Toluse Olorunnipa
Toluse Olorunnipa
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Minnesota governor unveils sweeping police reforms as Floyd’s death continues to spark change

Minnesota governor unveils sweeping police reforms as Floyd’s death continues to spark change

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe governor of Minnesota said Thursday that he would convene a special session of the state legislature to position his state at the forefront of a national movement to overhaul policing and address systemic racism in the wake of George Floyd’s death.Gov. Tim Walz, a Democrat, endorsed what he described as a that would revamp oversight and disciplinary procedures, fund community groups that could act as alternatives to the police and put the state attorney general in charge of investigating officers who use lethal...

June 12, 2020
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Injustice in life and oppression in death: How systemic racism shaped George Floyd’s life and hobbled his ambition

Injustice in life and oppression in death: How systemic racism shaped George Floyd’s life and hobbled his ambition

Larcenia Floyd holds her toddler son George. (Angela Harrelson) Floyd at Jack Yates High School in Houston. (Lynn Gallien) Floyd and his girlfriend, Courteney Ross, in Minneapolis near the end of his life. (Courteney Ross) His life began as the last embers of the civil rights movement were flickering out. Its horrific, videotaped end ignited the largest anti-racism movement since, with demonstrators the world over marching for racial justice in his name.During the 46 years in between, George Perry Floyd came of age as the strictures of Jim Crow discrimination in America gave way to an...

October 8, 2020
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White House backs away from Fauci attacks days after promoting them

White House backs away from Fauci attacks days after promoting them

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe chaos surrounding the federal response to the coronavirus crisis escalated Wednesday as infighting between a top trade adviser to President Trump and other senior administration officials burst into public view, exposing the White House’s lack of message discipline and focus amid a surging pandemic.Days after anonymously disseminating a list of , the nation’s top infectious-disease expert, the White House sought to distance itself from the anti-Fauci effort Wednesday by publicly chastising trade adviser Peter Navarro...

July 15, 2020
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Trump cites game show host on pandemic while undercutting doctors and questioning their expertise

Trump cites game show host on pandemic while undercutting doctors and questioning their expertise

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareWith tweets, impromptu interviews and unscripted remarks, President Trump has increasingly undermined the public health message of his own government, adding a sense of confusion to what has been a disjointed and ineffective response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.Public health experts say Trump’s efforts to deflect blame for the surging virus have become yet another distraction making it harder to slow the spread of covid-19, the highly caused by the virus now infecting Americans at a .On Monday, Trump retweeted a...

July 13, 2020
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Trump tries to win over ‘Suburban Housewives’ with repeal of anti-segregation housing rule

Trump tries to win over ‘Suburban Housewives’ with repeal of anti-segregation housing rule

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump moved Thursday to repeal a fair housing rule that he claimed would lead to “destruction” of the country’s suburbs, continuing an aggressive push that coincides with his campaign’s attempt to paint Democrats as angry mobs on the brink of upturning peaceful, mostly white neighborhoods.Trump had telegraphed the against the in recent tweets and comments that made thinly veiled appeals to a key electoral constituency that has drifted away from him over the past four years: suburban white voters.Trailing...

July 23, 2020
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Trump to bring back coronavirus briefings in attempt to revive reelection campaign

Trump to bring back coronavirus briefings in attempt to revive reelection campaign

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump’s announcement Monday that he would resurrect the White House coronavirus task force briefings is the culmination of weeks of debate among his aides about how best to turn around — or explain away — his administration’s failed response to the pandemic.As the Americans surges and as Trump’s coronavirus-related , the president is pledging to “get involved” in the daily messaging campaign in a more direct way by returning to the stage where he headlined controversial news conferences in March and April.The...

July 20, 2020
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Trump commutes sentence of confidant Roger Stone who was convicted of lying to Congress and witness tampering

Trump commutes sentence of confidant Roger Stone who was convicted of lying to Congress and witness tampering

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump commuted the sentence of his longtime confidant Roger Stone on Friday, using the extensive powers of the presidency to protect a felon and political ally while also lashing out against a years-long probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election.The move, which the White House announced in a , is the latest attempt by Trump to discredit special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation after it consumed much of his presidency.While the commutation was celebrated by Trump’s most stalwart...

July 10, 2020
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Trump rages against foes as coronavirus spreads

Trump rages against foes as coronavirus spreads

WASHINGTON - On a day when coronavirus deaths passed 80,000 and top government scientists warned of the perils of loosening public health restrictions too soon, President Donald Trump used his massive public platform to suggest a talk-show host he has clashed with committed murder.His baseless charge capped a 48-hour stretch in which he accused scores of perceived opponents of criminal acts ranging from illegal espionage to election rigging.Since writing "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" at 8:10 a.m. on Sunday, Trump has used his Twitter account to make or elevate allegations of criminal conduct against...

May 13, 2020
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Rallies against stay-at-home orders grow as Trump sides with protesters

Rallies against stay-at-home orders grow as Trump sides with protesters

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareProtesters at state capitols across the country this week expressed their deep frustration with the stay-at-home orders that are meant to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus, pushing a message that is rapidly coalescing among the nation’s conservatives: Reopen the country.Groups rallied in at least six states this week, and protests are planned in four more in coming days. On Friday, President Trump encouraged protesters in Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia who this week violated stay-at-home orders and social...

April 18, 2020
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Trump’s anger over Tulsa rally underscores growing problems within his campaign

Trump’s anger over Tulsa rally underscores growing problems within his campaign

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareA sea of empty seats in a Tulsa arena on Saturday set off a furious round of finger-pointing and recriminations around President Trump’s campaign that continued through Monday, amplifying the president and his team’s struggle to find their footing amid national and political crises.Trump has fumed about his campaign manager Brad Parscale over the , campaign officials are engaged in whisper campaigns against their colleagues, and some Trump allies are calling for a dramatic reorganization of , according to several current...

June 22, 2020
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