Can Elizabeth Warren Win Over Anyone Who Doesn't Already Agree With Her?
October 23, 20195 min read944 words
Published: October 23, 2019  |  5 min read944 words
Tonight's features a dozen candidates, but all eyes will be on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.). Over the past few weeks, she has almost with former Vice President Joe Biden, who can't stop reminding people that he's older than Methuselah (whose eyes seemed less likely to fill wit...
Can Elizabeth Warren Win Over Anyone Who Doesn't Already Agree With Her? Read more

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Surface Level
October 24, 2019
This piece does not cover much of the issues at all, which is why I say surface level. There are some opinions, and perhaps a bit of satire; however, where there is smoke, there is fire.
October 24, 2019
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Political Agenda
October 24, 2019
Reason is a libertarian publication (and the writer is a libertarian columnist) and does not reflect opinions of the average reader. This is strictly an opinion piece.
October 24, 2019
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Political Agenda
October 24, 2019
The author's political bias is clear throughout the piece. A great example is this sentence here, '"Elizabeth Warren has a plan for you" isn't just a campaign slogan, it's a threat." This piece reads like an out-of-touch op ed, using the upcoming debate as an excuse to bash every frontrunner candidate her could.
October 24, 2019
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Political Agenda
October 25, 2019
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October 25, 2019
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Begging the Question
October 24, 2019
The article would do better without tearing down the other runners for the democratic nominee. Mentioning age and health issues of candidates is needless slander. Also, as I understand it, Warren only recently adopted some of the stances the author is citing.
October 24, 2019
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