Johns Hopkins data shows. The nation is currently experiencing yet another wave of new infections, fueled by the fast-spreading delta variant.The 1918 flu – which came in three waves, occurring in the spring of 1918, the fall of 1918; and the winter...

September 21, 2021
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Pfizer says it is developing a Covid booster shot to target the highly transmissible delta variant

Pfizer says it is developing a Covid booster shot to target the highly transmissible delta variant

Key PointsIn this articlePfizer developing Covid-19 vaccine booster targeting Delta variant and announced Thursday they are developing a Covid-19 booster shot intended to target the delta variant as concerns rise about the highly transmissible strain that is already the dominant form of the disease in the United States.The companies said although they believe a third shot of their current two-dose vaccine has the potential to preserve the "highest levels" of protection against all currently known variants, including delta, they are "remaining vigilant" and developing an updated version of...

July 8, 2021
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WHO urges fully vaccinated people to continue to wear masks as delta Covid variant spreads

WHO urges fully vaccinated people to continue to wear masks as delta Covid variant spreads

Key PointsThe World Health Organization on Friday urged fully vaccinated people to continue to wear masks, social distance and practice other safety measures as the highly contagious delta variant spreads rapidly across the globe."People cannot feel safe just because they had the two doses. They still need to protect themselves," Dr. Mariangela Simao, WHO assistant director-general for access to medicines and health products, said during a news briefing from the agency's Geneva headquarters."Vaccine alone won't stop community transmission," Simao added. "People need to continue to use masks...

June 25, 2021
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Top HHS official says 'most' of the coronavirus transmission is from asymptomatic people

Top HHS official says 'most' of the coronavirus transmission is from asymptomatic people

Key PointsMost Covid-19 spread originates from asymptomatic carriers, top HHS official saysMost transmission of the coronavirus is coming from people who are asymptomatic and never develop any signs of the virus, a top official from the Department of Health and Human Services said Friday. "Just feeling like you want to go get a test is really not the best strategy, but we know that most of the spread are from asymptomatic people, particularly young adults, so you have to cast a wide net and I think we're able to do that," Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at HHS,...

July 17, 2020
