Meredith Conroy
Meredith Conroy
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Why Being ‘Anti-Media’ Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity

Why Being ‘Anti-Media’ Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity

There’s little question that the media is .In the past two decades, — especially among Republicans. , since at least the late 1990s, Republicans have been less likely than Democrats (and independents) to say they trust the media. But starting in 2015, trust among Republicans took a nosedive, falling from 32 percent to 10 percent in 2020. (Meanwhile, among Democrats, trust in the media has actually climbed back up, and by quite a bit.)Part of this is because in their criticism of the media and have long . But now they are also more likely to say that being “anti-media” is part of their...

April 5, 2021
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How ‘Cancel Culture’ Became An Issue For Young Republicans

How ‘Cancel Culture’ Became An Issue For Young Republicans

Many Americans about “cancel culture” — or . Younger Americans tend to be more familiar with the term at this point, though this could change given how much .And it’s Republicans under the age of 45 who are really concerned about “cancel culture.”One in 4 Republicans between the ages of 18 and 44 listed it as a top concern, compared to just 1 percent of Democrats in this same age group, . In fact, among younger Republicans, “cancel culture” ranked sixth in terms of overall importance, but for younger Democrats it ranked dead last.That younger Republicans are more concerned than younger...

March 22, 2021
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Women of Color Were Shut Out of Congress For Decades. Now They're Transforming It.

Women of Color Were Shut Out of Congress For Decades. Now They're Transforming It.

By , and Illustration by The 2020 election might have been a battle between two white male septuagenarians, but it also contained two major political milestones for women of color. The first is that on Wednesday, Sen. Kamala Harris will be sworn in as — the first woman and first woman of color to serve in that role.The second is that — 49 in total, according to data collected by the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University — will serve in the 117th Congress, including the first three Korean American women elected to Congress and to represent Washington state and...

January 18, 2021
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Updated: A Record-Breaking Number Of Women Could Be In Biden’s Cabinet

Updated: A Record-Breaking Number Of Women Could Be In Biden’s Cabinet

UPDATE (Dec. 17, 2020, 3:30 p.m.): On Thursday, President-elect Joe Biden to be the first Native American secretary of the interior. As we wrote earlier this week, Biden is on track to name a historic number of women and people of color to his Cabinet.Though the president’s Cabinet is meant to expose him to a diverse set of perspectives and backgrounds, until recently, that meant diversity of or , not diversity of gender or race. It took until 1933 for the first woman to be appointed to a Cabinet position (Labor Secretary Frances Perkins) and 1966 for the first African American (Secretary...

December 15, 2020
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The Partisan, Gender and Generational Differences Among Black Voters Heading Into Election Day

The Partisan, Gender and Generational Differences Among Black Voters Heading Into Election Day

Graphics byBecause most national and state polls include only a small number of Black voters, we rarely get the opportunity to take a detailed look at how preferences and opinions vary within the Black community. Too often, the national political discourse never gets beyond “the Black vote,” full stop.But this year, at least four different groups — the , , the and — are conducting surveys with bigger samples of Black Americans in the run-up to the 2020 election. And issues of race and systemic racism have dominated stretches of the campaign.So, with just about 40 days until Nov. 3, we took...

September 23, 2020
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2020 Could Be The New Year Of The Woman … For The GOP

2020 Could Be The New Year Of The Woman … For The GOP

More women ran for office in 2018 than ever before, which led to a record number of women in Congress. Overall, increased by 4 percentage points, from — adding more women to the ranks than in any other election cycle .However, these gains were , who ran in large numbers: Almost three-quarters of the women who ran for Congress in 2018 were Democrats. But 2020 looks different. More Democratic women are still running for office than Republican women — and more Democratic women are running than in 2018 — but as the chart below shows, the share of all female candidates who are Republican has...

July 8, 2020
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There’s A Huge Gap In How Republicans And Democrats See Discrimination

There’s A Huge Gap In How Republicans And Democrats See Discrimination

Democrats and Republicans have very different views about how much discrimination various demographic groups face in American society. That disagreement underlies virtually everything happening in American politics today, from the discussions about race and policing in the wake of George’s Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police to the 2020 presidential election.We wrote about near the start of President Trump’s term in 2017. Those perceptions have not changed that much, but we felt like these questions of discrimination are more relevant than ever, with Trump running for a second term and...

June 17, 2020
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