Joanna Kakissis
Joanna Kakissis
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Mariupol theater bombing was a clear war crime, Amnesty International says

Mariupol theater bombing was a clear war crime, Amnesty International says

Russia's strike on Mariupol theater was a war crime Amnesty International says Hundreds of civilians were sheltering in the drama theater during the March siege of Mariupol, the southern Ukrainian port city that Russian troops destroyed and now occupy.ATHENS — The human rights organization Amnesty International says Russia committed a war crime by bombing a theater where hundreds of civilians were sheltering during the March siege of Mariupol, the southern Ukrainian port city that Russian troops destroyed and now occupy. The strike killed at least a dozen people. Russia blocked Amnesty's...

June 30, 2022
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Pro-Populist Media In Eastern Europe Promote Trump's Baseless Voter Fraud Claims

Pro-Populist Media In Eastern Europe Promote Trump's Baseless Voter Fraud Claims

Pro-Populist Media In Eastern Europe Promote Trump's Baseless Voter Fraud Claims Media that are supportive of leaders in Hungary, Poland and Slovenia either repeat the false claims or suggest President-elect Joe Biden is part of a vast liberal conspiracy to stifle conservatives.Toggle more optionsPesti TV is like Hungary's version of BlazeTV, founded by conservative pundit Glenn Beck. And — like Beck — Pesti TV's creative director, Zsolt Jeszenszky, doubts the result of the U.S. election. "Too many anomalies," says the chatty, silver-haired former music executive and DJ, giving credence to...

December 4, 2020
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Leaders Of Hungary And Slovenia, Stout Trump Allies In EU, Say U.S. Vote Isn't Over

Leaders Of Hungary And Slovenia, Stout Trump Allies In EU, Say U.S. Vote Isn't Over

Leaders Of Hungary And Slovenia Say U.S. Election Isn't Over : Updates: 2020 Election Results Most European leaders are congratulating Joe Biden for winning the U.S. presidency. But not two leaders who have backed President Trump.Most European leaders are congratulating Joe Biden on Saturday for winning the U.S. presidency. Not Janez Jansa, prime minister of Slovenia, the alpine country in Eastern Europe where . Instead, Jansa attacked the media. He that the "#MSM (and not some official body) announced the winner." Jansa noted that "complaints have been filed" and said "the courts have not...

November 7, 2020
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Married Couple Affected By Muslim Travel Ban, Pandemic Constraints

Married Couple Affected By Muslim Travel Ban, Pandemic Constraints

Married Couple Affected By Muslim Travel Ban, Pandemic Constraints A couple forced into a long-distance marriage because of a Trump administration travel ban on Muslim countries haven't seen each other in more than five months because of pandemic travel restrictions.Heard onToggle more optionsA couple forced into a long-distance marriage because of a Trump administration travel ban on Muslim countries haven't seen each other in more than five months because of pandemic travel restrictions.DAVID GREENE, HOST:Travel restrictions in this pandemic have kept thousands of couples apart around the...

July 27, 2020
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Countries Balance Needed Tourism With Coronavirus Concerns

Countries Balance Needed Tourism With Coronavirus Concerns

Countries Balance Needed Tourism With Coronavirus Concerns Nations that are heavily dependent on tourism are trying to walk a fine line between the need to reopen their beaches and resorts and the risk of importing more cases of the coronavirus.Heard onToggle more optionsNations that are heavily dependent on tourism are trying to walk a fine line between the need to reopen their beaches and resorts and the risk of importing more cases of the coronavirus.DAVID GREENE, HOST:There is a debate about how fast things can or should return to normal here in the United States, but little discussion...

June 25, 2020
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Southern Europe Could Lose $22 Billion Fighting Deadly Olive Tree Disease

Southern Europe Could Lose $22 Billion Fighting Deadly Olive Tree Disease

Southern Europe Could Lose $22 Billion Fighting Deadly Olive Tree Disease The tree killer is a bacterium called xylella fastidiosa. It has killed millions of olive trees in Italy and is now threatening Spain and Greece. These countries produce 95% of Europe's olive oil.Federico Manni first noticed something was wrong with his family's olive trees about six years ago. It was summer, the cicadas were singing, and Manni and his father, Enzo, were weaving through their olive groves in Puglia, the southern region forming the "heel" of Italy's boot. They noticed some trees looked burnt. "Dead...

May 3, 2020
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European Parliament Lawmakers Demand Punishment For Hungary Over Emergency Powers

European Parliament Lawmakers Demand Punishment For Hungary Over Emergency Powers

European Parliament Lawmakers Demand Punishment For Hungary Over Emergency Powers : Coronavirus Updates The lawmakers demanded Thursday that European Union leaders punish Hungary's government for using the COVID-19 pandemic to grab power via a new law allowing the prime minister to rule by decree.European Parliament lawmakers demanded Thursday that European Union leaders punish Hungary's government for using the COVID-19 pandemic to grab power through a controversial emergency law. "The Union has not taken any concrete measures to sanction [Prime Minister Viktor] Orban's government," one of...

May 14, 2020
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