Gerry Shih
Gerry Shih
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Trump signs Uighur sanctions bill amid Bolton criticism, drawing fury from China

Trump signs Uighur sanctions bill amid Bolton criticism, drawing fury from China

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump signed a measure Wednesday to potentially sanction Chinese officials for their role in amid new claims by former national security adviser John Bolton that Trump he approved of China’s construction of large-scale camps to forcibly reeducate Muslim minorities.The new Uighur Human Rights Policy Act, which passed the Senate and House unanimously, drew a furious response from Beijing on Thursday during a delicate moment, when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was with Communist Party foreign policy director Yang...

June 18, 2020
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Chinese soccer superstar calls for ouster of Communist Party, stunning nation

Chinese soccer superstar calls for ouster of Communist Party, stunning nation

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareNot Hao Haidong.The retired soccer forward — the Chinese national team’s all-time top goal scorer and an idol in the 1990s and early 2000s — stunned his country this week after he called for the downfall of the ruling Communist Party and the formation of a new government.In a highly unusual as part of an apparent publicity campaign by the fugitive billionaire Guo Wengui, one of the Chinese government’s most reviled opponents, Hao read an 18-point manifesto for a vision of a “New Federal State of China.” Sitting for an...

June 5, 2020
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As U.S.-China rhetoric grows harsher, new risks emerge with Taiwan drawn into the mix

As U.S.-China rhetoric grows harsher, new risks emerge with Taiwan drawn into the mix

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareRising tensions between the United States and China brought fresh mudslinging Wednesday as a sharp dispute over responsibility for the coronavirus pandemic spills into new forums such as Taiwan.In the span of several hours, the feud swung from Taipei to Beijing to the Internet, where an animated " on Chinese state TV's Twitter feed mocked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.President Trump then lashed out at China for a "worldwide killing" from covid-19 — part of messages that could become talking points in the presidential...

May 20, 2020
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U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus as President Trump fumes

U.S. officials crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus as President Trump fumes

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareSenior U.S. officials are beginning to explore proposals for punishing or demanding financial compensation from China for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to four senior administration officials with knowledge of internal planning.The move could splinter already strained relations between the two superpowers at a perilous moment for the global economy.Senior officials across multiple government agencies are expected to meet Thursday to begin mapping out a strategy for seeking retaliatory measures...

April 30, 2020
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China’s bid to repair its coronavirus-hit image is backfiring in the West

China’s bid to repair its coronavirus-hit image is backfiring in the West

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareAs China in March became the from the coronavirus outbreak that spread from the central city of Wuhan, its officials kicked off another campaign: to heal its tattered international image.President Xi Jinping held a flurry of phone calls with world leaders to promise aid. More than 170 Chinese medical experts were dispatched to Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa. State media outlets flooded the Internet with photos of in 100 countries and stories . Ambassadors inundated international newspapers with op-eds hailing the...

April 14, 2020
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As U.S. election hangs in balance, America’s allies, rivals and foes watch for what’s next

As U.S. election hangs in balance, America’s allies, rivals and foes watch for what’s next

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareAs the U.S. presidential election map took shape — amid concerns about a possible drawn-out count in some states — the world was watching and weighing what could come next for U.S. foreign policy toward allies in Europe, rivals such as China and Russia, and outright foes such as Iran.Over the past four years, Trump has upended the principles that have guided U.S. foreign policy for decades.He has withdrawn the United States from multilateral agreements, including and , and set in motion a U.S. pullout from the amid a...

November 3, 2020
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Shots fired on the India-China border for the first time in decades as tensions flare

Shots fired on the India-China border for the first time in decades as tensions flare

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareNEW DELHI — India and China accused each other Tuesday of firing warning shots during a confrontation the day before at their disputed border in a marked escalation of tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbors.It was the first time in decades that both sides said shots were fired at the frontier, where long-standing, mutual protocols prohibit the use of firearms.Such protocols did not prevent the two countries from engaging in their , when Chinese soldiers armed with clubs studded with nails and metal rods clashed...

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Australia’s coronavirus disputes with China are growing. So are debates over its deep economic ties to Beijing.

Australia’s coronavirus disputes with China are growing. So are debates over its deep economic ties to Beijing.

SEOUL — Soon after Australian officials called in April for a joint international investigation of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, the Chinese government ratcheted up pressure on Canberra to drop a proposal that it believed would unfairly target China.In an interview last weekend, Chinese Ambassador to Australia Cheng Jingye hinted that Beijing held a powerful card: a boycott. Persist with the inquiry, Cheng said, and “ordinary people might ask: “Why should we drink Australian wine? Why eat Australian beef?”Cheng hoped to quickly squelch the investigation. Instead, he sparked a...

May 1, 2020
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China builds advanced weapons systems using American chip technology

China builds advanced weapons systems using American chip technology

This article was published more than 1 year agoCommentGift ShareIn a secretive military facility in southwest China, a supercomputer whirs away, simulating the heat and drag on hypersonic vehicles speeding through the atmosphere — missiles that could one day be aimed at a U.S. aircraft carrier or Taiwan, according to former U.S. officials and Western analysts.The computer is powered by tiny chips designed by a Chinese firm called Phytium Technology using American software and built in the world’s most advanced chip factory in Taiwan, which hums with American precision machinery, say...

April 7, 2021
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Effectiveness of Chinese vaccines ‘not high’ and needs improvement, top health official says

Effectiveness of Chinese vaccines ‘not high’ and needs improvement, top health official says

This article was published more than 1 year agoCommentGift ShareTAIPEI, Taiwan — The head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention conceded that the efficacy of Chinese coronavirus vaccines is "not high" and that they may require improvements, marking a rare admission from a government that has staked its international credibility on its doses.The comments on Saturday from George Gao come after the government has already distributed , even though the rollout has been dogged by questions over why Chinese pharmaceutical firms have not released detailed .China has struck...

April 11, 2021
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