Kevin Baxter
Kevin Baxter
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Newsom declares state of emergency in L.A., deploys National Guard

Newsom declares state of emergency in L.A., deploys National Guard

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement /Protesters stand on top of a burned LAPD cruiser.  /Protesters stand on top of a bus stop at the Los Angeles Civic Center to demonstrate for justice Wednesday night.   /Protestors turn on their cell phone flashlights at Los Angeles City Hall at 9 pm on Wednesday as part of a silent protest against the death of George Floyd.  /A protester confronts National Guardsmen as thousands of protesters march down Spring Street in Los Angeles to demonstrate for justice in the George Floyd murder by cop case Wednesday. ...

May 30, 2020
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Galaxy release Aleksandar Katai following racist posts by his wife

Galaxy release Aleksandar Katai following racist posts by his wife

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The Galaxy on Friday, two days after the posted on a social media account belonging to his wife.Tea Katai’s posts, which have been taken down, appeared to make light of the protests and looting that occurred in the wake of while in police custody last week in Minneapolis. The team made the decision to release Katai after meeting with him following a training session Thursday.“We believe strongly that we’re a club that represents our staff, represents our players, represents our fans and our community,” team president Chris Klein...

June 5, 2020
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Teen volunteers organize service to help most vulnerable during coronavirus outbreak

Teen volunteers organize service to help most vulnerable during coronavirus outbreak

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Christine Riel stared at the shopping list on her cellphone the same way Lewis and Clark might have once studied their maps, searching for a clear path forward while hoping to avoid any unnecessary backtracking.To Riel, a high school junior, the wide aisles of an Albertson’s grocery store in Santa Clarita are nearly as daunting as the untamed Pacific Northwest must have seemed to the two explorers.“I do not know how to shop,” Riel, 16, said with a heavy sigh, recalling an earlier supermarket run that lasted nearly three...

May 9, 2020
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Democrats believe Trump has put Texas in play. A Biden win could be a game-changer

Democrats believe Trump has put Texas in play. A Biden win could be a game-changer

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement For years it shimmered on the far horizon, beckoning like a watery mirage: a blue Texas.Democrats and seizing its electoral votes, a stockpile that is crucial for Republicans. Inevitably, they fell short — typically by a lot.This time, however, it is not far-fetched to think Joe Biden could carry the Lone Star State, a sign of the difficult straits facing President Trump and the growing opportunities for cash-rich Democrats aiming not just to win the White House but and expand their House majority.Biden remains a distinct underdog....

October 15, 2020
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Discovering the life story of Dr. Good, who survived the Nazis

Discovering the life story of Dr. Good, who survived the Nazis

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement To a child, it was the perfect name: Dr. Good.Simple, straightforward, uncomplicated. Who wouldn’t want a doctor who was good?So it made sense that my parents, just weeks after moving to Southern California from Philadelphia, picked that name out of the phone book and made Dr. Good our family physician.He was kind, almost timid in his gentleness. But there was also a mystery behind the slight build and the high-pitched, nasally, accented voice, always spoken just above a whisper. There also was his unfamiliarity, as an immigrant,...

September 25, 2020
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