Nick Gillespie
Nick Gillespie
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Marco Rubio's Veiled Call for Military Intervention in Venezuela Is a Bad Idea

Marco Rubio's Veiled Call for Military Intervention in Venezuela Is a Bad Idea

Over the weekend, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tweeted out these images of former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, whose regime was toppled in 2011 by a NATO-led operation in which the United States participated.— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio)Though the tweet contains no words, the senator was sending an unmistakable message to Venezuelan President , whose control is slipping amid rising protests both within and without his country. , an ad hoc consortium of a dozen Latin American countries and Canada, does not recognize Maduro as legitimate; about 30 countries (including the United States) have...

February 25, 2019
America Is Not as Racist as Jussie Smollet's Defenders Fear or White Supremacists Hope

America Is Not as Racist as Jussie Smollet's Defenders Fear or White Supremacists Hope

Over the past few weeks, at least two major news stories have vied for our attention because they seemingly revealed the deep truth that not only has America always been a racist nation but that things are getting objectively worse because of Donald Trump.The hate-crime attack on Jussie Smollet, we're told, somehow reveals a cancer on the American soul even if the actor engineered it as a . So too does the arrest of the Coast Guard's Lt. Christopher P. Hasson, who according to court documents called himself "" and had drawn up a kill list of "traitors" that included CNN and MSNBC...

February 25, 2019
Can Elizabeth Warren Win Over Anyone Who Doesn't Already Agree With Her?

Can Elizabeth Warren Win Over Anyone Who Doesn't Already Agree With Her?

Tonight's features a dozen candidates, but all eyes will be on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.). Over the past few weeks, she has almost with former Vice President Joe Biden, who can't stop reminding people that he's older than Methuselah (whose eyes seemed less likely to fill with blood and whose dentures fitted more snugly), and shaken loose from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.), whose underscored the Vermont socialist's age (it didn't help that his campaign prevaricated on what exactly happened). None of the lower-polling candidates on stage have anything resembling upward momentum.This is...

October 23, 2019
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5 Ways Elon Musk and Other Billionaires Get Welfare for the Rich

5 Ways Elon Musk and Other Billionaires Get Welfare for the Rich

Tech billionaire Elon Musk is known for leading Tesla and SpaceX, as one of the visionaries behind PayPal, and for hyping bitcoin and a bold plan to colonize Mars.He's not just , he's one of its biggest recipients of government handouts, according to Lisa Conyers and Phil Harvey, authors of . Conyers is a veteran journalist and co-author with Harvey of 2016's . is a successful businessman and philanthropist who supports many libertarian organizations, including , the nonprofit that publishes this website.By 2015, they write, companies led by Musk had already gotten billions of dollars in...

March 6, 2021
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The Fake Argument That School Choice Is Racist

The Fake Argument That School Choice Is Racist

"There isn't an issue facing Black people today that doesn't find its origins in K-12 education," Chris Stewart, CEO of the education nonprofit and a and who publishes under the name "Citizen Stewart." "Without our own collective governance of our children's intellectual development, how can we win? Without Black self-determination in who teaches them, what they learn, where they learn, and how lessons are taught to them, what is the future of our freedom?"As a result, the Minnesota-based Stewart supports backpack funding for K-12 education, in which local, state, and federal dollars go to...

January 26, 2021
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Joe Biden's $11 Trillion Plan To Bankrupt America

Joe Biden's $11 Trillion Plan To Bankrupt America

Joe Biden's and his promises to beef up labor and environmental regulations are the reasons why The Washington Post called his platform "." Given that the former vice president and senator will almost certainly face a Republican Senate and inherit a weakened Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, it remains to be seen what sort fiscal policy he will try to enact, much less be able to pass. In fiscal 2020, the federal government spent $6.6 trillion and posted a $3.1 trillion deficit, potentially setting staggeringly high new baselines for both.But even with a divided government...

November 9, 2020
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Joe Biden’s Endless River of Debt and Regulation

Joe Biden’s Endless River of Debt and Regulation

Written by Nick Gillespie; graphics and edited by Lex Villena; additional graphics, Isaac Reese.Music Credits: "Two Dogs" by Lex Villena, "Charon" by Yehezkel Raz.Photo Credits: Gage Skidmore, Mueller MSC, World Economic Forum, ID 125814381© Korrawin Khanta, Dan Smith, ID 48504654 © Piotr Marcinski | 

November 6, 2020
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Frederick Douglass vs. the 1619 Project

Frederick Douglass vs. the 1619 Project

Last year, The New York Times published "," an immensely ambitious, influential, and controversial reframing of American history. The project's creator, Nikole Hannah-Jones, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her work, that the U.S. Constitution was a "decidedly undemocratic" document and that "anti-black racism runs in the very DNA of this country." This interpretation of the American founding has been the subject of a heated debate. The 1619 Project has also been adapted into a high school curriculum that attempts to "reframe U.S. history by marking the year when the first enslaved Africans...

December 16, 2020
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