Katie Notopoulos
Katie Notopoulos
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No, That Trump Video Isn’t Green-Screened

No, That Trump Video Isn’t Green-Screened

Trump is actually standing outside the White House in his latest video.On Thursday, President Donald Trump tweeted a video of himself in front of the White House, talking about a variety of topics from the military to how the experimental antibody cocktail he received is a cure for . The video appears to have been shot in front of the White House, but it also looks unnatural in a way that inspired some to claim it was filmed in front of a green screen.But that’s not the case. The video is real and Trump is indeed standing outside on his own, the White House told BuzzFeed News.Green screen...

October 9, 2020
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Instagram Speeds Up Plans To Add Account Memorialization Feature Because Of COVID-19 Deaths

Instagram Speeds Up Plans To Add Account Memorialization Feature Because Of COVID-19 Deaths

"We’ve been working on these updates for some time, though this is one — among others — that we’ve accelerated in light of COVID-19 to help support our community during a difficult time."Instagram is speeding up plans for a new account memorialization feature, adding a “Remembering” banner under a username to signal that a person has died. "We’ve been working on these updates for some time, though this is one — among others — that we’ve accelerated in light of COVID-19 to help support our community during a difficult time," Liza Crenshaw, a spokesperson for Instagram told BuzzFeed News.This...

April 22, 2020
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SXSW 2020 Has Been Canceled Following Coronavirus Fears

SXSW 2020 Has Been Canceled Following Coronavirus Fears

City officials said Friday that South by Southwest won't be happening this year.The 2020 South by Southwest conference and festivals have been canceled amid fears of the growing American outbreak of the coronavirus. Many large companies of the conference, including Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter.Austin city officials said in a press conference, "this is a medical and data-driven decision."SXSW organizers said in a tweet they were "devastated."As of Friday, there were 260 reported , with 14 deaths, the majority of which were in Washington state.SXSW, which was scheduled to...

March 7, 2020
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Would You Have Sex In Front Of Astro, Amazon’s New Robot Dog?

Would You Have Sex In Front Of Astro, Amazon’s New Robot Dog?

The most important question about Amazon's newest innovation.Amazon imagines the corgi-esque robot tailing you around the house, locating stuff for you with a semi-obscene periscope, and supporting video chats with its touchscreen. Astro boasts onboard facial recognition so it can recognize its owners. It also has a navigation system that should allow it to map your home and dodge stationary and moving objects, just like a robot vacuum cleaner — though, bizarrely, Amazon did not include this actually useful feature, although it does have a cupholder.Do you need a robodog with a screen...

October 5, 2021
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Lettuce Has Made Over 1,000 People Sick This Decade

Lettuce Has Made Over 1,000 People Sick This Decade

Our love affair with salad in the 2010s got a lot of people sick. Maybe it’s time to end our relationship with lettuce as we know it.Americans — hyper-health-conscious and profoundly gluttonous — spent the decade bingeing on salad. We ate the iceberg, the red leaf, the green leaf! We devoured the romaine! We stuffed ourselves with baby spinach! We gorged on arugula! We even ate an unfathomable amount of kale — and if that doesn’t prove our devotion to leafy greens, I don’t know what will.Our culture, if not just our bellies, was stuffed full of lettuce in the 2010s, starting with the meme...

January 11, 2020
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