Kira Davis
Kira Davis
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The Time Has Come for Reasonable Americans to Stand up and Draw a Line in the Sand

The Time Has Come for Reasonable Americans to Stand up and Draw a Line in the Sand

There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under heaven:a time to be born and a time to die,a time to plant and a time to uproot,a time to kill and a time ,a time to tear down and a time to build,a time to weep and a time ,a time to mourn and a time to dance,a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,a time to embrace and a time to refrain,a time to search and a time to give up,a time to keep and a time to throw away,a time to tear and a time to mend,a time to be silent and a time to speak,a time to love and a time to hate,a time for war and a time for...

June 4, 2021
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On International Women's Day The ACLU Boldly Tells Women That Men Are Allowed To Define Womanhood

On International Women's Day The ACLU Boldly Tells Women That Men Are Allowed To Define Womanhood

In case you didn’t know it is International Women’s Day. Ostensibly this is a day in which we recognize women and celebrate womanhood.I’ve been a woman for all forty-six years of my life and I do enjoy being recognized as a woman, so in that respect I suppose I find International Women’s Day enjoyable.What I don’t find enjoyable is a lot of men telling me what a woman is. The progressive left is always complaining about man-spreading and mansplaining and men telling women to “just smile” and men dismissing the words of women as banal or unimportant. It is a never-ending drumbeat of sexism,...

August 3, 2021
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Gavin Newsom Criticizes Texas Reopenings, Tells Californians To Double Down On Double Masks

Gavin Newsom Criticizes Texas Reopenings, Tells Californians To Double Down On Double Masks

California Governor Gavin Newsom responded to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s announcement that he is finally relinquishing the state’s emergency powers by calling it a “reckless” plan.Absolutely reckless.— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) Newsom faces a recall that is becoming more viable by the hour in the wake of his French Laundry scandal, excessive COVID closures, massive unemployment benefits fraud and most of the state’s students still not back to classroom instruction. At the publication of this article the recall effort has the required amount of signatures and has six days to reach...

April 3, 2021
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BREAKING: Texas Governor Abbott to Open State 100% and End Mask Mandates

BREAKING: Texas Governor Abbott to Open State 100% and End Mask Mandates

As COVID numbers across the nation continue to plummet and the vaccine makes its way to the most vulnerable, many Americans are asking when it will finally be safe to return to some sort of normalcy.Texas Governor Greg Abbott aims to be the first politician to officially answer that question. On Tuesday afternoon Abbott announced that next week the state will officially end all COVID restrictions.“Today, I’m opening a new executive order that rescinds most of the earlier executive orders. Effective next Wednesday, all businesses of any type are allowed to open 100%. That includes any entity...

February 3, 2021
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MA Climate Czar Says the Quiet Part out Loud in Private Meeting: We Must 'Break Your Will'

MA Climate Czar Says the Quiet Part out Loud in Private Meeting: We Must 'Break Your Will'

The progressive crowd has been saying the quiet part out loud quite a bit lately.on Thursday extolling the praises of a shadowy cabal of industry higher-ups who conspired to manipulate the election and oust Donald Trump.Wat— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec)The article shocked a lot of people for its brazenness. Mere days earlier, conservative outlets — including our own — were subject to page removals, suspensions, and outright bans for even suggesting such a thing.In yet another stunning “quiet part out loud” moment, a New England government official revealed the left’s endgame in fighting...

May 2, 2021
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Gavin Newsom Says California's Business Climate Is Just Fine Because Billionaires Doing 'Pretty Damn Well'

Gavin Newsom Says California's Business Climate Is Just Fine Because Billionaires Doing 'Pretty Damn Well'

California is dying. Literally and figuratively.Despite ongoing draconian lockdowns, California continues to harbor the worst COVID numbers in the nation. San Francisco alone estimates at least 52% of their restaurants have stopped operating, and some economists estimate up to 1 in 5 California restaurants have closed permanently.Unemployment rates are historically high even as the Employment Development Department (after a 6-month delay in unemployment checks) is now being audited for over $8 billion dollars in unemployment fraud.Public schools remain closed as suicide rates among teens...

October 1, 2021
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Austin Mayor Tells Residents To Stay Home...From His Condo In Mexico

Austin Mayor Tells Residents To Stay Home...From His Condo In Mexico

Austin Mayor Steve Adler is concerned for the health and safety of his constituents. So much so that he repeatedly warns Austinites about the dangers of resuming normal activities. Adler has been a staunch advocate of COVID restrictions, begging people before Thanksgiving to stay home to save lives. The Austin Health Authority even issued a statement saying “it’s important that we drive the (COVID-19) numbers down in advance of Thanksgiving.”Adler agreed, and just ahead of Thanksgiving he posted a video to his Facebook page once again encouraging Austinites to stay home, avoid travel and...

February 12, 2020
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Idaho Teachers Go on 'Sick-out' to Protest School Openings...Every Last One of Them Should Be Fired

Idaho Teachers Go on 'Sick-out' to Protest School Openings...Every Last One of Them Should Be Fired

Posted at 9:00 pm on October 19, 2020 byShare on FacebookShare on Twitter The first day of in-person public school in the West Ada School District in Idaho was canceled on Monday after over 600 teachers called off work in an apparent “sick-out.”“We are sadly unable to safely hold school tomorrow due to supervision concerns. This includes students enrolled in Virtual Schoolhouse, and students who would have been learning remotely,” the district said in a statement. “We are continuing to work with the West Ada Education Association to find solutions to their concerns so we can hold...

October 19, 2020
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Governor Gretchen Whitmer: If You're Tired of Masks and Wish You Could Go Back to Church, Vote for Biden

Governor Gretchen Whitmer: If You're Tired of Masks and Wish You Could Go Back to Church, Vote for Biden

Posted at 2:15 pm on October 19, 2020 byShare on FacebookShare on Twitter Are you sick of watching family-owned stores and businesses in your neighborhood fold because of reopening restrictions? Are you saddened as you watch your favorite watering holes and restaurants close their doors for good, as unconstitutional lockdowns drag past the 200-day mark of “15 days to slow the spread”? Have you had to move your family out of your state just to find a school your child can attend?Do you find yourself wondering just when all this madness will end…and how? Well, look no further. There’s a...

October 19, 2020
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What Crisis? NASA Asks Employees To House Unaccompanied Migrant Children

What Crisis? NASA Asks Employees To House Unaccompanied Migrant Children

Biden spokesperson Jen Psaki has repeatedly told reporters that there isThere is no surge at the border, people are merelyThey aren’t keeping kids in cages at the border, they are keeping them in that they can’t leave.While the people currently running this country have become the living embodiment of a CNN “mostly peaceful protests” meme, the crisis has continued to grow exponentially with no end in site. The Biden Administration is rumored to be in a bit of chaos behind the scenes as they struggle to message the deluge of illegal aliens currently streaming over the border on a daily...

June 4, 2021
