Mark Z. Barabak
Mark Z. Barabak
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During the pandemic, Republicans see a rare political opportunity in California

During the pandemic, Republicans see a rare political opportunity in California

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement There was no such thing as YouTube or Twitter. President Clinton was on the brink of impeachment. Donald Trump was a New York real estate developer, building his first golf course.The year was 1998, and it was the last time California Republicans managed to flip a congressional seat .After more than two decades of losing, that may soon come to an end.A special election to fill a vacant House seat to the north of Los Angeles is highly competitive, both sides agree, pitting Democratic Assemblywoman Christy Smith against first-time...

May 10, 2020
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Who knows best? Mayors collide with governors over coronavirus lockdown

Who knows best? Mayors collide with governors over coronavirus lockdown

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Heidi Harmon, the mayor of San Luis Obispo, wants a limited reopening. Shirley Sessions, the mayor of Tybee Island, Ga., wants things to stay closed.A continent apart, the two stand astride the latest fault line to emerge as the nation struggles with the greatest health and economic crisis it has faced in generations: a growing split between governors and local leaders on when to end the country’s self-imposed shutdown.Both are at odds with their state’s governor.“In the case of San Luis Obispo, we are unique,” said Harmon, a...

April 25, 2020
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Column: The California exodus is a myth. But that doesn't stop the haters

Column: The California exodus is a myth. But that doesn't stop the haters

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Early in the 1990s, Time magazine published a lurid cover — the sun setting into a blood-red sea — fronting a special edition devoted to the decline and fall of the great Golden State. “California,” the sorrowful headline read. “The endangered dream.”Alas, it was sadly suggested, far too many people wished to live here.For the record:“The problem comes down to California’s rapid population growth, doesn’t it?” then-Gov. Pete Wilson was asked in an interview. “Is there anything you can do to slow the population...

April 8, 2021
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Column: In Nevada, women take charge. You can tell the difference

Column: In Nevada, women take charge. You can tell the difference

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement On the walls outside Nevada’s Senate chamber are rows of sepia portraits celebrating members of the legislative “Hall of Fame.” Dozens of men, several flamboyantly hirsute in the Old West style, vastly outnumber the women.But just steps away, seated in her leadership office, Democrat Nicole Cannizzaro embodies a dramatic shift in this seat of government.Nevada is the first and only state in the country where women make up a majority of lawmakers, a historic breakthrough that arrived two years ago. Since then, women have expanded...

March 16, 2021
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Column: In California, Trump's political poison spreads from top of the ticket to City Hall

Column: In California, Trump's political poison spreads from top of the ticket to City Hall

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Breaking News Advertisement Every president leaves a legacy. For Donald Trump it is, among many things, a Republican Party in worse shape than he found it.He won 74 million votes in November — more than any Republican presidential candidate in history. Joe Biden, however, received 81 million votes and a clear-cut victory in the electoral college, which is and Trump does not. That’s how our system of representative democracy works.But Trump didn’t just lose the White House. Under his divisive, ego-driven leadership, Republicans also surrendered...

February 8, 2021
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Meet the 'shy' Biden voters quietly living in Pennsylvania's Trump country

Meet the 'shy' Biden voters quietly living in Pennsylvania's Trump country

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Jami Colich loves everything about New Castle, her home in western Pennsylvania. The fact her kids go to school with the children of her former classmates. The ability to text the principal or superintendent whenever she likes. The familiar faces. The easy rhythm.Colich has lived her entire 37 years in this town of 20,000, save for a brief time in Texas. She hated the cookie-cutter housing developments and pancake-flat landscape of the Houston area.But New Castle, with its century-old homes and dense woods bursting in technicolor,...

October 30, 2020
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Key takeaways from the second and final Trump-Biden debate

Key takeaways from the second and final Trump-Biden debate

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement If you’re one of more than 52 million Americans , not to worry.Though they managed to behave better than in — a mute button helped — nothing that President Trump or Democratic challenger Joe Biden said or did onstage Thursday night seems likely to change a great many minds.Coming just 12 days before election day — or what might be more accurately called the voting cutoff — the mostly tame 90-minute session presented Trump his last best chance before a national audience to change the trajectory of a . President Trump and former Vice...

October 23, 2020
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Democrats believe Trump has put Texas in play. A Biden win could be a game-changer

Democrats believe Trump has put Texas in play. A Biden win could be a game-changer

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement For years it shimmered on the far horizon, beckoning like a watery mirage: a blue Texas.Democrats and seizing its electoral votes, a stockpile that is crucial for Republicans. Inevitably, they fell short — typically by a lot.This time, however, it is not far-fetched to think Joe Biden could carry the Lone Star State, a sign of the difficult straits facing President Trump and the growing opportunities for cash-rich Democrats aiming not just to win the White House but and expand their House majority.Biden remains a distinct underdog....

October 15, 2020
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News Analysis: Joe Biden doesn't just feel your pain, he has lived it. Will that help him win?

News Analysis: Joe Biden doesn't just feel your pain, he has lived it. Will that help him win?

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Joe Biden grieves. His voice thickens; his eyes mist over. He recounts his life’s many tragedies — death, near-death, crushing political defeat — in a way that makes them seem not only palpable but still raw.It’s not just campaigning-as-therapy, though it sometimes feels that way. Rather, the torment is central to Biden’s candidacy, a mix of agony and empathy unlike any since 1992, when the emotive Bill Clinton won the White House telling distressed voters he felt their pain.The difference is the subtext to Biden’s suffering, a...

September 14, 2020
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