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Pelosi condemns Trump’s remarks about slowing down coronavirus testing

Pelosi condemns Trump’s remarks about slowing down coronavirus testing

Gift ShareThis article is free to access.Why?The Washington Post is providing this news free to all readers as a public service.Follow this story and more by Please NoteThe Washington Post is providing this important information about the coronavirus for free. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) condemned President Trump’s remarks at his in which he said he told officials to administer fewer coronavirus tests to keep case numbers down. Pelosi suggested that any effort to restrict testing will mean “more Americans will lose their lives.”“The President is ethically unfit and intellectually...

June 21, 2020
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Prominent Germans received neo-Nazi death threats. Police are under suspicion.

Prominent Germans received neo-Nazi death threats. Police are under suspicion.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareBERLIN — When German comedian Idil Baydar heard that investigators suspect police may have been involved in sending her neo-Nazi death threats, she was aghast.She was especially distressed to learn that a police link had been known for at least nine months and she had not been told. Instead, she had been informed that the investigation into the hate-filled text messages she received throughout 2019 was closed.“I don’t know who to trust or believe anymore,” said the 45-year-old actress. “I am completely in shock.”Baydar is...

July 24, 2020
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Spain goes on nationwide lockdown as coronavirus cases surge

Spain goes on nationwide lockdown as coronavirus cases surge

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareMADRID — Spain on Saturday became the second European country to impose a nationwide lockdown, ordering its 47 million people to mostly stay in their homes as coronavirus cases surge and the government announced that the wife of the Spanish prime minister had tested positive for the virus.The decision by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to put the nation on lockdown came less than a week after Italy’s government effectively shut down that country amid an escalating outbreak.In Spain, residents will be able to leave only for...

March 14, 2020
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Trump berated and baffled European allies. They aren’t sad to see him go.

Trump berated and baffled European allies. They aren’t sad to see him go.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump called Europe a “foe.” He said the continent’s cities were immigrant-ridden, dangerous “no-go zones.” He threw leaders into a panic with threats to withdraw from NATO.And as Europeans watched the United States elect Joe Biden as its next president, many embraced his promises to respect long-standing alliances and regain the world’s trust in his country.Few Europeans expect Inauguration Day to repair all the damage — the close election suggests that Trumpism will endure in some capacity, and the is part of...

November 7, 2020
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The world’s populists are losing their White House ally, but global Trumpism is far from over

The world’s populists are losing their White House ally, but global Trumpism is far from over

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareHe was their lodestar, the man who brought fringe populists from Hungary to Brazil in from the diplomatic cold, elevating their science-dismissing, migrant-scapegoating, nationalistic message from the balcony of its greatest perch: the White House.But with President Trump’s narrow election defeat, the globe’s right-wing autocrats and nationalistic movements face a new challenge: how to navigate a world where the most powerful man on Earth is no longer in their corner.Few are predicting an end to global Trumpism, the...

November 7, 2020
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Covid-19 death rates are lower worldwide, but no one is sure whether that’s a blip or a trend

Covid-19 death rates are lower worldwide, but no one is sure whether that’s a blip or a trend

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareAfter working for three months straight at Detroit Medical Center, Said El Zein noticed that the coronavirus patients who began arriving in May appeared less sick than those who came before.More than 4,000 miles away in northern Italy, researcher Chiara Piubelli was struck by the same thing.Rafael Cantón, an infectious-disease specialist in Madrid, also marveled at the change. “It’s totally different,” he said last month of the falling admissions at his medical center, noting that only 130 of 1,000 beds were full despite...

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As some countries ease up, others are reimposing lockdowns amid a resurgence of coronavirus infections

As some countries ease up, others are reimposing lockdowns amid a resurgence of coronavirus infections

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareBEIRUT — As many parts of the world, including the United States, explore ways to ease restrictions aimed at containing the spread of the coronavirus, countries that had already opened up are closing down again after renewed spikes in infections.Such a resurgence of cases had been widely predicted by experts, but these increasing numbers come as a sobering reminder of the challenges ahead as countries chafing under the social and economic burdens of keeping their citizens indoors weigh the pros and cons of allowing people...

May 12, 2020
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German intelligence agency places far-right AfD party under watch for extremism

German intelligence agency places far-right AfD party under watch for extremism

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareBERLIN — The far-right Alternative for Germany party denounced Wednesday steps by the country's domestic intelligence agency to place it under watch for suspected extremist links, opening the group to monitoring during a major election year.The party’s parliamentary leaders, Alice Weidel and Alexander Gauland, described the move as “completely unjustified.” The party, known by its German initials AfD, holds 88 of 709 seats in the German parliament.The designation opens up members to surveillance such as wiretapping and...

March 3, 2021
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Their coronavirus vaccine candidate has made them billionaires. This modest German Turkish couple doesn’t own a car.

Their coronavirus vaccine candidate has made them billionaires. This modest German Turkish couple doesn’t own a car.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareBERLIN — At 8 p.m. Sunday ­evening, the phone rang with the call Ugur Sahin, chief executive of the German medical start-up ­BioNTech, had been anxiously awaiting.“Are you sitting down?” Pfizer chief Albert Bourla asked him.The news that followed was better than Sahin had hoped: Preliminary analysis from Phase 3 trials of his company’s coronavirus vaccine showed .“I was more than excited,” said Sahin, speaking to The Washington Post on a video call from his home in the western German city of Mainz.The interim results put...

November 12, 2020
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