Luke Darby
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Why Andrew Yang's Universal Basic Income Proposal Has Been Gaining Ground

Why Andrew Yang's Universal Basic Income Proposal Has Been Gaining Ground

Earlier this month, Andrew Yang officially qualified for the upcoming Democratic presidential debate, making him the only candidate so far on stage without a background in politics. Yang is a former tech executive and founder of Venture for America, a sort of Teach for America that sends recent graduates to work for start-ups in "struggling cities," as puts it, such as Detroit, Cleveland, and New Orleans. That probably best sums up Yang's very Silicon Valley approach to governing: Structural problems can be innovated away with entrepreneurial gumption. The central plank of his campaign is...

August 24, 2019
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John Bolton's Book Claims Trump's Foreign Policy Consists of Mostly Cheap Gifts and Supporting Concentration Camps

John Bolton's Book Claims Trump's Foreign Policy Consists of Mostly Cheap Gifts and Supporting Concentration Camps

Donald Trump has done little during his time in office to add to any sense of global peace and stability, but in 2019 he took a huge step in preventing the U.S. from starting one to three more pointless wars—he National Security Adviser John Bolton. A veteran now of four different Republican presidential administrations, Bolton has never heard of a country he didn't want to invade, and when Trump added him to his cabinet in 2018, it looked like a sure sign that the U.S. would soon be waddling into —and maybe North Korea and Venezuela as well, if all of Bolton's wet dreams came true.Trump...

June 18, 2020
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Trump Melts Down as the Coronavirus Sends the Stock Market Plunging

Trump Melts Down as the Coronavirus Sends the Stock Market Plunging

On Monday morning, the stock market plunged dramatically, presaging potentially the biggest economic shock since the financial crisis of 2008. As soon as markets opened in the U.S., the S&P 500 dropped 7 percent. The drop was so extreme that it triggered a safety mechanism, halting all trading for 15 minutes. Once trading resumed, the market recovered, slightly, but was still down by 6 percent. Trading will automatically pause again if the drop reaches 13 percent, and then again at 20.The immediate cause was the start of a between Saudi Arabia and Russia, with each country trying to...

March 10, 2020
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Conservatives Keeping Calling COVID-19 the “China Virus”

Conservatives Keeping Calling COVID-19 the “China Virus”

As the spread of the latest coronavirus starts to slow in China and South Korea, the disease is making its way into elite circles in the U.S. Rick Cotton, the head of the Port Authority in New York and New Jersey that he had contracted it. New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who has , has said that he may have also been in contact with Cotton while he was contagious. And a string of Republican senators and congressmen all came in contact with at least one coronavirus patient at last week's —where attendees as an attempt by Democrats to smear Donald Trump. Some of those congressmen reportedly...

March 10, 2020
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Still No Widespread COVID-19 Testing, But the Fed Has a $500 Billion Bank Stimulus

Still No Widespread COVID-19 Testing, But the Fed Has a $500 Billion Bank Stimulus

Last week, in his first public address on the outbreak, Donald Trump that "anyone who wants a test can get a test." That's a far cry from reality. The U.S. is lagging behind most other countries in testing, both per capita and in raw numbers, with less than 10,000 people tested and . In comparison, has developed a network of 96 public and private labs that is testing up to 20,000 people each day, and the blood of recovered patients is being used to help develop a vaccine.On Thursday, Trump remained upbeat and congratulatory, despite these facts, , "Frankly, the testing has been going very...

March 12, 2020
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Donald Trump Stalls $1,200 Relief Checks to Slap His Name on Them

Donald Trump Stalls $1,200 Relief Checks to Slap His Name on Them

This week, some 80 million Americans should receive a $1,200 payment from the U.S. government, a one-time relief payment authorized by Congress that's supposed to keep millions of furloughed and unemployed workers afloat through the . But while those have started going through, the physical checks apparently need some tweaking. That's because Donald Trump has insisted that the Treasury Department print his signature on every single one.The change requires Treasury officials working from home to scramble to update programming to include his signature on the memo line, under the phrase...

April 15, 2020
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Debt Collectors Can Seize Your $1,200 Coronavirus Relief Check

Debt Collectors Can Seize Your $1,200 Coronavirus Relief Check

By Wednesday, some 80 million Americans should receive a one-time $1,200 check from the federal government. It's part of the CARES Act, Congress's emergency package meant to keep the country going through lockdowns and social distancing measures that states are implementing to slow the spread of the virus. Last week, a group of Democratic senators—Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Ron Wyden of Oregon, and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts— to treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin to fix a glaring hole in the legislation. Missouri Republican senator Josh Hawley also joined Brown to reiterate the request. As...

April 14, 2020
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Why Did Fox News's Laura Ingraham Relentlessly Push Hydroxychloroquine?

Why Did Fox News's Laura Ingraham Relentlessly Push Hydroxychloroquine?

This week, yet another health official found himself sidelined by the White House. This time, it was the man in charge of leading the government's development of a vaccine: , director of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority. He said he'd been pressured to direct resources toward the anti-malarial drug —one of several “potentially dangerous drugs promoted by those with political connections”—and that he was ousted for insisting that the federal government invest in "safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs,...

April 24, 2020
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One Trump Donor's Hotel Companies Got $96.1 Million Meant for Small Businesses

One Trump Donor's Hotel Companies Got $96.1 Million Meant for Small Businesses

Last week, Congress voted to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a relief package meant to help small businesses keep paying employees through the coronavirus outbreak. Unfortunately for small businesses, though, the PPP legislation was written in such a way that massive hotel and restaurant chains—publicly traded companies with millions of dollars in revenue—also qualified. After heated public outcry, companies like and Shake Shack were pressured into returning to the rapidly deleted fund.Dallas billionaire Monty Bennett had a special hand in draining the first round of PPP money—he's...

April 27, 2020
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Jared Kushner Is the “De Facto President of the United States” Says Former White House Official

Jared Kushner Is the “De Facto President of the United States” Says Former White House Official

By now, White House résumé is quite extensive. His father-in-law, Donald Trump, tasked him with brokering peace between Israel and Palestine, completing an environmentally destructive wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, reforming the criminal justice system, and building an "Office of American Innovation," dedicated to making the government run like a business.Despite his failing to follow through on any of these tasks, Trump also put Kushner in charge of the U.S. coronavirus response, complete with his own "shadow" task force made up of friends, which caused confusion about competing power...

April 29, 2020
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