Moriah Balingit
Moriah Balingit
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A noose, an ax and Trump-inspired insults: Anti-lockdown protesters ratchet up violent rhetoric

A noose, an ax and Trump-inspired insults: Anti-lockdown protesters ratchet up violent rhetoric

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareRain drizzled as a crowd of about 200 people gathered in front of the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing on Thursday to urge Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to lift coronavirus restrictions. The protesters — some carrying guns, few wearing masks — held up signs that said, “Stop Whitmer now,” and, “Dangerous safety is better than safe tyranny.”Near the capitol steps, one man had strung an American flag onto a fishing rod. Below the flag, a brunette doll dangled from a noose tied to the pole. When another protester reached to grab...

May 15, 2020
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Protests spread, fueled by economic woes and Internet subcultures

Protests spread, fueled by economic woes and Internet subcultures

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareProtests against coronavirus-related government restrictions continued to spread on Friday as a coalition of gun activists, vaccine opponents and anxious business owners used the organizing power of social media to build increasingly visible and vocal opposition movements in several states.Crowds waving signs, honking horns and demanding an immediate relaxation of measures imposed to slow the pandemic gathered in Chicago, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Raleigh, N.C., on Friday. More protests were planned for the weekend,...

May 1, 2020
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This state is shutting bars and gyms as the coronavirus surges — but not schools

This state is shutting bars and gyms as the coronavirus surges — but not schools

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareBars in Rhode Island must close for two weeks starting Monday. Gyms, casinos, movie theaters and bowling alleys will also go dark.But not Scituate High School — or most other public schools in the state, where Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) has made in-person instruction a priority even as . And so Michael D. Hassell, Scituate’s principal, expects to start Monday as he has for weeks now: happy to be at work but wondering whether he will have enough staff to teach the 130 teenagers who will soon show up for class.Just four of...

November 28, 2020
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WHO warns young people are emerging as main spreaders of the coronavirus

WHO warns young people are emerging as main spreaders of the coronavirus

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThis article is free to access.Why?The Washington Post is providing this news free to all readers as a public service.Follow this story and more by The World Health Organization warned Tuesday that young people are becoming the primary drivers of the spread of the novel coronavirus in many countries — a worrisome trend experts fear may grow in the United States as many colleges and schools begin to reopen.Many nations in Asia, which had previously pushed infections to enviably low rates, have experienced surges in recent...

August 18, 2020
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Biden’s push for equity faces critical test amid shifting strategies to open schools

Biden’s push for equity faces critical test amid shifting strategies to open schools

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareIt was one of the first proposals by the new White House to tackle what President Biden has said is a central goal of his administration: promoting racial equity through federal policy.The idea: a competitive grant program for schools that would give the federal government a more central role in combating long-standing educational disparities that have been worsened by the pandemic.But as Biden signed a coronavirus relief bill into law Thursday, his proposed “COVID-19 Educational Equity Gap Challenge Grant” was missing...

March 14, 2021
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