Joanna Slater
Joanna Slater
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Far from being weakened by coronavirus, China pursues sovereignty claims on all fronts

Far from being weakened by coronavirus, China pursues sovereignty claims on all fronts

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareHigh up in the western Himalayas, where China and India meet, soldiers pelted each other with stones and brandished iron rods and sticks at each other at Pangong Lake earlier this month. Dozens were injured, Indian media outlets reported.There was a similar faceoff in Sikkim, more than 1,000 miles away, a few days later in a patch of border in the eastern part of the Himalayas that had not previously been a flash point.What prompted the clashes at 14,000 feet — ­where parts of the border are disputed, and it is common for...

May 27, 2020
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Criticism of police grows after mob violence kills nearly 40 in India’s capital

Criticism of police grows after mob violence kills nearly 40 in India’s capital

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareNEW DELHI — Rahis Mohammed's voice shook as he described how a mob of 200 people arrived in his neighborhood intent on destruction while calls to the police went unanswered.Standing on a deserted road dotted with charred vehicles Wednesday, he watched as a police car passed. “After 48 hours they have come,” Mohammed, 40, said bitterly. “They left us to die.”As India’s capital reels from an outbreak of communal violence that has left nearly 40 people dead and 200 injured, criticism of the response by law enforcement...

March 2, 2020
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As U.S. election hangs in balance, America’s allies, rivals and foes watch for what’s next

As U.S. election hangs in balance, America’s allies, rivals and foes watch for what’s next

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareAs the U.S. presidential election map took shape — amid concerns about a possible drawn-out count in some states — the world was watching and weighing what could come next for U.S. foreign policy toward allies in Europe, rivals such as China and Russia, and outright foes such as Iran.Over the past four years, Trump has upended the principles that have guided U.S. foreign policy for decades.He has withdrawn the United States from multilateral agreements, including and , and set in motion a U.S. pullout from the amid a...

November 3, 2020
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Shots fired on the India-China border for the first time in decades as tensions flare

Shots fired on the India-China border for the first time in decades as tensions flare

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareNEW DELHI — India and China accused each other Tuesday of firing warning shots during a confrontation the day before at their disputed border in a marked escalation of tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbors.It was the first time in decades that both sides said shots were fired at the frontier, where long-standing, mutual protocols prohibit the use of firearms.Such protocols did not prevent the two countries from engaging in their , when Chinese soldiers armed with clubs studded with nails and metal rods clashed...

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India’s devastating outbreak is driving the global coronavirus surge

India’s devastating outbreak is driving the global coronavirus surge

The coronavirus pandemic has left more than 3 million dead around the world. Cases are rising rapidly. In India this surge is not a wave, but a wall.The spike is so steep that the increase looks almost vertical — infecting entire families and overwhelming hospitals.Deaths per day are at record highs and climbing. In some cities, crematoriums are running their furnaces around-the-clock.In Delhi, India’s worst-affected city, the health care system has “reached its limit” and could collapse if action is not taken, said Arvind Kejriwal, a top official.On Monday, the city announced a six-day...

April 19, 2021
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In Asia, John Kerry urges bold action on climate to avoid global ‘suicide pact’

In Asia, John Kerry urges bold action on climate to avoid global ‘suicide pact’

This article was published more than 1 year agoCommentGift ShareNEW DELHI — More than 7,000 miles from Washington, John F. Kerry arrived in yet another major capital to deliver a message and a plea: The United States plans to make a profound push to combat climate change in the months and years ahead, and it needs all the partners it can get.In an interview here, President Biden’s special envoy for climate said it is a message he has been delivering with “humility for four years that have been wasted.” After the Trump administration aggressively rolled back policies to limit climate...

April 8, 2021
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