John Cassidy
John Cassidy
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Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All Dilemma

Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All Dilemma

In September, 2017, as Republicans in Congress were pursuing an effort to abolish the Affordable Care Act—which ultimately failed in the Senate by one vote—Senator Bernie Sanders introduced the , which would have enrolled all Americans in a new national health-insurance scheme called the Universal Medicare Program. “At a time when millions of Americans do not have access to affordable health care, the Republicans, funded by the Koch brothers, are trying to take away health care from up to thirty-two million more,” Sanders . “We have a better idea: guarantee health care to all people as a...

October 18, 2019
Bernie Sanders Scores an Impressive Victory in Nevada

Bernie Sanders Scores an Impressive Victory in Nevada

As the votes were being counted in Nevada on Saturday afternoon, was appearing before a large and enthusiastic crowd in El Paso, Texas, which is one of the states that will vote on Super Tuesday, March 3rd. After introducing his wife, Jane, as “the next First Lady of the United States,” Sanders called out some people in the crowd, including Jim Hightower, the veteran liberal activist, who served as the Texas commissioner of agriculture back in the nineteen-eighties. Like Sanders himself, Hightower is something of a legend in progressive circles, and the Vermont senator hailed him as a close...

February 23, 2020
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Trump’s Authoritarian Moment Is Here

Trump’s Authoritarian Moment Is Here

If there were any doubt remaining that still represents a to American democracy, the events of this weekend dispelled it. As a new Congress gathers to confirm that the voters chose to be the next President, a proceeding that should be a mere formality, Trump is desperately trying to overturn the result and stay in office. Even more disturbing, large numbers of elected Republicans are joining in this unprecedented effort to reject the popular will. If the Republic gets through the next two weeks without a catastrophe, we must surely take steps to protect ourselves against the next would-be...

January 4, 2021
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A Brazen Republican Power Play Is Blocking Essential COVID-19 Relief

A Brazen Republican Power Play Is Blocking Essential COVID-19 Relief

Is it any wonder that so many people have lost faith in organized politics? After a week in which the daily tally of cases and deaths both hit a , and the Labor Department announced that another 1.3 million Americans for unemployment benefits last week, Congress still hasn’t managed to pass a new spending bill to extend a number of emergency relief measures that were enacted back in March, as part of the CARES Act, and which are due to expire at the end of the month.In an effort to force through an agreement, the leaders of the two parties have tied approval of a new COVID-19 relief...

December 19, 2020
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Rudy Giuliani Is a Hot Mess

Rudy Giuliani Is a Hot Mess

Nearly two weeks ago, , ’s legal point man in his effort to reverse the result of the 2020 election, virtually broke the Internet when he held a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a yard-care business situated next to a sex shop, in a North Philadelphia mini-mall. For his latest public outing, which came on Thursday, he chose a different location: the headquarters of the Republican National Committee, on Capitol Hill. But if the setting for this Giuliani event was more salubrious than the last one, its content was even more bizarre. As the former New York mayor stood under...

November 19, 2020
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It Isn’t Over Yet, but Biden Has Ground for His Confidence

It Isn’t Over Yet, but Biden Has Ground for His Confidence

Speaking in Wilmington, Delaware, on Wednesday afternoon, said, “It’s clear that we are winning enough states to reach two hundred and seventy electoral votes needed to win the Presidency. I’m not here to declare that we’ve won, but I am here to report when the count is finished we believe we will be the winners.” The former Vice-President has ground for his confidence. Earlier in the afternoon, the Associated Press called Wisconsin for him. CNN also called Michigan for him. Nevada also seems to be heading in his direction. That effectively means that Biden needs to pick up only Arizona or...

November 4, 2020
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Wall Street May Be Warming to the Possibility of a Biden Presidency

Wall Street May Be Warming to the Possibility of a Biden Presidency

On Tuesday, negotiations between Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill over a big preëlection spending bill, which many economists view as essential to bolster the -stricken economy. But, on Wednesday, which Trump spent tweeting while in the White House, the Dow Jones Industrial Average more than five hundred points, its biggest jump since July. What’s going on?One interpretation is that the markets were reacting to yet another reversal on Trump’s part. Just hours after publicly abandoning the bipartisan talks, he Democrats to pass some individual spending measures, including another...

October 8, 2020
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The Great Coronavirus Divide: Wall Street Profits Surge as Poverty Rises

The Great Coronavirus Divide: Wall Street Profits Surge as Poverty Rises

This has been a worrying week for most people whose livelihoods depend on the state of the U.S. economy. On Wednesday, the number of new cases hit almost sixty thousand. The number of deaths, while much lower than at its peak, in April, in more than twenty states. Without an end in sight to the pandemic, the economic rebound that began in the late spring, after Congress passed the $2.2 trillion CARES Act and some of the initial lockdowns were eased, is showing signs of faltering.On Thursday, the Labor Department that new applications for unemployment benefits rose to almost nine hundred...

October 16, 2020
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Donald Trump Is Attacking American Democracy at Its Core

Donald Trump Is Attacking American Democracy at Its Core

One thing you cannot accuse of is trying to disguise his nefarious intentions. For months now, legal experts and Democratic campaign officials have warned that he may reject the results of this year’s election and pronounce himself the victor regardless of the vote tally. On Tuesday, Trump virtually confirmed that this is his plan. He also indicated that rushing through the appointment of another conservative to the Supreme Court is a key element of his strategy to stay in the White House.Before Trump flew to Pittsburgh for a super-spreader campaign rally, a pool reporter asked the...

September 23, 2020
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The Next Big Challenge: Trump-Proofing the Presidency

The Next Big Challenge: Trump-Proofing the Presidency

With just three weeks left until the Inauguration of , the end of ’s Presidency is firmly in sight. Trump, despite having finally backed down and signed the COVID-19 relief bill, will surely look to cause more mayhem before he leaves office. Over the weekend, he urged his followers, via Twitter, to protest in Washington on January 6th, the day that the new Congress is scheduled to ratify the results of the .Trump’s departure will prompt cries of relief in many parts of the country, but there is now vital work to be done. The past four years have taught us that the American system of...

December 29, 2020
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