Mike Spies
Mike Spies
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New Documents Raise Ethical and Billing Concerns About the NRA’s Outside Counsel

New Documents Raise Ethical and Billing Concerns About the NRA’s Outside Counsel

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.This article is published in partnership with and . Get the best of The New Yorker, in your inbox. .In 2018, accountants for the National Rifle Association began cataloging for its board of directors questionable financial arrangements that had led to millions of dollars in payments to a group of top executives and consultants. The NRA was experiencing cash flow problems, and the accountants were trying to address what they believed to be serious financial mismanagement.For...

August 1, 2019
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Here’s Why Florida Got All the Emergency Medical Supplies It Requested While Other States Did Not

Here’s Why Florida Got All the Emergency Medical Supplies It Requested While Other States Did Not

The U.S. Response to COVID-19ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.On March 11, Florida requested a cache of emergency supplies from the federal government to protect its medical workers against the novel coronavirus.Three days later, the state got everything it wanted.Other states had only tiny slivers of their requests fulfilled, including some that had asked for them earlier than Florida. Oregon and Oklahoma received only about 10%; New Jersey got less than 6%.This disparity has not been lost on the states...

March 20, 2020
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Text Messages Show Top Trump Campaign Fundraiser’s Key Role Planning the Rally That Preceded the Siege

Text Messages Show Top Trump Campaign Fundraiser’s Key Role Planning the Rally That Preceded the Siege

The Effort to Overturn the ElectionProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.In the week leading up to the Jan. 6 rally in Washington, D.C., that exploded into an attack on the Capitol, a top Trump campaign fundraiser issued a directive to a woman who had been overseeing planning for the event.“Get the budget and vendors breakdown to me and Justin,” Caroline Wren wrote to Cindy Chafian, a self-described “constitutional conservative,” in a Dec. 28 text message obtained by ProPublica.Wren was no ordinary event...

February 27, 2021
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Trump Campaign Officials Started Pressuring Georgia’s Secretary of State Long Before the Election

Trump Campaign Officials Started Pressuring Georgia’s Secretary of State Long Before the Election

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.Long before Republican senators began publicly denouncing how Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger handled the voting there, he withstood pressure from the campaign of Donald Trump to endorse the president for reelection.Raffensperger, a Republican, declined an offer in January to serve as an honorary co-chair of the Trump campaign in Georgia, according to emails reviewed by ProPublica. He later rejected GOP requests to support Trump publicly, he and his staff said...

November 19, 2020
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Top FEC Official’s Undisclosed Ties to Trump Raise Concerns Over Agency Neutrality

Top FEC Official’s Undisclosed Ties to Trump Raise Concerns Over Agency Neutrality

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.Debbie Chacona oversees the division of the Federal Election Commission that serves as the first line of defense against illegal flows of cash in political campaigns. Its dozens of analysts sift through billions of dollars of reported contributions and expenditures, searching for any that violate the law. The work of Chacona, a civil servant, is guided by a strict ethics code and long-standing norms that employees avoid any public actions that might suggest partisan...

October 28, 2020
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Before Limiting Ballot Drop Boxes to One Per County, Top Ohio Election Officials Secretly Consulted Promoter of Debunked Voting Fraud Fears

Before Limiting Ballot Drop Boxes to One Per County, Top Ohio Election Officials Secretly Consulted Promoter of Debunked Voting Fraud Fears

Exploring the Business of TrumpProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.Stay up to date with about WNYC and ProPublica’s investigations into the president’s business practices.On July 15, a civil rights group formed by Black union workers called on the Ohio secretary of state to make voting amid the pandemic easier and safer. It advocated placing multiple secure ballot drop boxes in counties across the state.When a deputy to Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose received the A. Philip Randolph Institute’s , he...

September 27, 2020
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No Democrats Allowed: A Conservative Lawyer Holds Secret Voter Fraud Meetings With State Election Officials

No Democrats Allowed: A Conservative Lawyer Holds Secret Voter Fraud Meetings With State Election Officials

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.Starting in early spring, as the coronavirus took hold, a conservative lawyer at the forefront of raising alarms about voting by mail held multiple private briefings exclusively for Republican state election officials, according to previously unreported public records.The lawyer, the Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky, is a leading purveyor of the notion that voter fraud is rampant, claims that have been largely discredited.Subscribe to the Big Story newsletter.Among...

September 17, 2020
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Trump Friends and Family Cleared for Millions in Small Business Bailout

Trump Friends and Family Cleared for Millions in Small Business Bailout

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.Businesses tied to President Donald Trump’s family and associates stand to receive as much as $21 million in government loans designed to shore up payroll expenses for companies struggling amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to federal data released Monday.A hydroponic lettuce farm backed by Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr., applied for at least $150,000 in Small Business Administration funding. Albert Hazzouri, a dentist frequently spotted at Mar-a-Lago, asked for a...

July 7, 2020
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The RNC Gave Big Contracts to Companies Linked to Its Chairwoman’s Husband and Political Backers

The RNC Gave Big Contracts to Companies Linked to Its Chairwoman’s Husband and Political Backers

ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive as soon as they’re published.The Republican National Committee has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to contractors closely connected to the organization’s chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel.One contract went to her husband’s insurance company. Two others went to businesses whose executives recently donated to Ronna for Chair, a largely inactive political action committee that McDaniel controls. She had set it up in 2015, when she successfully ran for chair of the Republican Party in Michigan, her home...

March 13, 2020
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