William Wan
William Wan
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Put a lid on it, folks: Flushing may release coronavirus-containing ‘toilet plumes’

Put a lid on it, folks: Flushing may release coronavirus-containing ‘toilet plumes’

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThis article is free to access.Why?The Washington Post is providing this news free to all readers as a public service.Follow this story and more by Add this to our list of worries in these anxious times: coronavirus-containing clouds that waft into the air when a toilet is flushed.Scientists who simulated toilet water and air flows say in a new research paper that aerosol droplets forced upward by a flush appear to spread wide enough and linger long enough to be inhaled. The novel coronavirus has been found in the feces...

June 16, 2020
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Depression and anxiety spiked among black Americans after George Floyd’s death

Depression and anxiety spiked among black Americans after George Floyd’s death

Add to list On my list Americans were already struggling with of amid the coronavirus pandemic. Then came the video of George Floyd’s death at the hands of police. Within a week, anxiety and depression among African Americans shot to higher rates than experienced by any other racial or ethnic group, with 41 percent screening positive for at least one of those symptoms, data from the Census Bureau shows. Anxiety and depression spike for black and Asian Americans after the police killing of George Floyd Percent screening positive for anxiety and/or depression 45% screened positive Latino 41%...

June 12, 2020
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‘I have never felt so helpless’: Front-line workers confront loss

‘I have never felt so helpless’: Front-line workers confront loss

Health Doctors, nurses and first responders grapple with the enormity of what they’ve witnessed during the pandemic’s first wave A hospital worker walks along a corridor of an empty makeshift hospital in Wuhan, in central China's Hubei province. (Xiao Yijiu/Xinhua/AP) By Marc Ayoub remembers the woman in her 50s who came alone to the emergency room. She went into cardiac arrest and was hooked up to a ventilator. Ayoub, a resident at hard-hit Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, tried to reach her family all night, and when he finally connected with her daughter, he had only bad news. As he stood in...

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The biggest challenge for a coronavirus vaccine could be getting countries to share

The biggest challenge for a coronavirus vaccine could be getting countries to share

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareGlobal leaders came together Thursday to raise at least $2 billion toward providing a future vaccine for the novel coronavirus to people throughout the world — a precarious diplomatic endeavor and one of the biggest unresolved problems in using a vaccine to combat the pandemic.The virtual summit was convened by a public-private partnership called Gavi, which aims to increase vaccination rates in lower-income countries. At the summit, Gavi unveiled a proposal to ensure poor- and middle-income countries have access to the...

June 4, 2020
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A third of Americans now show signs of clinical anxiety or depression, Census Bureau finds amid coronavirus pandemic

A third of Americans now show signs of clinical anxiety or depression, Census Bureau finds amid coronavirus pandemic

Add to list On my list For every 100 American adults, show symptoms of ,or 20 both anxietyand depressive disorders show symptoms of alone show symptoms of alone For every 100 American adults, show symptoms of, or 20 anxiety and depression show symptoms of alone show symptoms of alone For every 100 American adults, show symptoms of, or 20 anxiety and depression show symptoms of alone show symptoms of alone For every 100 American adults, show symptoms of,, or 20 anxiety and depression show symptoms of alone show symptoms of alone A third of Americans are showing signs of clinical anxiety or...

May 26, 2020
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Coronavirus may never go away, even with a vaccine

Coronavirus may never go away, even with a vaccine

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThere’s a good chance the coronavirus will never go away.Even after a vaccine is discovered and deployed, the coronavirus will likely remain for decades to come, circulating among the world’s population.Experts call such diseases endemic — stubbornly resisting efforts to stamp them out. Think , , .It is a daunting proposition — a coronavirus-tinged world without a foreseeable end. But experts in epidemiology, disaster planning and vaccine development say embracing that reality is crucial to the next phase of America’s...

May 27, 2020
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States rushing to reopen are likely making a deadly error, coronavirus models and experts warn

States rushing to reopen are likely making a deadly error, coronavirus models and experts warn

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareBy the end of the week, will be able to get their hair permed and nails done. By Monday, they will be cleared for action flicks at the cineplex and burgers at their favorite greasy spoon.And it will almost certainly lead to more novel coronavirus infections and deaths.As several states — including South Carolina, Tennessee and Florida — rush to reopen businesses, the sudden relaxation of restrictions will supply new targets for the coronavirus that has kept the United States largely closed down, according to experts, math...

April 22, 2020
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Trump administration’s new rapid coronavirus tests plagued by confusion and a lack of planning

Trump administration’s new rapid coronavirus tests plagued by confusion and a lack of planning

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump heralded on Monday as game changers — fast, cheap and easy to use. But his administration’s deployment of the new tests to nursing homes has been plagued by poor communication, false results and a frustrating lack of planning, state leaders say.Health officials in several states say they have been allowed no say in where the new tests are being sent and sometimes don’t know which nursing homes will receive them until the night before a shipment arrives. That has left some facilities ill-trained in how to...

September 29, 2020
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Trump brags about his cognitive test. But for those with dementia, it’s devastating.

Trump brags about his cognitive test. But for those with dementia, it’s devastating.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareJay Reinstein remembers the day he took the cognitive test President Trump keeps bragging about.“One of the questions was to draw a clock at a certain time, and I’m staring at the circle and can’t figure out where the small hand goes,” said Reinstein, 59, who was eventually diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. “I have a bachelor’s and master’s. … And I can’t draw a damn clock. I felt so frustrated, ashamed.” Trump has treated the cognitive assessment as a political tool, about his score on a test designed to detect early...

July 29, 2020
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White House says police didn’t use tear gas and rubber bullets in incident that cleared protesters with chemical irritants and projectile munitions

White House says police didn’t use tear gas and rubber bullets in incident that cleared protesters with chemical irritants and projectile munitions

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareIn the days since protesters were driven out of Lafayette Square coughing and limping, their eyes burning amid clouds of smoke, the Trump administration has insisted federal authorities did not use tear gas on the crowd.“No tear gas was used, and no rubber bullets were used,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters Wednesday, echoing similar claims from the U.S. Park Police and the president’s allies.McEnany was correct, but only to the extent that police did not use products labeled “tear gas” and...

June 3, 2020

