Nami Sumida
Nami Sumida
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Cell phone data shows Bay Area remains extreme when it comes to staying at home during pandemic

Cell phone data shows Bay Area remains extreme when it comes to staying at home during pandemic

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateWith vaccines now widely available and pandemic restrictions loosening, the U.S. is opening back up. But San Franciscans are moving more slowly to return to normal routines and get out of the house than residents of any other city in the country, according to mobility data.The Chronicle looked at how mobility patterns have changed for residents of different areas since the pandemic hit. We examined data from the Harvard-based research organization Opportunity Insights, which used geographical information from cellphones of Google...

April 19, 2021
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How the pandemic changed crime in every San Francisco neighborhood

How the pandemic changed crime in every San Francisco neighborhood

San Francisco’s crime rates looked very different in 2020 than they did in previous years — largely because of the pandemic.Most types of , and while homicides increased slightly, they remained lower than almost any year since the 1960s. Property crimes were all over the map: Burglaries and motor vehicle thefts soared, while larceny thefts decreased.A closer look at the data shows that crime fluctuations San Franciscans experienced last year strongly depended on where they lived in the city. On the whole, wealthier neighborhoods saw sharper spikes in crimes that rose citywide and shallower...

April 17, 2021
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Why the Bay Area’s grocery prices are still unusually high

Why the Bay Area’s grocery prices are still unusually high

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigatePandemic lockdowns and business closures have forced Californians to cook at home more than ever, but shoppers have found unusually high prices when stocking up at the grocery store.The pandemic drove up demand for grocery items, and an increase in demand typically drives prices higher. The winter surge led to some of the toughest restrictions of the pandemic, including a renewed stay-at-home order and the shuttering of outdoor dining.The Bay Area, especially, has often established stricter safety protocols during the pandemic, so...

April 14, 2021
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Bay Area traffic is now back in full force. Here’s a look at the data

Bay Area traffic is now back in full force. Here’s a look at the data

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateA year ago, as the pandemic forced much of the Bay Area to hunker down at home, traffic seemed to vanish.With only about half the usual number of drivers crossing the Bay Area’s toll bridges, commuters still driving into work reported trans-bay trips as short as 10 minutes, and speeding became more of a problem than congestion.But as the Bay Area economy continues reopening, with more businesses, restaurants and museums welcoming back patrons, traffic is returning, too — at near pre-pandemic levels, a Chronicle analysis of Bay...

April 9, 2021
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This S.F. neighborhood saw 10 times more coronavirus cases than one nearby it

This S.F. neighborhood saw 10 times more coronavirus cases than one nearby it

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateFor a major city, San Francisco has fared relatively well during the coronavirus pandemic. It has had the lowest coronavirus case rate and death rate of any large urban county in the United States, according to data from the . Its current daily case rate of 3.8 cases per 100,000 is low enough to place it in California’s second least-restrictive reopening tier.But not all parts of the city have fared equally, according to . The department’s data breaks down coronavirus case rates by small neighborhoods within San Francisco,...

April 15, 2021
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Chesa Boudin recall: S.F. data shows who’s funding both sides of campaign

Chesa Boudin recall: S.F. data shows who’s funding both sides of campaign

This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigateChesa Boudin drew widespread attention in late 2019 when he ran for San Francisco district attorney — part of a burgeoning “progressive prosecutor” movement that aims to shift local prosecution efforts to white collar crime and law enforcement misconduct, while de-emphasizing lower-level property and drug offenses.Now, a little more than a year into his tenure, Boudin is , and it’s clear he remains a polarizing figure at the national level. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have poured in to support both Boudin and the recall...

April 7, 2021
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Vaccine rates vary by neighborhood in San Francisco. Here’s why

Vaccine rates vary by neighborhood in San Francisco. Here’s why

One out of three San Franciscans has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. But vaccination rates vary widely from neighborhood to neighborhood, from 50% of Japantown residents to just 14% of people living in Treasure Island.A lot of these differences can be traced back to how many high-priority residents each neighborhood has; Treasure Island’s population skews much younger than Japantown’s, for instance. But some neighborhoods with high numbers of elderly people and other high-priority groups are getting left behind — particularly Chinatown.Using U.S. Census data, the Chronicle...

March 25, 2021
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