Lance Lambert
Lance Lambert
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GDP shrinks 4.8%—but what comes next will be far worse

GDP shrinks 4.8%—but what comes next will be far worse

·April 29, 2020, 12:58 PM UTCThe economy had its worst contraction since 2008.In the first quarter of 2020 the U.S., according to data published Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Economists by Refinitiv were expecting a 4% drop at an annualized rate.Today’s reported fall, for the quarter ending March 31, compares to a 2.1% increase in the fourth quarter of 2020.“It is backward looking, and especially backward looking this time. Everything changed in the middle of March,” says Dan North, senior economist at Euler Hermes. In the final two weeks of March, nearly 10.2 million...

April 29, 2020
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$100 per week? Republicans float cuts to weekly unemployment benefit; most Americans support keeping it at $600

$100 per week? Republicans float cuts to weekly unemployment benefit; most Americans support keeping it at $600

·July 23, 2020, 12:37 PM UTCDemocratic and Republican leaders on Capitol Hill are engaged in a debate for what to include in the.Among the ideas being discussed are another round of stimulus checks and an extension of the , which . On Wednesday Republicans floated the idea of cutting the weekly unemployment benefit from .As the debate ensues in Congress, 2,802 U.S. adults between July 17 and 21* to see where Americans stand on the next stimulus bill.The Fortune-SurveyMonkey poll finds 80% of U.S. adults support the federal government issuing a second round of stimulus checks. That’s up from...

July 23, 2020
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Do you trust Big Tech with your personal health data?

Do you trust Big Tech with your personal health data?

·July 10, 2020, 3:29 PM UTCOur mission to help you navigate the new normal is fueled by subscribers. To enjoy unlimited access to our journalism, .I got my first Fitbit in the spring of 2016 and almost immediately was hooked. The weekly step challenges brought out my competitive side, and the spiking heart rate the app showed after a night out drinking was illuminating. Scrolling through the app now, I can see my life told by the minute over the past four years. All my personal health data, along with that of millions of other Americans, could soon be in the hands of . , , Google,...

July 10, 2020
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Real unemployment in the United States has hit 14.7%, the highest level since 1940

Real unemployment in the United States has hit 14.7%, the highest level since 1940

·April 9, 2020, 4:38 PM UTCWe’re likely sitting at the highest level of joblessness since Franklin Roosevelt was president.Another 6.6 million Americans filed initial unemployment claims in the week ending April 4. That follows 3.3 million and 6.9 million in the two previous weeks, .Before this three-week stretch of 16.8 million of initial jobless claims, there were already as of March 13, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. When the figures are combined, it would equal 23.9 million unemployed, or a real unemployment rate of 14.7%—which would be the highest level since the...

April 9, 2020
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The coronavirus has now killed more Americans than every war since the start of the Korean War—combined

The coronavirus has now killed more Americans than every war since the start of the Korean War—combined

·June 10, 2020, 11:30 PM UTCOur mission to help you navigate the new normal is fueled by subscribers. To enjoy unlimited access to our journalism, .The coronavirus has infected nearly 2 million Americans and claimed 112,311 lives, Johns Hopkins University.The 112,311 Americans killed by COVID-19 as of Wednesday is higher than the . And soon coronavirus deaths in the U.S. will surpass the 116,516 American lives lost in World War I. And COVID-19 has already killed more Americans than the 1968 pandemic, which claimed 100,000 lives. But it’s still far below the 675,000 killed by the 1918...

June 10, 2020
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$1,400 stimulus checks look likely—but the recipients might change this time

$1,400 stimulus checks look likely—but the recipients might change this time

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January 27, 2021
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How faithless electors could decide the 2020 election

How faithless electors could decide the 2020 election

·November 4, 2020, 8:57 PM UTCOur mission to help you navigate the new normal is fueled by subscribers. To enjoy unlimited access to our journalism, .Joe Biden has the . If wins all three, he’ll have exactly 270 electoral votes—the magic number to take the White House.But that alone might not guarantee a win. Members of the Electoral College—with the exception of Maine and Nebraska, which allocate by congressional districts—are pledged to vote for the highest vote getter in their state. However, in many states, nothing stops them from breaking that pledge and voting for another...

November 4, 2020
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A repeat of the 2016 polling error would see Biden win with a 342 electoral vote landslide

A repeat of the 2016 polling error would see Biden win with a 342 electoral vote landslide

·October 26, 2020, 2:16 PM UTCOur mission to help you navigate the new normal is fueled by subscribers. To enjoy unlimited access to our journalism, .In 2016, Hillary Clinton went into Election Day leading Donald Trump in the RealClearPolitics poll average in (+1.9 percentage points), (+3.4 points), and (+6.5 points). Trump would go on to win all three states —a polling error that shocked the world. This time around, Democratic nominee Joe Biden also leads poll averages in (+8.1 points), (+5.3 points), and (+4.6 points). But it doesn’t stop there. In all, Biden is leading in seven...

October 26, 2020
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