Laura Schulte
Laura Schulte
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Water contaminated with 'forever chemicals,' arsenic spilled at Marinette firefighting foam facility

Water contaminated with 'forever chemicals,' arsenic spilled at Marinette firefighting foam facility

Milwaukee Journal SentinelA Marinette-based company known for mixing firefighting foam is under scrutiny after a spill Sunday night that sent water contaminated with arsenic and "forever chemicals" into the Menominee River.  Tyco Fire Protection Products, a subsidiary of Johnson Controls, was the origin of the spill, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The water came from the company's facility at 1 Stanton St., and was released from the facility and into a stormwater sewer that feeds directly into the river, the release said. Johnson...

July 27, 2020
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Biden administration touts American Jobs Plan's benefits for Wisconsin

Biden administration touts American Jobs Plan's benefits for Wisconsin

Milwaukee Journal SentinelAs part of its pitch for passing infrastructure legislation dubbed The American Jobs Plan, the Biden administration on Monday pushed out a state-by-state case for the impact the measure could have.Biden touts his plan as one that would rebuild aging roads and bridges, help provide clean water and create more clean energy for Wisconsin residents and people across the United States.In total, the American Jobs Plan would provide a sweeping $2 trillion for infrastructure and jobs across the country, highlighting causes Biden campaigned on, such as providing...

April 12, 2021
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After a record year in state park attendance, Gov. Evers proposes large hike in stewardship spending in biennial budget

After a record year in state park attendance, Gov. Evers proposes large hike in stewardship spending in biennial budget

Milwaukee Journal SentinelAfter a year of considerable growth in the number of visits to Wisconsin state parks, Gov. Tony Evers is looking to give more money to a program to help purchase land and update park infrastructure. Evers proposed spending $70 million a year over the next 10 years on the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship program, which can be used to purchase state lands and partially fund projects in communities such as bike paths and parks, among other functions. Included in the budget for the program: $5 million a year for county forests, $1...

February 26, 2021
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Recount off to a slow start, especially in Milwaukee where Trump campaign observers object to thousands of ballots, envelopes

Recount off to a slow start, especially in Milwaukee where Trump campaign observers object to thousands of ballots, envelopes

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel The second day of moved staggeringly slowly Saturday, especially in Milwaukee County — where observers representing President Donald Trump's campaign objected, objected and objected some more.One Trump observer, according to a Brown Deer election official, said the campaign was objecting to all absentee ballots because they were folded — even though they must be folded to fit into envelopes.Other Trump observers objected to the number of piles workers were placing ballots in, according to officials from Cudahy and the City of...

November 21, 2020
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As Wisconsin coronavirus surge continues, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson claims 'we've flattened the curve,' says virus isn't a death sentence

As Wisconsin coronavirus surge continues, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson claims 'we've flattened the curve,' says virus isn't a death sentence

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths are breaking records in Wisconsin. National health experts say the country is on the cusp of its largest wave of infections.On Wednesday, Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin declared Wisconsin had flattened the curve, in the face of evidence of the opposite."Generally deaths are still pretty flat because we've flattened the curve," Johnson said. "We've gotten better at treating it." Doctors have made strides in treating COVID-19 patients, but as cases have soared in Wisconsin, rising deaths have followed. Johnson...

October 21, 2020
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Wednesday is the last day to register online or by mail to vote in Wisconsin. Here's what to know -- and what deadlines are next.

Wednesday is the last day to register online or by mail to vote in Wisconsin. Here's what to know -- and what deadlines are next.

Milwaukee Journal SentinelIf you're planning to vote in this year's presidential election and prefer to register online or via mail rather than in person, make sure to take action by Wednesday. After weeks of back and forth over the deadline to register online or by mail as a voter in Wisconsin, that those registration forms must be completed and postmarked by Oct. 14, a week earlier than was allowed in a previous court ruling. If you miss that cutoff, Wisconsin still offers options for registering in person through Oct. 30 or at the polls Nov. 3.Not registered yet? Here's what...

October 12, 2020
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4 mistakes to avoid if you're voting absentee in Wisconsin

4 mistakes to avoid if you're voting absentee in Wisconsin

Milwaukee Journal SentinelElection day is almost here but voters across the state are already filling out their absentee ballots. There are common mistakes to avoid as voters open up their ballots and prepare to cast their vote. Voters should plan to send their ballots back immediately after filling them out. Ballots take about seven days to get back to the clerk's office but could take longer. . A black ballpoint pen is the best writing utensil to use to fill out your ballot. A blue pen can be used but is not recommended. Red, green or yellow shouldn't be used at all,...

October 1, 2020
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Wisconsin Public Service ordered to clean up toxic chemicals at former gas plant in Marinette

Wisconsin Public Service ordered to clean up toxic chemicals at former gas plant in Marinette

Milwaukee Journal SentinelThe Wisconsin Public Service Corp. will now be responsible for cleaning up chemical contamination in Marinette after a settlement with the state and federal governments.   WPS will be responsible for cleaning up historic contamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, at a former manufactured gas plant, according to a Monday afternoon release from the Department of Justice. The settlement was reached on Friday and requires the utility to conduct remedial activities at the site, dredge and dispose of contaminated sediments, and...

September 22, 2020
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'I'm at a frustrating standstill': Delays in unemployment claims leave some jobless Wisconsinites without money for food, bills

'I'm at a frustrating standstill': Delays in unemployment claims leave some jobless Wisconsinites without money for food, bills

Milwaukee Journal SentinelThe last month has been full of tough decisions for Aaron Thorson of Madison. Working in construction before COVID-19 hit Wisconsin, Thorson, 23, said he was already living paycheck to paycheck. Now, after more than a month of unemployment or just taking odd jobs here and there, he's in a dire situation because his unemployment insurance still hasn't been approved by the state. "I have had to embarrassingly ask my boss if he could cover a tank of gas for the week so I could try and continue making just enough money to cover rent and bills, as...

May 8, 2020
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