Cassandra Garrison
Cassandra Garrison
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Mexico calls for internal DEA probe of 'fabricated' case against minister

Mexico calls for internal DEA probe of 'fabricated' case against minister

By MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s president said on Friday the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration should carry out an internal investigation into the conduct of its case against a former defense minister, putting further strain on bilateral ties with the new Biden administration.Slideshow President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said the investigation should look into who within the DEA “fabricated” the case against Salvador Cienfuegos, days after Mexico’s attorney general decided to drop charges.“I am not going to go to any international body, but I respectfully believe (the DEA) should...

January 22, 2021
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In Latin America, a Biden White House faces a rising China

In Latin America, a Biden White House faces a rising China

By BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Donald Trump was clear with Latin America during his four-year administration: don’t do business with China. The message failed to hit home.As President-elect Joe Biden readies to enter the White House on Jan. 20, Beijing has tightened its grip over vast swathes of the resource-rich region once seen as the United States’ political backyard.A Reuters investigation, including interviews with current and former officials and advisers, and an analysis of trade data, found that under Trump, China has left the United States trailing in terms of power and influence...

December 14, 2020
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Iceberg A68a on course to collide with South Georgia penguin colony island

Iceberg A68a on course to collide with South Georgia penguin colony island

World's biggest iceberg on collision course with penguin islandWe’re sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. We’re working to restore it. Please try again later.DismisscloseAdvertisementBy Log in, or to save articles for later.Normal text sizeLarger text sizeVery large text sizeAdvertisementMexico City: An enormous iceberg is heading toward South Georgia Island in the southern Atlantic, where scientists say a collision could devastate wildlife by threatening the food chain.Scientists have long been watching this climate-related event unfold, as the iceberg - the size and shape of...

December 12, 2020
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Sea of Slush: Arctic sea ice lows mark a new polar climate regime

Sea of Slush: Arctic sea ice lows mark a new polar climate regime

By , ARCTIC OCEAN (Reuters) - At the edge of the ice blanketing part of the Arctic Ocean, the ice on Monday looked sickly. Where thick sheets of ice once sat atop the water, now a layer of soft, spongey slush slid and bobbed atop the waves.From the deck of a research ship under a bright, clear sky, “ice pilot” Paul Ruzycki mused over how quickly the region was changing since he began helping ships spot and navigate between icebergs in 1996.“Not so long ago, I heard that we had 100 years before the Arctic would be ice free in the summer,” he said. “Then I heard 75 years, 25 years, and just...

September 14, 2020
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'Canary in the coal mine': Greenland ice has shrunk beyond return, study finds

'Canary in the coal mine': Greenland ice has shrunk beyond return, study finds

By (Reuters) - Greenland’s ice sheet may have shrunk past the point of return, with the ice likely to melt away no matter how quickly the world reduces climate-warming emissions, new research suggests.Slideshow Scientists studied data on 234 glaciers across the Arctic territory spanning 34 years through 2018 and found that annual snowfall was no longer enough to replenish glaciers of the snow and ice being lost to summertime melting.That melting is already causing global seas to rise about a millimeter on average per year. If all of Greenland’s ice goes, the water released would push sea...

August 15, 2020
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'Canary in the coal mine': Greenland ice has shrunk beyond return, study finds

'Canary in the coal mine': Greenland ice has shrunk beyond return, study finds

United States (Reuters) - Greenland’s ice sheet may have shrunk past the point of return, with the ice likely to melt away no matter how quickly the world reduces climate-warming emissions, new research suggests. Scientists studied data on 234 glaciers across the Arctic territory spanning 34 years through 2018 and found that annual snowfall was no longer enough to replenish glaciers of the snow and ice being lost to summertime melting. That melting is already causing global seas to rise about a millimeter on average per year. If all of Greenland’s ice goes, the water released would push sea...

August 14, 2020
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Argentine black market peso hits low, risk rises before debt proposal

Argentine black market peso hits low, risk rises before debt proposal

By , BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina’s black market peso and its official currency both hit new lows on Thursday ahead of the country’s long-anticipated offer to creditors for restructuring about $70 billion in debt.Latin America’s third largest economy is set to make its proposal to international creditors later on Thursday in order to push back payments on bonds issued under foreign law.With the proposal already delayed from Argentina’s target date of March 31 due to the coronavirus pandemic, bondholders said they are preparing for steep losses amid a lack of information from the...

April 16, 2020
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Argentina imposes toughest travel ban in the Americas, sparking outcry

Argentina imposes toughest travel ban in the Americas, sparking outcry

By , BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina on Monday banned all commercial flight ticket sales until September, one of the toughest coronavirus travel bans in the world, prompting an industry outcry that the new measure will put too much strain on airlines and airports.Slideshow While the country’s borders have been closed since March, the new decree goes further by banning until Sept. 1 the sale and purchase of commercial flights to, from or within Argentina. The decree, signed by the National Civil Aviation Administration, said it was “understood to be reasonable” to implement the...

April 27, 2020
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Argentina, creditors get ready to resume debt talks after ninth sovereign default

Argentina, creditors get ready to resume debt talks after ninth sovereign default

By , BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - A major Argentina creditor group said on Saturday it had been invited to sign a non-disclosure agreement by Argentina’s government, signaling that talks could be moving to the next phase after the South American country defaulted a day earlier.The Exchange Bondholder Group, which comprises 18 investment institutions and represents 15% of Argentina’s exchange bonds, said in a statement that Argentina approached its representatives and other creditor groups about signing a non-disclosure agreement “in contemplation of engaging in negotiations with the Ministry of...

May 23, 2020
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