Chris Kahn
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Trump approval dips amid mounting coronavirus death toll, trails Biden by 8 points: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Trump approval dips amid mounting coronavirus death toll, trails Biden by 8 points: Reuters/Ipsos poll

By Slideshow NEW YORK (Reuters) - More Americans have grown critical of President Donald Trump over the past month as the death toll mounts from the coronavirus pandemic and he now trails Democratic challenger Joe Biden by 8 percentage points among registered voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.The poll conducted on Monday and Tuesday showed that 41% of U.S. adults approved of Trump’s performance in office, which is down 4 points from a similar poll that ran in mid-April. Fifty-six percent disapprove of Trump, up by 5 points in the same span.It also found...

May 12, 2020
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Most Americans want to end lifetime Supreme Court appointments

Most Americans want to end lifetime Supreme Court appointments

Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reuters.comNEW YORK, April 18 (Reuters) - A majority of Americans want to end lifetime appointments for U.S. Supreme Court justices, according to an Ipsos poll for Reuters, though less than half are in favor of other efforts to reform the judiciary.The national opinion poll, conducted on Thursday and Friday, found that 63% of adults supported term or age limits for Supreme Court justices. Another 22% said they opposed any limits and the rest did not express an opinion.The poll also found that only 38% would support expanding the size of the court by...

April 18, 2021
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Biden U.S. infrastructure ideas popular, but support for plan is partisan: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Biden U.S. infrastructure ideas popular, but support for plan is partisan: Reuters/Ipsos poll

By NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan is loaded with road repairs, internet upgrades and other initiatives that are widely popular on their own, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, but U.S. public support declines when the initiatives are packed into a Democratic bill and sold as a Biden-backed plan.The March 31-April 1 national opinion poll highlights the challenges facing Biden and fellow Democrats in Congress as they roll out the American Jobs Plan in front of Republican opposition and a hyper-partisan American public.While most Americans, including...

April 2, 2021
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Americans want the government to buy U.S.-made goods, even if they cost more

Americans want the government to buy U.S.-made goods, even if they cost more

By , LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK (Reuters) - A year of pandemic-driven shortages of vital safety goods and medicines - not to mention consumer items like bikes and electronics - has not made Americans more willing to pay extra for U.S.-made goods.Yet a large majority think the government should do so.A new Reuters-Ipsos poll found 63% of Americans want U.S. agencies to buy American-made products in general, even if they cost significantly more, and 62% think the government should strictly buy U.S.-made vaccines. That enthusiasm dims a bit when it comes to other types of safety equipment, such as...

March 30, 2021
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Americans support restricting unvaccinated people from offices, travel: Reuters poll

Americans support restricting unvaccinated people from offices, travel: Reuters poll

By NEW YORK (Reuters) - A growing number of Americans want to get the coronavirus vaccine, and a majority also support workplace, lifestyle and travel restrictions for those not inoculated against COVID-19, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday.The national opinion poll of 1,005 people, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, suggested the pace of vaccinations may pick up as more vaccines become available and more people want them.Altogether, 54% of respondents said they were “very interested” in getting vaccinated. That was up from a January survey, when 41% expressed the same...

March 12, 2021
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Special Report: Stolen election? Republican lawmakers paralyzed by Trump's false fraud claims

Special Report: Stolen election? Republican lawmakers paralyzed by Trump's false fraud claims

By , , , , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - On Jan. 6, right after the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, 147 Republican lawmakers voted the way then-president Donald Trump and the rioters had demanded - to overturn his election loss, after months of Trump’s baseless claims that the election had been stolen.A month later, the Republican party remains paralyzed by that false narrative. Fully 133 of those lawmakers, or 90%, are now declining to either endorse or repudiate Trump’s continuing insistence that he was cheated by systemic voter fraud, according to a Reuters survey of all 147 lawmakers...

February 4, 2021
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Slim majority of Americans want Senate to convict Trump: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Slim majority of Americans want Senate to convict Trump: Reuters/Ipsos poll

By (Reuters) - A slim majority of Americans say former President Donald Trump should be convicted by the Senate of inciting an insurrection and barred from holding public office, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, which showed a sharp partisan divide over the issue.The national public opinion poll, conducted on Wednesday and Thursday, found that 51% of Americans think Trump should be found guilty for inciting the deadly storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. His trial in the Senate is expected to begin in the coming weeks.Another 37% said Trump should not be convicted and the remaining 12%...

January 22, 2021
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Republican Party faces rage from both pro- and anti-Trump voters

Republican Party faces rage from both pro- and anti-Trump voters

By , , , , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After riots at the U.S. Capitol by President Donald Trump’s supporters, the Republican Party is facing defections from two camps of voters it can’t afford to lose: those saying Trump and his allies went too far in contesting the election of Democrat Joe Biden - and those saying they didn’t go far enough, according to new polling and interviews with two dozen voters.Paul Foster - a 65-year-old house painter in Ellsworth, Maine - is furious at party leaders for refusing to back the president’s claims that the election was stolen with millions of fraudulent...

January 14, 2021
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Majority of Americans want Trump removed immediately after U.S. Capitol violence - Reuters/Ipsos poll

Majority of Americans want Trump removed immediately after U.S. Capitol violence - Reuters/Ipsos poll

By (Reuters) - Fifty-seven percent of Americans want Republican President Donald Trump to be immediately removed from office after he encouraged a protest this week that escalated into a deadly riot inside the U.S. Capitol, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.Most of them were Democrats, however, with Republicans apparently much more supportive of Trump serving out the final days of his term, which ends on Jan. 20.The national public opinion survey, conducted Thursday and Friday, also showed that seven out of 10 of those who voted for Trump in November opposed the action of the hardcore...

January 8, 2021
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Despite scattered protests, most Americans support shelter-in-place, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows

Despite scattered protests, most Americans support shelter-in-place, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows

By , NEW YORK (Reuters) - A bipartisan majority of Americans said they want to continue to shelter in place to protect themselves from the coronavirus, despite the impact to the economy, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll that also showed a decline in approval of Trump’s response to the pandemic.The poll, released Tuesday, suggested that only a minority of Americans agree with the recent flare-up of protests against social-distancing initiatives. Their numbers have been growing over the past few weeks, however, mostly among Republicans.Overall, in the national online poll from April...

April 21, 2020

