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North Carolina’s Top Two Officials Are at War Over Coronavirus

North Carolina’s Top Two Officials Are at War Over Coronavirus

Facing the difficult task of unseating an incumbent governor whose popularity has risen during the coronavirus pandemic, North Carolina Republican Dan Forest is doubling down with the kind of move that appeals to a GOP base that’s balked at public health restrictions.As a resurgent coronavirus pandemic continues to stress southern states and worry health officials, the lieutenant governor is pushing forward with a lawsuit targeted at public health executive orders from Gov. Roy Cooper. The pending lawsuit comes just after the Democrat moved to pause the state’s reopening and announced...

June 30, 2020
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Angry Bloomberg Complains That Biden Is Taking His Votes

Angry Bloomberg Complains That Biden Is Taking His Votes

MIAMI, Florida—Mike Bloomberg started the most important day of his 2020 campaign scolding a sea of reporters about rival Joe Biden’s momentum and refusing to drop out of the Democratic primary.“Joe’s taking votes away from me,” Bloomberg said at his campaign’s Little Havana field office when asked by a reporter about moderates dropping out to support Biden in the last 24 hours. “Have you asked Joe whether he’s going to drop out?” Bloomberg then challenged. “When you ask him that then you can call me.” When a reporter asked a follow up, Bloomberg scolded that it was the same...

March 3, 2020
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Bernie Sanders: Coronavirus Impact Makes Need for Medicare for All Clear

Bernie Sanders: Coronavirus Impact Makes Need for Medicare for All Clear

A somber Sen. Bernie Sanders confronted growing worries over the novel coronavirus Thursday on a stage that gave him another opportunity to champion his prized healthcare expansion policy goal. Speaking from a hotel meeting place in Burlington, Vermont, Sanders (I-VT) spoke for a little over 16 minutes, jumping from concerns about the impact of isolation as more people self-quarantine and the cost of healthcare, to plans for helping the less fortunate overcome the hardships the pandemic could cause.  "Nobody knows what the number of fatalities may end up being or the...

March 12, 2020
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Trump Uses Coronavirus Briefing to Play Batshit Campaign Ad Attacking Press

Trump Uses Coronavirus Briefing to Play Batshit Campaign Ad Attacking Press

took over Monday’s to lash out at critics and the press with a bizarre video that amounted to a campaign ad, before later declaring his authority is “total” if governors disagree with him during the coronavirus pandemic. Monday’s unprecedented press briefing began to go off the rails with the video, but before the end, the president was falsely trumpeting definitive authority during the health-care crisis that has already led to the deaths of more than 23,000 Americans. The briefing almost immediately devolved into the president airing widespread grievances against his critics,...

April 13, 2020
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Trump Put 200 People On Recovery Panel—Just 20 Are Women And Seven Are Black

Trump Put 200 People On Recovery Panel—Just 20 Are Women And Seven Are Black

Confronted with a cratering economy that threatens his re-election chances, President Donald Trump is discovering a hard truth: The powers he possesses are limited. Over the past week, Trump has pushed the idea that the coronavirus pandemic is fading enough to allow Americans to begin resuming normal economic functions. And he’s proclaimed that he has “total” authority over states to compel them to dispense with their public health restrictions in pursuit of that grand “re-opening.” But over the past 24 hours, Trump’s boasts have largely been revealed to be hollow. Governors have...

April 15, 2020
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Trump Refuses to Condemn Coronavirus Lockdown Protesters: They ‘Like Me’

Trump Refuses to Condemn Coronavirus Lockdown Protesters: They ‘Like Me’

As President Donald Trump laid out new federal guidelines for states and stressed their authority Thursday, he stopped short of condemning .Not long after measured remarks to start the day’s coronavirus task force briefing, Trump declined to criticize , claiming that people are “suffering” and saying, “I think they’re listening, I think they listen to me,” when asked if they should listen to local authorities. “They seem to be protesters that like me and respect this opinion, and my opinion is the same as just about all of the governors,” Trump said.When he was first asked about the...

April 16, 2020
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Trump Opens Coronavirus Briefing by Taking Shots at Republican Governor

Trump Opens Coronavirus Briefing by Taking Shots at Republican Governor

President Donald Trump kicked off his Monday coronavirus task force briefing by criticizing one of the leading Republican At the start of the briefing, the president said the nation’s governors had been given “a list of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the labs where they can find additional testing capacity within their states.” “Hundreds and hundreds of labs are ready, willing, and able,” he insisted. “Some of the governors, like as an example the governor from Maryland, didn’t really understand the list. He didn’t understand too much about what was going on, so now I think...

April 20, 2020
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South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s COVID-19 Inaction Has Made Her a Right-Wing Hero

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s COVID-19 Inaction Has Made Her a Right-Wing Hero

Few elected officials may be doing more to openly play to the right wing’s antipathy to pandemic public-health restrictions than South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. Noem has refused to issue a statewide stay-at-home order during the health crisis even after an outbreak at ain her state became a virus flashpoint; embraced the president’s favored coronavirus ; and raised her profile as a national outlier despite concerns in and outside of her state. Laura Ingraham has spent time championing the Republican leader during an interview on her Fox News show, calling her “public enemy No. 1...

April 22, 2020
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South Carolina Mayor Warns: Do Not Cross the Georgia Line

South Carolina Mayor Warns: Do Not Cross the Georgia Line

Horney Mitchell is scared. The mayor of the small town of Gifford, South Carolina, sees what’s happening across the state line in Georgia, where the state’s Republican governor is loosening coronavirus restrictions, and his advice to people is simple.Stay home.  “I'm telling my folks, don't go to Georgia,” Mitchell said. “What I tell them is (to) stay home and stay safe. Do not cross the Georgia line.”  Saying that is difficult, he said, because it’s hard to tell someone how to live their life. He doesn’t want to be a bearer of bad news. He’d rather be one to pass on a...

April 29, 2020
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Republicans Use Potentially Lethal Drug Hydroxychloroquine as Trump Bait

Republicans Use Potentially Lethal Drug Hydroxychloroquine as Trump Bait

during the coronavirus pandemic sparked the kind of concern and backlash one would expect over a treatment that packs the chance of having   But those medical worries weren’t as troubling to some long-shot Republican congressional candidates, who are grabbing the opportunity to use Trump’s embrace of the drug for himself as a way to show off their allegiance to the president. “. taking hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus is a kick-ass move that proves why he is the bravest and strongest of all American presidents,” James P. Bradley, a Republican U.S. House candidate in...

May 23, 2020
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