Margot Cleveland
Margot Cleveland
Senior Legal Correspondent @FDRLST . Catholic,conservative,~25 yrs fed. law clerk, former full-time university faculty, sometimes adjunct, lawyer, mom to CSource
United States
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J6 Committee Is Using Americans' Assertion Of Rights As Proof Of Guilt

J6 Committee Is Using Americans' Assertion Of Rights As Proof Of Guilt

Implying guilt based on a witness asserting his rights ‘is a McCarthy-esque tactic that offends the Constitution and is unworthy of the United States Congress.’ShareThe Jan. 6 Committee is abusing its power by asking inappropriate questions about their fellow Americans’ beliefs and associates, and publicly portraying witnesses who exercise their Fifth Amendment rights as guilty — all to put on a show trial.Later on Tuesday, the Jan. 6 Committee will hold yet another public hearing, this one purportedly to focus “on the role of extremists” in the attack on the Capitol. While the precise...

July 12, 2022
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How Mastercard’s Rules Could Be Used To Ban The Right From Banking

How Mastercard’s Rules Could Be Used To Ban The Right From Banking

ShareLast week, Mastercard, Inc., announced new rules for banks processing credit card payments to pornography websites, designed to combat child pornography and sex trafficking. Unfortunately, for a country whose corporate overlords refuse (or are unable) to distinguish between intrinsic evil and prudential policy judgments, this promising development will likely also serve as a beta test to further attack conservative groups.In December, Mastercard and Visa the use of their credit cards on the Pornhub website after The New York Times ran a column by Nicholas Kristof detailing the...

April 19, 2021
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Gov. Ron DeSantis Should Sue ‘60 Minutes’ For Defamation

Gov. Ron DeSantis Should Sue ‘60 Minutes’ For Defamation

ShareOn Sunday, CBS launched attack on a conservative politician based on lies when “60 Minutes” a conspiracy theory targeting Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. If wise, DeSantis will use this latest attack to launch a counteroffensive against the corrupt media, by suing for defamation and challenging the standard for liability established by the Supreme Court in New York Times v. Sullivan.As The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway yesterday, “60 Minutes” ignored the real scandals engulfing Democratic governors, such as New York’s Andrew Cuomo and California’s Gavin Newsom, to concoct a...

April 6, 2021
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All-Star Game Leaving Georgia Proves There's No Unity Without Freedom

All-Star Game Leaving Georgia Proves There's No Unity Without Freedom

ShareLast week’s decision by Major League Baseball to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta in response to the passage of the Election Integrity Act, and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s defiant response, provides but the latest proof that our country is no longer the “United” States of America. Given the depth of the cultural and political divide, there is only one hope for healing our nation: A return to our foundational principles—for if there is no federalism, there will be no unity.On Friday, Robert Manfred, the Major League Baseball commissioner, that the 2021 All-Star Game will be moved...

April 5, 2021
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Bowing To Corporate, Gov. Kristi Noem Sells Out Women’s Sports

Bowing To Corporate, Gov. Kristi Noem Sells Out Women’s Sports

ShareOn Friday, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem balked on signing House Bill 1217 when the bill to promote fairness in women’s sports crossed her desk. But instead of vetoing the legislation, Noem returned the bill to the House with what she called “recommendations as to STYLE and FORM.” The Republican governor’s spin, however, cannot withstand scrutiny—most specifically her claimed reasoning for removing collegiate athletics from the bill’s protections.As finalized by the South Dakota legislature, Section 1 of H.B. 1217 that athletic teams and sports in the state, including at institutions...

March 22, 2021
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Supreme Court Can Stop Extreme Rules Made In Secret Deals

Supreme Court Can Stop Extreme Rules Made In Secret Deals

ShareElections have consequences. Abandoning the rule of law should not be one of them. That matters not, though, to the Biden administration, which has abandoned the legally mandated rulemaking process to establish its preferred policies through closed-door settlement agreements with political allies.To stop the administration from gutting the governing Title X regulations on abortion providers, however, Ohio and a contingency of 18 other states could also stop these shenanigans with a petition now pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.When Congress passed Title X of the Public Health...

March 19, 2021
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5 Things To Know About The Extremist ‘Equality Act’ The House Passed

5 Things To Know About The Extremist ‘Equality Act’ The House Passed

ShareOn Thursday, the House of Representatives passed the so-called Equality Act by a vote of 224 to 206. While Democrats have marketed this legislation as a simple civil rights law designed to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination, it is far from that.The statutory language instead provides for an extreme remaking of all aspects of society, destroys the promise of equality for women, and threatens religious liberty and the privacy rights of all Americans, especially children. The proposed law also will upend state and federal protections of the unborn—yes, the Equality Act is about...

February 26, 2021
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Supreme Court Denial Of Election Cases Helps 'Erode Voter Confidence’

Supreme Court Denial Of Election Cases Helps 'Erode Voter Confidence’

ShareOn Feb. 22, the Supreme Court refused to hear two 2020 election-related appeals, falling one vote short of the four needed for the high court to agree to hear the case. Justice Clarence Thomas dissented from the denial of certiorari, as did Justice Samuel Alito in a separate dissent, joined by Justice Neil Gorsuch.With Joe Biden now a month into his office as president of the United States, Americans may shrug at the court’s decision, but we shouldn’t: The Supreme Court’s abdication of its authority to answer important constitutional questions only encourages further lawlessness by...

February 23, 2021
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Biden's Obvious Politics-Playing On Opening Schools Is Alienating Parents

Biden's Obvious Politics-Playing On Opening Schools Is Alienating Parents

ShareIn the run-up to the 2020 election, Joe Biden then-President Donald Trump for the COVID-19 death toll — and not just excess deaths, but for every who died with COVID.“If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people — I’m not making this up. Just look at the data. Look at the data,” Biden to a pliant Anderson Cooper. “How many of you got up this morning and had an empty chair at the table because someone died of COVID-19?”The Democratic National Committee likewise stood on the graves of those killed by COVID-19...

February 19, 2021
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NewsGuard Sells Government-Funded Censorship Tool

NewsGuard Sells Government-Funded Censorship Tool

Because NewsGuard worked with the Defense Department to test its technology, it seems likely the government had some input in determining what qualified as ‘disinformation.’ The for-profit censorship giant NewsGuard is now selling its “Misinformation Fingerprints” technology to private companies to silence Americans’ speech — technology the federal government helped NewsGuard develop to the tune of nearly $750,000 in taxpayer funding. So while NewsGuard is now making headlines for trying to take down Elon Musk’s X, the bigger story concerns the federal government’s funding of the...

