Kaylee McGhee White
Kaylee McGhee White
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Warren’s epic flop in New Hampshire leaves her no path to the Democratic nomination

Warren’s epic flop in New Hampshire leaves her no path to the Democratic nomination

Elizabeth Warren admitted defeat in New Hampshire Tuesday night. She claimed to be still plotting a path forward for her presidential campaign, but, at this point, it has nowhere left to go.With results still coming in, MSNBC has projected that Warren will come out of the primary with zero delegates. At best, she'll be in a distant fourth, well behind Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar. This was a disastrous night for Warren on top of an already lackluster showing in Iowa last week.In New Hampshire, Warren was supposed to have a bit of a home-base advantage: She represents...

February 12, 2020
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What is New York's government trying to hide?

What is New York's government trying to hide?

All it takes is a bit of common sense to understand that sending coronavirus patients into nursing homes is a bad idea. Unfortunately, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo realized this only after the rest of the country criticized his policy that forced nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients from nearby hospitals. Cuomo reversed the policy last week, .The problem is that we can’t know for sure just how many nursing home residents died as a result of Cuomo’s policy because the New York government has been quietly omitting deaths from its recent reports on nursing homes and long-term care...

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Democrats are right: In-person confirmation hearings are too risky, so skip ahead to the vote

Democrats are right: In-person confirmation hearings are too risky, so skip ahead to the vote

Senate Democrats are demanding that the Judiciary Committee delay its confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett because President Trump, Sen. Mike Lee, and presumably several others have contracted the coronavirus. It is not safe to hold the hearings in person, given the risk of infection, argued Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and virtual hearings are not an adequate replacement considering the nature of the appointment.NEW: Supreme Court hearings should not be held until the "full extent" of virus exposure is known, Feinstein & Schumer say in statement."There is...

October 2, 2020
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Bill de Blasio, New York City's tattletale-in-chief

Bill de Blasio, New York City's tattletale-in-chief

To say that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has done a poor job leading his city through the crisis that is the coronavirus pandemic would be an understatement. And somehow he just continues to get worse.In a video posted to Twitter on Saturday, the Democrat encouraged New Yorkers to tattle on citizens who aren’t following social distancing guidelines by taking a picture of the alleged violation and texting it to city officials.How do you report places that aren’t enforcing social distancing? It’s simple: just snap a photo and text it to 311-692. — Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor)“Thank...

April 19, 2020
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Gretchen Whitmer is reaching for power that doesn’t exist

Gretchen Whitmer is reaching for power that doesn’t exist

After Michigan’s Republican-controlled legislature denied Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s request to extend her declared state of emergency, Whitmer unilaterally forcing businesses and venues .This was an extraordinary power grab, the likes of which “the state of Michigan has never seen,” state House Speaker Lee Chatfield told the Washington Examiner.The state legislature had proposed a compromise to Whitmer, offering to extend her emergency powers as long as Whitmer agreed to give lawmakers greater oversight regarding how those powers were used.Whitmer, who was famously unable to get along with...

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Georgia Democrats stare down a mob of their own making

Georgia Democrats stare down a mob of their own making

Leftist activists are busy whipping up a national boycott of Georgia-based businesses over the state’s new election integrity law. The boycott has the support of Hollywood and the White House, with President Joe Biden that he would support moving the MLB’s All-Star Game out of the state as a sign of protest.Georgia Democrats are now left trying to talk the mob down.“I absolutely oppose and reject any notion of boycotting Georgia,” Democratic Sen. Jon Ossoff on Thursday. “Georgia welcomes business, investment, jobs, opportunity, and events. In fact, economic growth is driving much of the...

April 2, 2021
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have opposed Biden's court-packing ploy

Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have opposed Biden's court-packing ploy

As many conservatives feared and predicted, President Joe Biden is inching his way toward packing the Supreme Court, a radical and dangerous policy that even revered liberal legal minds have rejected.Biden signed an executive order on Friday that will review the Supreme Court’s history and investigate potential changes to the nomination process and potential consequences of altering the court’s size. As my colleague Quin Hillyer the commission will not issue specific recommendations, but its report will nevertheless be used by leftists to justify “reforms” to the judiciary that will include...

April 9, 2021
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Infuriating: We may have shut down the country for nothing

Infuriating: We may have shut down the country for nothing

In a new report, the World Health Organization announced that of the "rarely" spread the virus to others. If this is true, we just shut down the nation and for nothing.Like many others, I supported the initial shutdowns because I was worried that we knew too little about the coronavirus and who was spreading it, and we needed to prevent our healthcare system from being overrun. Our health experts warned us that COVID-19 spread quickly and often unnoticeably, through carriers who might not show symptoms for weeks, or perhaps never at all. Add this to a total lack of mass testing, and a...

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Stop listening to Dr. Anthony Fauci

Stop listening to Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci might have been an important figure in the early days of the pandemic, but he is now hurting our response to the coronavirus by pushing unreasonable restrictions that defy both science and common sense.Fauci’s is to parents who allow their young children to play with others without masks.“When the children go out into the community, you want them to continue to wear masks when they’re interacting with groups or multiple households,” he said on Sunday. “The children can clearly wind up getting infected.”This is nonsense. Multiple studies, including one from the Centers for...

March 29, 2021
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Andrew Cuomo is exposing Democrats' hypocrisy

Andrew Cuomo is exposing Democrats' hypocrisy

CloseFive women have now come forward and accused New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct. Four of them used to work with him closely, which makes their accounts all the more credible. But the governor because he knows no one will make him.“That’s democracy. There’s no way I resign,” Cuomo said on Sunday. “People are free to make allegations, but then you also have a process — due process — where people get the facts, and they make a determination. I was the attorney general of New York for four years. I got all sorts of allegations against...

March 8, 2021
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