Jason Lange
Jason Lange
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Analysis: Despite Republican opposition, red states fare well in Biden's COVID-19 bill

Analysis: Despite Republican opposition, red states fare well in Biden's COVID-19 bill

By , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus aid bill was crafted without Republican input and passed Congress without a single Republican vote. Nevertheless, Republican-leaning states are due to get a disproportionate share of many of its benefits.States that voted for former President Donald Trump in the November election are due to get a larger amount of education and child-care aid per resident than those that backed Biden, according to estimates from two congressional committees.Residents of Republican-leaning states, which tend to have lower household...

March 10, 2021
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Republican donations surge despite corporate boycott after Capitol riots

Republican donations surge despite corporate boycott after Capitol riots

By , , , (Reuters) - Right after the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, dozens of U.S. companies announced they would halt political donations to the 147 Republican lawmakers who voted to overturn Donald Trump’s presidential election loss. Two months later, there is little sign that the corporate revolt has done any real damage to Republican fundraising.If anything, the biggest backers of Trump’s false election-fraud narrative - such as Missouri Senator Josh Hawley and Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene - have been rewarded with a flood of grassroots donations, more than...

March 9, 2021
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Special Report: Stolen election? Republican lawmakers paralyzed by Trump's false fraud claims

Special Report: Stolen election? Republican lawmakers paralyzed by Trump's false fraud claims

By , , , , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - On Jan. 6, right after the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, 147 Republican lawmakers voted the way then-president Donald Trump and the rioters had demanded - to overturn his election loss, after months of Trump’s baseless claims that the election had been stolen.A month later, the Republican party remains paralyzed by that false narrative. Fully 133 of those lawmakers, or 90%, are now declining to either endorse or repudiate Trump’s continuing insistence that he was cheated by systemic voter fraud, according to a Reuters survey of all 147 lawmakers...

February 4, 2021
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U.S. Senator Cruz leads long-shot Republican bid to overturn Biden's victory

U.S. Senator Cruz leads long-shot Republican bid to overturn Biden's victory

By , WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on Saturday said he will spearhead a drive by nearly a dozen Republican senators to challenge President-elect Joe Biden’s victory when Electoral College results are tallied in Congress on Jan. 6 – a largely symbolic move that has virtually no chance of preventing Biden from taking office.Cruz’s effort is in defiance of Senate Republican leaders, who have argued that the Senate’s role in certifying the election is largely ceremonial and had been looking to avoid an extended debate on the floor about the outcome.In a statement, Cruz, the U.S....

January 2, 2021
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Over 1.1 million ballots cast in early voting for Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs

Over 1.1 million ballots cast in early voting for Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs

By WASHINGTON (Reuters) -More than 1.1 million Georgians have voted in twin U.S. Senate runoff elections that will determine which party controls that chamber of Congress, and with it the fate of much of Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s agenda, state data showed on Friday.The surge in turnout after four days of early in-person voting, and about four weeks of mail-in voting, showed that voter participation in the two races is on pace to rival the records set in the November presidential contest in which Biden defeated Republican incumbent Donald Trump.State data published on Friday...

December 18, 2020
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Republicans in Iowa, Alabama score legal victories on election rules

Republicans in Iowa, Alabama score legal victories on election rules

By WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans scored legal victories on Wednesday when a Supreme Court ruling allowed Alabama to ban curbside voting and an Iowa court upheld a law that makes it harder to fix problems with absentee ballot requests ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election.The rulings were a setback to Democrats, whose presidential candidate, Joe Biden, is running a close race against Republican President Donald Trump in Iowa, while Democratic Senator Doug Jones of Alabama is seen at risk of losing his seat in the election, imperiling Democrats’ chances of seizing control of the...

October 22, 2020
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In 2016, Trump won these Rust Belt counties on the economy. In 2020, he might lose them over coronavirus

In 2016, Trump won these Rust Belt counties on the economy. In 2020, he might lose them over coronavirus

By , , CORTLAND, Ohio/BANGOR, Penn. (Reuters) - Tanya Wojciak, a lifelong Republican and suburban mom from northeast Ohio, is the kind of battleground state voter President Donald Trump can’t afford to lose - but already has.She is angry at Trump’s handling of the novel coronavirus crisis that has killed more than 219,000 Americans, the largest death toll of any country. She lost a friend to COVID-19 in April.Wojciak, 39, said Trump’s spotty use of masks and repeated attempts to downplay the seriousness of the coronavirus - even after being hospitalized for it himself - is “not presidential...

October 19, 2020
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Special Report: Will your mail ballot count in the U.S. presidential election? It may depend on who's counting and where

Special Report: Will your mail ballot count in the U.S. presidential election? It may depend on who's counting and where

By , , (Reuters) - Two elderly women in small towns in Wisconsin voted by mail during April’s presidential nominating contests. Both were sheltering in place as coronavirus surged across their state.Each mailed her ballot to the local election office with a note explaining why no witness had signed the envelope, as Wisconsin’s strict voting laws require. The women didn’t want to risk virus exposure, they told Reuters in telephone interviews this month.That’s where the similarity ends. The ballot of Peggy Houglum, a 72-year-old voter in the eastern Wisconsin hamlet of Cedar Grove, was...

September 25, 2020
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