Nick Brown
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COVID-19 long-term toll signals billions in healthcare costs ahead

COVID-19 long-term toll signals billions in healthcare costs ahead

By , , NEW YORK (Reuters) - Late in March, Laura Gross, 72, was recovering from gall bladder surgery in her Fort Lee, New Jersey, home when she became sick again.Her throat, head and eyes hurt, her muscles and joints ached and she felt like she was in a fog. Her diagnosis was COVID-19. Four months later, these symptoms remain.Gross sees a primary care doctor and specialists including a cardiologist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, and gastroenterologist.“I’ve had a headache since April. I’ve never stopped running a low-grade temperature,” she said.Studies of COVID-19 patients...

August 3, 2020
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‘We’re drowning’: COVID cases flood hospitals in America’s heartland

‘We’re drowning’: COVID cases flood hospitals in America’s heartland

By (Reuters) - Dr. Drew Miller knew his patient had to be moved.The vital signs of the 30-year-old COVID-19 victim were crashing, and Kearny County Hospital in rural Lakin, Kansas, just wasn’t equipped to handle the case. Miller, Kearny’s chief medical officer - who doubles as the county health officer - called around to larger hospitals in search of an ICU bed. With coronavirus cases soaring throughout Kansas, he said, he couldn’t find a single one.By the time a bed opened elsewhere the following day, the young man was near death. For a full 45 minutes, Miller and his staff performed chest...

November 24, 2020
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In 2016, Trump won these Rust Belt counties on the economy. In 2020, he might lose them over coronavirus

In 2016, Trump won these Rust Belt counties on the economy. In 2020, he might lose them over coronavirus

By , , CORTLAND, Ohio/BANGOR, Penn. (Reuters) - Tanya Wojciak, a lifelong Republican and suburban mom from northeast Ohio, is the kind of battleground state voter President Donald Trump can’t afford to lose - but already has.She is angry at Trump’s handling of the novel coronavirus crisis that has killed more than 219,000 Americans, the largest death toll of any country. She lost a friend to COVID-19 in April.Wojciak, 39, said Trump’s spotty use of masks and repeated attempts to downplay the seriousness of the coronavirus - even after being hospitalized for it himself - is “not presidential...

October 19, 2020
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How poor regions lose out because of U.S. census undercounts

How poor regions lose out because of U.S. census undercounts

By ESPANOLA, New Mexico (Reuters) - Getting an accurate count of America’s population has proven difficult in the 2020 Census as the coronavirus pandemic has hampered voluntary responses and forced officials to scale back door-knocking efforts.The administration of President Donald Trump has placed other hurdles on the path to an accurate count. Its attempt to add a question about citizenship to the census earlier this year likely discouraged undocumented immigrants from filling out the survey, even though the administration’s effort failed, demographics experts say. Local officials...

October 13, 2020
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Special Report: As world approaches 10 million coronavirus cases, doctors see hope in new treatments

Special Report: As world approaches 10 million coronavirus cases, doctors see hope in new treatments

By , , , (Reuters) - Dr. Gopi Patel recalls how powerless she felt when New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital overflowed with COVID-19 patients in March.Guidance on how to treat the disease was scant, and medical studies were being performed so hastily they couldn’t always be trusted.“You felt very helpless,” said Patel, an infectious disease doctor at the hospital. “I’m standing in front of a patient, watching them struggle to breathe. What can I give them?”While there is still no simple answer to that question, a lot has changed in the six months since an entirely new coronavirus began sweeping...

June 26, 2020
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Next wave of U.S. states set to reopen as coronavirus could push jobless rate to 16%

Next wave of U.S. states set to reopen as coronavirus could push jobless rate to 16%

By , NEW YORK/CHICAGO (Reuters) - Another wave of states prepared to ease coronavirus restrictions on U.S. commerce this week, despite health experts warning there is still too little diagnostic testing, while the White House forecast a staggering jump in the nation’s monthly jobless rate.Colorado, Mississippi, Minnesota, Montana and Tennessee were set to join several other states in reopening businesses without the means to screen systematically for infected people who may be contagious but asymptomatic, and to trace their contacts with others they might have exposed.Many merchants have...

April 26, 2020
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