Natalie Thomas
Natalie Thomas
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Hundreds protest outside UK Parliament and police headquarters for third night

Hundreds protest outside UK Parliament and police headquarters for third night

By , LONDON (Reuters) - Hundreds of people protested outside Parliament and London’s police headquarters for a third consecutive night on Tuesday, angered by the killing of Sarah Everard and government plans to tighten the law on demonstrations.Slideshow The London police officer charged with Everard’s kidnap and murder, 48-year-old Wayne Couzens, appeared in court for a second time on Tuesday and his lawyer did not apply for bail pending a full trial in October.Police have also faced heavy criticism from across the political spectrum for their response to a vigil on Saturday to mourn...

March 16, 2021
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Londoners protest after police officer charged with woman's murder

Londoners protest after police officer charged with woman's murder

By , LONDON (Reuters) - Police in London clashed with mourners and protesters on Saturday after more than a thousand people gathered to mark the killing of a 33-year-old woman, hours after the police officer charged with her murder appeared in court.Sarah Everard’s disappearance as she walked home on the evening of March 3 had led to a wave of accounts from women about the dangers of walking streets alone at night, and dismay at the failure of police and wider society to tackle this.Early on Saturday an impromptu memorial with flowers and candles sprang up around the bandstand on Clapham...

March 13, 2021
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Sea of Slush: Arctic sea ice lows mark a new polar climate regime

Sea of Slush: Arctic sea ice lows mark a new polar climate regime

By , ARCTIC OCEAN (Reuters) - At the edge of the ice blanketing part of the Arctic Ocean, the ice on Monday looked sickly. Where thick sheets of ice once sat atop the water, now a layer of soft, spongey slush slid and bobbed atop the waves.From the deck of a research ship under a bright, clear sky, “ice pilot” Paul Ruzycki mused over how quickly the region was changing since he began helping ships spot and navigate between icebergs in 1996.“Not so long ago, I heard that we had 100 years before the Arctic would be ice free in the summer,” he said. “Then I heard 75 years, 25 years, and just...

September 14, 2020
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London restaurants fret as going out goes out of style

London restaurants fret as going out goes out of style

By , LONDON (Reuters) - Restaurants might have reopened, but the owner of Etta’s Seafood Kitchen in London’s Brixton Village market fears the prolonged COVID-19 lockdown may have changed customer behaviour for good.Trepidation among consumers in England since the hospitality sector reopened on July 4 has seen many owners wonder whether they will go out of business before the punters come back.“I think people’s habits have changed. I think a lot of people as well are cooking more at home. And I just think, you know, everyone is still a little bit scared because I don’t know exactly what’s...

July 16, 2020
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British double amputee Tony Hudgell, aged five, raises one million pounds with walk

British double amputee Tony Hudgell, aged five, raises one million pounds with walk

By KENT, England (Reuters) - Five-year-old Tony Hudgell has raised more than 1 million pounds ($1.24 million) for the London hospital that saved his life by walking 10 km on his new prosthetic legs after being inspired by Captain Tom’s record-breaking challenge.Tony suffered near-fatal abuse from his birth parents when he was a baby that resulted in the amputation of his legs.His adoptive mother Paula Hudgell said he received a set of new limbs in February, and from walking barely a step a month ago he could now power through hundreds of metres every day.The challenge had been “really fun”,...

June 26, 2020
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The world should stand up to China over Hong Kong, activist Nathan Law says

The world should stand up to China over Hong Kong, activist Nathan Law says

By LONDON (Reuters) - Hong Kong’s fate shows China’s true authoritarianism so the rest of the world should stand up to President Xi Jinping and start to put human rights above financial gain, pro-democracy activist Nathan Law told Reuters.China unveiled a national security law this week which Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters and the West say breaches the “one country, two systems” principle enshrined in the 1984 Sino-British treaty that guaranteed the autonomy of Hong Kong.“The protests in Hong Kong have been a window for the world to recognise that China is getting more and more...

July 2, 2020
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Exclusive: Hong Kong activists discuss 'parliament-in-exile' after China crackdown

Exclusive: Hong Kong activists discuss 'parliament-in-exile' after China crackdown

By , LONDON (Reuters) - Hong Kong pro-democracy activists are discussing a plan to create an unofficial parliament-in-exile to keep the flame of democracy alive and send a message to China that freedom cannot be crushed, campaigner Simon Cheng told Reuters.Hong Kong, a former British colony that returned to Chinese rule in 1997, was convulsed by months of often violent pro-democracy, anti-China protests last year against Chinese interference in its promised freedoms, the biggest political crisis for Beijing since the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.Hong Kong police fired water cannon and...

July 2, 2020
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