Lauren Fox
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Republicans flirt with rebellion if Trump moves ahead on Mexico tariffs

Republicans flirt with rebellion if Trump moves ahead on Mexico tariffs

Stay Updated on Developing StoriesView in AppBy Lauren Fox, Ted Barrett, Haley Byrd and Jim Acosta, CNN(CNN) Republican senators railed against threatenedin a private lunch on Tuesday with White House and Justice Department officials, who struggled to explain their legal process for iRoughly a half dozen stood to speak about why the was ill-advised, a person who attended the lunch told CNN.The members insisted Trump hold off on any declarations until he can brief members personally on the plan, according to this person. But with and members scheduled to leave for D-Day commemorations, that...

June 5, 2019
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Senate GOP dodges over Trump's baseless Buffalo tweet: 'I would rather not hear it' | CNN Politics

Senate GOP dodges over Trump's baseless Buffalo tweet: 'I would rather not hear it' | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A number of Republican senators dodged questions or were silent on Tuesday when pressed for reaction after President Donald Trump that a 75-year-old man after being shoved by police officers in Buffalo, New York, last week, may have been part of a “set up.”In an unsubstantiated claim, the President Tuesday morning, “Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder...

June 9, 2020
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McCarthy to visit the former president in Florida, showing where he stands in a post-Trump Republican Party | CNN Politics

McCarthy to visit the former president in Florida, showing where he stands in a post-Trump Republican Party | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had an important decision to make — and his loyalists in the Freedom Caucus, or side with more establishment House Republicans who want to take the party back.The answer became clear when instead of calling Trump, as he often did when Trump was president, he is now set to visit with Trump in Florida on Thursday. The meeting was initiated by McCarthy, a person familiar with the meeting said, and is part of an effort to get back into the good graces of the former president.McCarthy was in Florida on...

January 21, 2021
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Civil rights legend Rep. John Lewis dead at 80

Civil rights legend Rep. John Lewis dead at 80

(CNN) the son of sharecroppers who survived a brutal beating by police during a landmark 1965 march in Selma, Alabama, to become a towering figure of the civil rights movement and a longtime US congressman, has died after. He was 80."It is with inconsolable grief and enduring sadness that we announce the passing of U.S. Rep. John Lewis," his family said in a statement. "He was honored and respected as the conscience of the US Congress and an icon of American history, but we knew him as a loving father and brother. He was a stalwart champion in the on-going struggle to demand respect for the...

July 18, 2020
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Congress slow to oversee US response to crisis amid partisan battles | CNN Politics

Congress slow to oversee US response to crisis amid partisan battles | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Congress moved so quickly this spring to approve a to respond to the coronavirus crisis that most members barely had a chance to read the bills before they voted to send them to President Donald Trump’s desk.And now efforts to oversee how the federal government is spending nearly $3 trillion of taxpayer money are sputtering along.established by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has yet to get off the ground as Republican leaders weigh boycotting the panel amid accusations it is designed to hurt Trump. A five-member commission to oversee $500...

May 3, 2020
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House charges Trump is 'singularly responsible' for inciting insurrection as ex-president's team claims he's protected by 1st Amendment | CNN Politics

House charges Trump is 'singularly responsible' for inciting insurrection as ex-president's team claims he's protected by 1st Amendment | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The House impeachment managers charged Tuesday that former President Donald Trump is “singularly responsible” for inciting the insurrection at the US Capitol last month, while Trump’s legal team argued his speech was protected by the First Amendment and a Senate conviction would be unconstitutional.The dueling pretrial legal briefs from the House managers and Trump’s lawyers detailed the major points that will be argued at next week’s trial, in the first real glimpse at how Trump’s new legal team plans to defend him after the House voted to...

January 31, 2021
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Senate Republicans split with White House over key elements of emerging GOP stimulus plan

Senate Republicans split with White House over key elements of emerging GOP stimulus plan

Washington (CNN)Senate Republicans are pushing back against key White House priorities for the next economic recovery package, prompting top administration officials to move behind the scenes to shore up a growing split within the party over its response to a crisis that is dominating this election year. Hot button issues -- including whether , ramp up funding for coronavirus testing and tie additional money for schools to reopening -- have opened up a divide between Senate Republicans and the Trump administration, complicating efforts to put up a united front by the party amid stiff...

July 20, 2020
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5 congressmen -- including Trump's future chief of staff and lawmaker who shook President's hand -- to self-quarantine after CPAC

5 congressmen -- including Trump's future chief of staff and lawmaker who shook President's hand -- to self-quarantine after CPAC

(CNN), including President Donald Trump's future chief of staff, have announced that they would self-quarantine after coming into contact with an individual who has been diagnosed with the novel at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference.North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, who was named as the incoming White House chief of staff on Friday night, announced Monday evening that he has been tested for coronavirus and that test came back negative. However, he's staying in self-quarantine until Wednesday, said Ben Williamson, Meadows' chief of staff. Meadows has not yet taken his new...

March 10, 2020
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Trump calls House health care bill 'mean' | CNN Politics

Trump calls House health care bill 'mean' | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad FeedbackTrump met with senators TuesdayHe hoped to press them on finalizing health care legislation — President lunching at the White House Tuesday the earlier this year was “mean,” a source told CNN.Trump made clear multiple times that he was pleased that the Senate negotiations appeared to be moving away from where the House version of the repeal and replace effort ended up, according to three sources familiar with the meeting.Trump told the lawmakers that the House bill didn’t go far enough in protecting individuals in the marketplace – and...

June 14, 2017
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White House wanted 10k active duty troops to quell protesters

White House wanted 10k active duty troops to quell protesters

(CNN)The White House wanted to have 10,000 active duty troops on the streets of Washington and other cities earlier this week to quell protesters, but and Chairman of the Joint of Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley pushed back at the use of any active duty troops, according to a senior defense official. Esper did move approximately 1,600 active duty troops to be in the Washington, DC, region to respond if needed but the approximately 5,000 National Guard troops already there never needed assistance and the active troops began to leave Thursday night.A second defense official said Milley...

June 7, 2020

