Melanie Mason
Melanie Mason
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Joe Biden touts $700-billion plan to boost U.S. manufacturing

Joe Biden touts $700-billion plan to boost U.S. manufacturing

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Joe Biden laid out a populist economic vision on Thursday, starting with a $700-billion proposal to reinvigorate the nation’s manufacturing sector, and laced into President Trump for being out of touch with the challenges facing the American public.Speaking at a metal works plant in Dunmore, Pa., the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said the barrage of crises pummeling the nation — the , the subsequent economic fallout, the — offer an opportunity for sweeping improvement to “build back better,” as he dubbed his recovery...

July 9, 2020
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Biden says black voters contemplating Trump 'ain't black'; later says he was too 'cavalier'

Biden says black voters contemplating Trump 'ain't black'; later says he was too 'cavalier'

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Joe Biden, whose presidential bid was buoyed in the primary by support from African Americans, came under scrutiny on Friday for telling a radio host that black people who were considering voting for Trump “ain’t black.”The comments by the former vice president came at the end of a spirited interview with Charlamagne Tha God, a host of the popular radio show “The Breakfast Club.” A top campaign aide said Biden was joking, but Republicans quickly seized on the statement and some black Democrats expressed concern that the remark could...

May 22, 2020
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Hundreds of thousands in L.A. County may have been infected with coronavirus, study finds

Hundreds of thousands in L.A. County may have been infected with coronavirus, study finds

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Hundreds of thousands of Los Angeles County residents may have been infected with the coronavirus by early April, far outpacing the number of officially confirmed cases, according to a report released Monday.The initial results from the first large-scale study tracking the spread of the coronavirus in the county found that 4.1% of adults have antibodies to the virus in their blood, an indication of past exposure.That translates to roughly 221,000 to 442,000 adults who have recovered from an infection, once margin of error is taken...

April 20, 2020
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The battle over voting restrictions is playing out nationwide. Arizona Republicans are leading the way

The battle over voting restrictions is playing out nationwide. Arizona Republicans are leading the way

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The national battle over voting restrictions was, for one sluggish February afternoon, waged in a cramped hearing room of Arizona’s House of Representatives. Separated by plexiglass barriers, Republican lawmakers steadily plowed ahead on bills that, put together, could make it harder for Arizonans to vote.Members of a House committee advanced a proposal to forbid the use of private money to help conduct elections, such as by buying equipment or funding voter education. They approved a bill making it a felony for an official to change...

February 26, 2021
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For two California Republicans, diverging approaches to Trump lead to the same place: Backlash

For two California Republicans, diverging approaches to Trump lead to the same place: Backlash

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Breaking News Advertisement Nearly a month after objecting to electoral votes cast for President Biden, Rep. Mike Garcia wanted to clear the air.In a lengthy Jan. 30 op-ed in a local newspaper, the Santa Clarita Republican and former Navy fighter jet pilot denounced the blowback on social media that branded him “a seditionist, a traitor, or even worse.”Roughly 150 miles to the north, Rep. David Valadao also had some explaining to do after voting to impeach President Trump for his part in inciting the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol. He, like...

February 8, 2021
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Meet the 'shy' Biden voters quietly living in Pennsylvania's Trump country

Meet the 'shy' Biden voters quietly living in Pennsylvania's Trump country

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Jami Colich loves everything about New Castle, her home in western Pennsylvania. The fact her kids go to school with the children of her former classmates. The ability to text the principal or superintendent whenever she likes. The familiar faces. The easy rhythm.Colich has lived her entire 37 years in this town of 20,000, save for a brief time in Texas. She hated the cookie-cutter housing developments and pancake-flat landscape of the Houston area.But New Castle, with its century-old homes and dense woods bursting in technicolor,...

October 30, 2020
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Key takeaways from the second and final Trump-Biden debate

Key takeaways from the second and final Trump-Biden debate

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement If you’re one of more than 52 million Americans , not to worry.Though they managed to behave better than in — a mute button helped — nothing that President Trump or Democratic challenger Joe Biden said or did onstage Thursday night seems likely to change a great many minds.Coming just 12 days before election day — or what might be more accurately called the voting cutoff — the mostly tame 90-minute session presented Trump his last best chance before a national audience to change the trajectory of a . President Trump and former Vice...

October 23, 2020
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President Trump’s town hall turns contentious; Joe Biden focuses on policy

President Trump’s town hall turns contentious; Joe Biden focuses on policy

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement As President Trump angrily refused to disavow the QAnon conspiracy theory or accept responsibility for the surge of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., Joe Biden laid out his policy plans in a more muted style on a separate stage. Their dueling town halls on rival networks Thursday night marked yet another first in this tumultuous race repeatedly disrupted by the pandemic. The events, much like their face-to-face debate 16 days ago, underscored how starkly the candidates contrast in style and substance. Trump was defiant and loose with the...

October 15, 2020
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In Wisconsin, Trump's economic edge is blunted by COVID

In Wisconsin, Trump's economic edge is blunted by COVID

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Shawn Quella can quickly rattle off a litany of economic challenges in his home state: the spike in unemployment this spring as the coronavirus spread, the favorite restaurants that have shut down, local retailers that struggle to stay open.Nevertheless, the 30-year-old financial advisor’s view of the economy is sunny, with jobs partially rebounding this summer and a potential COVID-19 vaccine in the works. His optimism is based on the not-too-distant memory of the pre-pandemic boom and confidence that President Trump can replicate...

October 6, 2020
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For Kamala Harris' presidential hopes, Iowa is do or die

For Kamala Harris' presidential hopes, Iowa is do or die

In better times, Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign was full of flash: a launch rally that drew more than 20,000 people to Oakland, a five-day summer tour of Iowa on a luxury bus with her name blazing from the side in colorful capital letters, a robust multi-state operation headquartered in Baltimore. Now, the bus has been swapped for a nondescript black SUV. The campaign stops are more intimate than immense — a few dozen people in a pastoral red barn, several hundred in a pub. And her efforts have narrowed to a single make-or-break prize: Iowa. To revive her flagging campaign, Harris is...

November 5, 2019
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