Bernie Sanders Scores an Impressive Victory in Nevada
February 23, 20205 min read1004 words
Published: February 23, 2020  |  5 min read1004 words
As the votes were being counted in Nevada on Saturday afternoon, was appearing before a large and enthusiastic crowd in El Paso, Texas, which is one of the states that will vote on Super Tuesday, March 3rd. After introducing his wife, Jane, as “the next First Lady of the United S...
Bernie Sanders Scores an Impressive Victory in Nevada Read more

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February 23, 2020
There's some speculation about some of the remaining candidates dropping out of the race in the near future, which I don't think is supported since everyone but Sanders said in the recent debate that they'd like to let the process work its will at the Democratic Convention. Despite this narrative inserted into the piece, author John Cassidy then does well to provide a comprehensive breakdown of the different voter demographics which really highlights the extent of Sander's win in Nevada.
February 23, 2020
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Great Context
February 24, 2020
Details some Sanders statistics on his recent strong primary run & calls out some of his competitors for not acknowledging some of those truths.
February 24, 2020
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Political Agenda
February 23, 2020
This piece injects a lot of opinion into what should have been an easy recap of the caucus. The demographic break down was a nice touch, and the reason it did not get fewer stars. Hailing Sanders for calling Donald Trump a racist, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, mysoginist and whatever else the current progressive slurs are is unappealing and off putting. Furthermore, having that as a center piece in the opening of the article leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Can we get past ad hominem campaigning and talk about the real issues, or does every politician have so little informed response on the issues prepared that they just resort to "us vs them" name calling?
February 23, 2020
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