Venessa Wong
Venessa Wong
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Grubhub Could Still Be Charging A Fee When A Customer Calls A Restaurant

Grubhub Could Still Be Charging A Fee When A Customer Calls A Restaurant

“If a customer calls to place a coffee order, we’re paying a $6.42 fee — for a coffee.”BuzzFeed News has reporters across five continents bringing you trustworthy stories about the impact of the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .Customers trying to avoid online delivery platforms like Grubhub by calling restaurants directly might be dialing phone numbers generated and advertised by those very platforms — for which restaurants are charged fees that can sometimes exceed the income the order generates. Restaurant owners and the New York City Council say...

May 15, 2020
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Struggling Restaurants Paid Record Fees To Grubhub During The Pandemic

Struggling Restaurants Paid Record Fees To Grubhub During The Pandemic

Restaurants expect to lose $240 billion by the end of the year, but for Grubhub, “COVID-19 is a net tailwind” for now.BuzzFeed News has reporters across five continents bringing you trustworthy stories about the impact of the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .As empty restaurants around the country struggle against an uncertain future and perhaps for reopening during the pandemic, takeout-ordering company Grubhub reported record revenues of $363 million from January through March, up 12% from the same quarter a year ago.Restaurant owners have long...

May 7, 2020
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2020 Made Income Inequality In The US Even Worse

2020 Made Income Inequality In The US Even Worse

If you still need proof that the world is built for the wealthy to succeed, just take a look at how fortunes diverged this year.As millions of Americans end 2020 , , , , or , it’s unimaginable that at the other end of the spectrum, the wealthy, shielded from much of this misfortune, became even richer this cursed year.But this is the reality of 2020. The same forces that made this year so awful for most people helped a select few add immense wealth.As were receiving unemployment benefits and Congress held back too long on passing a , American billionaires’ wealth had increased by by the...

December 29, 2020
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People's Savings Are Down To $0 Because Of The Pandemic

People's Savings Are Down To $0 Because Of The Pandemic

Even people who built rainy day funds over years are watching their savings run down to zero, with no relief from the government in sight.When 2020 began, C. Adams started a new job at an engineering firm that paid $65,000. He had already downsized to a three-bedroom home in Georgia to help save for his two teenage daughters’ college funds. Expenses were manageable. When the pandemic began, he had $5,000 in savings after taking care of his late father and his debts. It wasn’t a lot of money, but it was something his family could fall back on, a sense of security.He never expected it would...

October 24, 2020
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The Executive JD Costs More Than $33K For Three Years Of Law School — But It Doesn’t Make Its Students Into Lawyers

The Executive JD Costs More Than $33K For Three Years Of Law School — But It Doesn’t Make Its Students Into Lawyers

A little-known and lightly regulated online school is offering students a three-year degree in the law with just one catch: They won’t be allowed to be lawyers after they graduate.What if you spent three years in law school, taking classes in contracts, torts, and constitutional law, and paying more than $11,000 a year, but — here’s the twist — at the end of it you weren't a lawyer? That's what a small number of online law schools are offering with a degree called the Executive Juris Doctor. The schools explain upfront that students won't be eligible to practice law but can use their...

October 31, 2019
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The DC Riot Proved Trump’s Movement Was Never About Economic Anxiety

The DC Riot Proved Trump’s Movement Was Never About Economic Anxiety

“They’re not expressing economic anxiety. They’re expressing a desire to dominate.”The mythology that the force compelling Americans to support Donald Trump was their economic anxiety — a fragile myth already into — was irrevocably shattered by last week’s raid on the Capitol as Trump beckoned his followers to march.Rioters , “Hang Mike Pence.” They built . They “Murder the media.” They repeatedly . One held as his banner the . One man allegedly to kill Nancy Pelosi. The less extreme said they were there as patriots who “bleed red, white, and blue,” fighting to take back what was stolen...

January 15, 2021
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Millennials, And Now Gen Z, Are Dealing With A Lot Of Personal Debt And Guilt

Millennials, And Now Gen Z, Are Dealing With A Lot Of Personal Debt And Guilt

Having lots of debt at a young age "is the new normal."Millennials carry an average of $27,900 in debt, not including mortgages, according to new data released today by . Gen Z, the oldest of whom are now 22 years old, have an average debt of $14,700.Having sizable debt at a young age "is the new normal," said Chantel Bonneau, wealth management advisor at . "There are lots of people who exit school, and before they start their first job, have debt. That is a different situation from 30 years ago."Millennials' main source of debt is credit card bills, and Gen Z's is student loans. In a...

September 20, 2019
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Lettuce Has Made Over 1,000 People Sick This Decade

Lettuce Has Made Over 1,000 People Sick This Decade

Our love affair with salad in the 2010s got a lot of people sick. Maybe it’s time to end our relationship with lettuce as we know it.Americans — hyper-health-conscious and profoundly gluttonous — spent the decade bingeing on salad. We ate the iceberg, the red leaf, the green leaf! We devoured the romaine! We stuffed ourselves with baby spinach! We gorged on arugula! We even ate an unfathomable amount of kale — and if that doesn’t prove our devotion to leafy greens, I don’t know what will.Our culture, if not just our bellies, was stuffed full of lettuce in the 2010s, starting with the meme...

January 11, 2020
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