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Morning Greatness: Biden Admin Refuses to Correct Lies About Georgia Election Integrity Laws › American Greatness

Morning Greatness: Biden Admin Refuses to Correct Lies About Georgia Election Integrity Laws › American Greatness

46:Civil unrest:Coronavirus news:Other morsels:And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.Comments are closed.

April 6, 2021
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Morning Greatness: Washington Post Exposed as Gossipy Tabloid Hacks…Again › American Greatness

Morning Greatness: Washington Post Exposed as Gossipy Tabloid Hacks…Again › American Greatness

Two minutes of hate:The beltway tabloid known as the Washington Post has issued a correction regarding a “news report” the outlet ran two months ago. The correction refers to a story that claimed President Trump pressured Georgia officials to “find the fraud” in the 2020 election and told Frances Watson, the chief investigator of the Georgia secretary of state, she would be a “national hero” when she found the fraud that helped Trump win reelection. You can read the correction here:real bad. this quote was and still is everywhere.— Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp)Is this really a correction? A...

March 16, 2021
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Morning Greatness: Migrants Wearing Biden T-Shirts Demand Entry in U.S. › American Greatness

Morning Greatness: Migrants Wearing Biden T-Shirts Demand Entry in U.S. › American Greatness

46:Wow.Civil unrest/CRT/BLM:Coronavirus news:Other morsels:And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.Comments are closed.

March 4, 2021
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Morning Greatness: RNC Files Suit in Georgia to Prevent Shenanigans in January Senate Election › American Greatness

Morning Greatness: RNC Files Suit in Georgia to Prevent Shenanigans in January Senate Election › American Greatness

Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today: Two minutes of hate:in Georgia against the state election boards for running a clown show fraud fest general election and hopefully preventing a replay for the special election in January. Finally, someone is taking steps to prevent these sorts of travesties before they happen. The RNC is “demanding access for GOP poll watchers and safeguards in the law related to ballot ‘drop boxes’ for the two Georgia Senate runoff elections on Jan. 5.” How on earth any sensible human being concerned with election integrity would agree to allow ballot...

December 9, 2020
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Morning Greatness: Holy Trinity of Tech Dirtbags to Appear Before the Senate › American Greatness

Morning Greatness: Holy Trinity of Tech Dirtbags to Appear Before the Senate › American Greatness

Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today:Today: Big Senate hearing staring Big Tech AssholesThe holy trinity of tech dirtbags on Wednesday to take questions from old, technology-impaired dinosaurs to answer for social media election interference and censorship.I’m sure you remember back in 2016, when the tech overlords were wailing and lamenting the Trump victory and blamed themselves for “allowing” the Trump campaign and Trump supporters to use tech “services” to campaign and spread its message. They vowed not to make that mistake again and we are seeing censorship in action right...

October 28, 2020
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Morning Greatness: Media Ghouls Seize on Trump’s Health Condition › American Greatness

Morning Greatness: Media Ghouls Seize on Trump’s Health Condition › American Greatness

Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today: Two minutes of hate:The media has become more unhinged–if that’s possible–after President Trump caught coronavirus. Excitement was in the air! Masks! Social distancing! Tsk, tsk! See I told you so! But masks don’t protect people from contracting the virus and anyone near the president was tested beforehand. What other precautions should the president have taken? Should he have followed basement Biden’s lead by cowering in the shadows? The president doesn’t have the luxury of the entire media industrial complex out campaigning for him...

October 5, 2020
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Morning Greatness: Another Day, Another Anti-Trump Media Freakout › American Greatness

Morning Greatness: Another Day, Another Anti-Trump Media Freakout › American Greatness

Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today:Five minutes of hate:On Wednesday, Bob Woodward released some curated recordings from his interviews with President Trump for his new sensational book. The book is coming out next week. Who cares. Now why would Trump talk to Woodward? WHY? . Trump, if you are reading this, stop giving your enemies the bullets with which to shoot you.The clip causing so much sturm und drang is about the coronavirus and reads: “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic,” . First of all, you need to know that this was released because...

September 10, 2020
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Morning Greatness: Meet the New Whistleblower, Coronavirus Edition › American Greatness

Morning Greatness: Meet the New Whistleblower, Coronavirus Edition › American Greatness

Here’s what is on the president’s agenda today:Start your engines: WE HAVE CORONAVIRUS WHISTLEBLOWER #1No doubt the first among many. .We have a whistleblower, a Dr. Rick Bright who was the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Bright claims that he was “fired” from his job because of his skepticism and opinions on the use hydroxychloroquine in combination with azithromycin to treat the Chinese virus.Now the resistance media and Democrats are rooting against a possible treatment for the virus...

April 23, 2020
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