Lydia Dishman
Lydia Dishman
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Employee resource groups help strengthen connection in times of uncertainty

Employee resource groups help strengthen connection in times of uncertainty

advertisementadvertisementBy Rosanna Durruthy If there is a silver lining of this challenging time, it’s that it’s given many of us an opportunity to slow down and remember what is most important in life: relationships. While limited social contact both at work and in our personal lives has been difficult, it’s also provided companies a unique opportunity to help build connections among employees, and employee resource groups (ERGs) have become a particularly powerful platform of engagement to help build community in our new remote workspaces.advertisementadvertisementThe disproportionate...

May 30, 2020
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The science-backed ‘Future Self’ strategy can pave the way to greater success

The science-backed ‘Future Self’ strategy can pave the way to greater success

advertisementadvertisementBy Benjamin Hardy When Matthew McConaughey won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 2014, he gave a riveting speech about how he succeeds in life. A big part of his “success” formula has to do with the person he explains as his “hero,” who happens to be himself 10 years into the future.advertisementadvertisementNow before you brush this off, this article is going to provide you with lots of the latest research in psychology on the subject of personality development and identity. You’ll learn why identity is far more important than personality, and how it is actually...

June 23, 2020
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Exclusion and trauma are impacting the workforce. Here’s how to fix it and heal

Exclusion and trauma are impacting the workforce. Here’s how to fix it and heal

advertisementadvertisementBy Rajkumari Neogy As an epigenetic and executive coach to some of the world’s largest technology companies, I have dedicated my career to understanding the biology of belonging and the toxic, pervasive effects of exclusion in the workplace.advertisementadvertisementIn the past five years, there has been a significant push for inclusion in the workplace, encouraging leaders to absorb an abundance of programming on how to build inclusive cultures, teams, and brands. But to build anything “inclusively,” we must first saliently understand where we are excluding. We...

July 13, 2020
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Men need to care about caregiving so the entire labor force can benefit

Men need to care about caregiving so the entire labor force can benefit

advertisementadvertisementBy Darby Saxbe If it wasn’t already blindingly obvious that the pandemic has crushed women’s workforce participation, the December jobs report brought sobering news. The U.S. economy , and women accounted for not some, not most, but all of those losses. School closures were a double whammy: Not only did the lack of childcare create an impossible balancing act for working mothers, but the female-dominated education and childcare sectors were among the hardest hit.advertisementadvertisementAs a result, we are witnessing a major economic reallocation as care labor...

March 8, 2021
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This fintech company says it will pay off your student-loan debt if it hires you

This fintech company says it will pay off your student-loan debt if it hires you

advertisementadvertisementThis year, 400 lucky college grads will not only land their first “real” job but will also be the beneficiaries of a new student-loan repayment program from an employer.advertisementFIS, a publicly traded provider of technology solutions for merchants, banks, and capital-market firms, just announced this it’ll hire starting in 2021. FIS claims it’s the first employer in the financial-services sector to do so. Only about offer a similar benefit, up from .The benefit comes at a time when student-loan debt is topping (yes, with a t) and a whopping 45 million Americans...

March 10, 2021
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Is now a good time to change careers? More workers are feeling good about it

Is now a good time to change careers? More workers are feeling good about it

advertisementadvertisementLast year for workplaces across America. But now that 2020 is finally behind us, changes are still afoot. They’re just more self-directed.advertisementadvertisementA new survey conducted by Harris Poll exclusively for Fast Company found that the majority (52%) of U.S. workers are considering a job change this year, and as many as 44% have actual plans in place to make the leap.As for who’s contemplating a job hop, the most likely candidates were those whose annual household income is between $50,000 and $75,000 (the middle-income bracket). Fifty-nine percent of...

February 23, 2021
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Report: One-third of tech workers admit to working only 3 to 4 hours a day

Report: One-third of tech workers admit to working only 3 to 4 hours a day

advertisementadvertisement“How many real hours of work do you put in each day?”advertisementThat was posited in a survey by , a community platform where workers can anonymously post replies to survey questions and review their employers.The thing is, it’s a fraught question during a time when people say they are still working longer hours than they did before the pandemic upended businesses of all kinds. Those who are lucky enough to still have jobs have reported that they’re logging when working remotely (thanks, in part, to not having a commute or anywhere to go), and essential workers...

January 25, 2021
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Why you’re feeling unmotivated and how to deal with it

Why you’re feeling unmotivated and how to deal with it

advertisementadvertisementBy Amy Stanton—Minutes “How do you spark joy in a joyless time?”advertisementadvertisementSomeone asked me this recently. I had just joined an intimate business networking group and was sharing my current “lay of the land” which was: I’m exhausted, I’ve just recovered from COVID, I’m lonely, I miss hugs, it’s hard to find my usual spark.That’s when the question about how I might take action to do something that would bring me joy came about. And the answer that came to mind was how much I wanted to get on a plane tomorrow, fly to Paris, and explore the city. Not...

January 17, 2021
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Start the new year with a digital declutter

Start the new year with a digital declutter

advertisementadvertisementBy Jory MacKay—RescueTime “How do you simplify your digital life?” is quickly becoming the question of our generation. Between packed calendars, overflowing inboxes, and the constant pull of social media and news (and Netflix) it can feel like how you spend your time online isn’t really up to you.advertisementadvertisementBut what if there was a way to use your technology without feeling used by it? The answer is Digital minimalism.Coined by author and computer science professor Cal Newport in his of the same name, digital minimalism is a philosophy of technology...

January 2, 2021
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What I learned from writing a book during the pandemic that will help you tackle big projects in 2021

What I learned from writing a book during the pandemic that will help you tackle big projects in 2021

advertisementadvertisementBy Herbert LuiadvertisementadvertisementadvertisementWhen the pandemic first started, some of us drew inspiration from how Shakespeare , or how Isaac Newton  while in isolation. The idea was aspirational—perhaps we, too, could make great things during the pandemic.advertisementadvertisementIt was a relief. While I didn’t aim to be Shakespeare, I did need to write a book. I’ve long dreamed of debuting my first book on the charts, buying real estate with my advance payment, and such. It was all in my head. After a sudden realization borne of desperation, I...

December 21, 2020
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