Nature magazine
Nature magazine
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Scientists Found a Way to Supercharge Cancer-Fighting Cells

Scientists Found a Way to Supercharge Cancer-Fighting Cells

Scientists Found a Way to Supercharge Cancer-Fighting CellsThe bioengineered immune players called CAR T cells last longer and work better if pumped up with a large dose of a protein that makes them resemble stem cellsBioengineered immune cells have been shown to attack and even cure cancer, but they tend to get exhausted if the fight goes on for a long time. Now, two separate research teams have found a way to rejuvenate these cells: make them more like stem cells.Both teams found that the bespoke immune cells called CAR T cells gain new vigour if engineered to have high levels of a...

Apr 11
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CRISPR Gene Editing in Human Embryos Wreaks Chromosome Mayhem

CRISPR Gene Editing in Human Embryos Wreaks Chromosome Mayhem

A suite of experiments that use the gene-editing tool  have revealed how the process can make large, unwanted changes to the genome at or near the target site.The studies were published this month on the preprint server bioRxiv, and have not yet been peer-reviewed. But taken together, they give scientists a good look at what some say is an underappreciated risk of CRISPR–Cas9 editing. Previous experiments have revealed that the tool can make  far from the target site, but the nearby changes identified in the latest studies can be missed by standard assessment...

June 30, 2020
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Neutrinos Reveal Final Secret of Sun’s Nuclear Fusion

Neutrinos Reveal Final Secret of Sun’s Nuclear Fusion

Physicists have filled in the last missing detail of how nuclear fusion powers the Sun, by catching neutrinos emanating from the star’s core.The detection confirms decades-old theoretical predictions that some of the Sun’s energy is made by a chain of reactions involving carbon and nitrogen nuclei. This process fuses four protons together into a helium nucleus, releasing two neutrinos—the lightest known elementary particles of matter—as well as other subatomic particles and copious amounts of energy. This carbon-nitrogen (CN) reaction is not the Sun’s only fusion pathway—it produces less...

June 29, 2020
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Dogs Caught Coronavirus From Their Owners, Genetic Analysis Suggests

Dogs Caught Coronavirus From Their Owners, Genetic Analysis Suggests

The first two dogs reported to have coronavirus probably caught the infection from their owners, say researchers who studied the animals and members of the infected households in Hong Kong. An analysis of viral genetic sequences from the dogs showed them to be identical to those in the infected people.Researchers suspected that the infection had been passed from the owners to the dogs, and the direct genomic link strongly supports that, says Malik Peiris, a virologist at the University of Hong Kong who led the study, which is published today in Nature.The study showed no evidence that...

May 25, 2020
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More U.S. Labs Could Be Providing Coronavirus Tests

More U.S. Labs Could Be Providing Coronavirus Tests

A survey of more than 4,000 researchers in the United States suggests that better coordination at an institutional and national level could make hundreds of thousands more tests for coronavirus available.The survey was  published on 9 April, revealing that several top university laboratories that have received regulatory approval to process tests for SARS-CoV-2 are operating at half their potential capacity.Testing is urgently needed. Hospitals continue to face delays in providing test results, and nursing homes, homeless shelters and other shared-living facilities report a lack...

April 22, 2020
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This Black-Hole Collision Just Made Gravitational Waves Even More Interesting

This Black-Hole Collision Just Made Gravitational Waves Even More Interesting

Gravitational-wave astronomers have for the first time detected a collision between two black holes of substantially different masses—opening up a new vista on astrophysics and on the physics of gravity. The event offers the first unmistakable evidence from these faint space-time ripples that at least one black hole was spinning before merging, giving astronomers rare insight into a key property of these these dark objects.“It’s an exceptional event,” said Maya Fishbach, an astrophysicist at the University of Chicago in Illinois. Similar mergers on which data have been published all took...

April 26, 2020
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How a Small Arab Nation Built a Mars Mission from Scratch in Six Years

How a Small Arab Nation Built a Mars Mission from Scratch in Six Years

When the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced in 2014 that it would send a mission to Mars by the country’s 50th birthday in December 2021, it looked like a bet with astronomically tough odds. At the time, the nation had no space agency and no planetary scientists, and had only recently launched its first satellite. The rapidly assembled team of engineers, with an average age of 27, frequently heard the same jibe. “You guys are a bunch of kids. How are you going to reach Mars?” says Sarah Al Amiri, originally a computer engineer and the science lead for the project.Six years on, Al Amiri...

July 14, 2020
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Second Ever Interstellar Comet Contains Alien Water

Second Ever Interstellar Comet Contains Alien Water

Astronomers have spotted signs of water spraying off comet 2I/Borisov, which is flying towards the Sun on a journey from interstellar space. It is the first time scientists have seen water in our Solar System that originated somewhere else.“There’s water—that’s cool, that’s great,” says Olivier Hainaut, an astronomer at the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany. The discovery isn’t surprising, he says, because most comets contain a lot of water. But confirming its presence in an interstellar comet is an important step towards understanding how water might travel between the...

November 3, 2019
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‘Inspired Choice’: Biden Appoints Sociologist Alondra Nelson to Top Science Post

‘Inspired Choice’: Biden Appoints Sociologist Alondra Nelson to Top Science Post

During his presidential campaign, Joe Biden pledged that his administration would address inequality and racism. Now that he’s been sworn in as US president, his appointment of a prominent sociologist to the nation’s top science office is raising hopes that the changes will extend to the scientific community.Alondra Nelson, who has studied the societal impacts of emerging technology, as well as racism in science and medicine,  the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) as deputy director for science and society, Biden announced on January 15. She has spoken and...

January 28, 2021
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COVID-19 Herd Immunity Strategies Could Bring ‘Untold Death and Suffering’

COVID-19 Herd Immunity Strategies Could Bring ‘Untold Death and Suffering’

In May, the Brazilian city of Manaus was devastated by a large outbreak of COVID-19. Hospitals were overwhelmed and the city was digging new grave sites in the surrounding forest. But by August, something had shifted. Despite relaxing social-distancing requirements in early June, the city of 2 million people had reduced its number of excess deaths from around 120 per day to nearly zero.In September, two groups of researchers posted preprints suggesting that Manaus’s late-summer slowdown in COVID-19 cases had happened, at least in part, because a large proportion of the community’s...

October 24, 2020
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