Hanna Trudo
Hanna Trudo
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Protesters Tear-Gassed for Trump ‘Law and Order’ Photo Op

Protesters Tear-Gassed for Trump ‘Law and Order’ Photo Op

WARZONEDemonstrators were peacefully protesting near the White House when police unleashed tear gas on the crowd. was scheduled to take the against police brutality in the wake of George Floyd’s death, police officers near the North Lawn of the White House charged at peaceful protesters, throwing tear gas as they aggressively attempted to disperse the crowd.Dozens of people in the crowd were yelling, some with both hands above their heads, as police continued to infiltrate the scene, pushing them back with shields emblazoned “MILITARY POLICE.”At various junctures, the startling sound of...

June 1, 2020
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Biden: Congress Must Ban Police Chokeholds Now

Biden: Congress Must Ban Police Chokeholds Now

Former Vice President Joe Biden urged Congress on Tuesday morning to pass legislation that would ban chokeholds, halt the transfer of military weapons to , and create a “model” use-of-force standard for police across the country during a speech about . Speaking in Philadelphia at City Hall, Biden addressed the nation the day after the stay-at-home order was lifted in Delaware, where he has been largely confined to his home studio. The Democratic nominee’s speech came after cities erupted into fiery protests and clashes with police in the wake of George Floyd’s death, with police in...

June 2, 2020
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Dissident Republican Groups Shift Into High Gear to Kick Trump While He’s Down

Dissident Republican Groups Shift Into High Gear to Kick Trump While He’s Down

First, nearly a dozen website domains started being registered on June 3 and June 4—names like “43alumniforbiden” and “43alumniforjoebiden”—hinting that another anti-Trump Republican group supporting the presumptive Democratic nominee was in the works.Now, three weeks later, organizers of “43 Alumni For Biden” are “preparing to launch,” becoming the latest in a series of GOP-led groups focused on defeating their party’s standard bearer as President Trump continues to crater into the summer.“We are preparing to launch our effort,” a person identified as Michael Brown in his email signature...

June 25, 2020
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‘Unhinged’ Trump Demands Mass Arrests, Flag-Burning Laws

‘Unhinged’ Trump Demands Mass Arrests, Flag-Burning Laws

President Trump lashed out at state governors Monday, saying that those who did not mass arrest protesters “for long periods of time” would end up looking like “a bunch of jerks.” “You have to dominate. If you don’t dominate... you’re wasting your time,” Trump said on a private conference call with governors and national security officials. “They’re going to run over you, you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks.”The president, who is hunkered down in the White House, added during the call that local officials have to put protestors and looters in prison “for long periods of time” in...

June 1, 2020
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Pressure Mounts for Biden to Select a Black Woman as VP

Pressure Mounts for Biden to Select a Black Woman as VP

Joe Biden says he is months away from . But that hasn’t stopped a growing chorus of Democrats from signaling to the former vice president that to round off the party’s ticket is the right choice for November. The movement, which has escalated publicly in recent weeks among activists and pundits on screen, has been growing privately behind the scenes among members of Congress and within the highest ranks of Biden’s campaign.Inside Biden’s vast orbit, one leader in particular, former Georgia House Minority Leader , who narrowly lost the 2018 race for governor, has caught the attention of...

April 23, 2020
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Biden Needs a VP. Kamala Suddenly Sounds More Like Bernie.

Biden Needs a VP. Kamala Suddenly Sounds More Like Bernie.

Kamala Harris is on Joe Biden’s vice-presidential shortlist. But leading up to his pick, the California senator has spent time promoting her progressive collaborations with Bernie Sanders, their old rival for the Democratic nomination.The strategy isn’t as unexpected or unusual as it might at first seem. Biden himself often consults with Sanders, his longtime friend, on areas where they can unite. With his running-mate selection looming, Harris is making moves in the same, leftward direction, and allies in both camps have taken note.Harris has, in recent weeks, put her name behind bills...

August 6, 2020
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Biden and Sanders Teams Stand Off Over Israeli ‘Occupation’

Biden and Sanders Teams Stand Off Over Israeli ‘Occupation’

The Democratic Party’s left and moderate wings continue to reach tentative compromises on a number of issues that once fiercely divided them. But there’s one perennial political sticking point that’s proving immune to the party’s kumbaya moment: Israel. In recent years, a vocal and influential chorus of progressives have disagreed privately, and at times , with the party’s conventional wisdom on Israel. Led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), these progressives have challenged the Democratic establishment consensus view on Israel, vocally criticizing the government there, especially its...

July 21, 2020
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No Show! Trump Cancels Jacksonville GOP Convention

No Show! Trump Cancels Jacksonville GOP Convention

After weeks of warnings from health officials, President Donald Trump on Thursday abruptly decided to play public health hero and cancel the announcing plans instead for “some things with telerallies”—just a few days after his private company quietly sought to trademark the idea. Trump made the announcement just a few minutes in to the White House's daily coronavirus briefing, declaring that “it’s not the right time” in light of the in the state.Trump said the RNC’s delegates would still meet in Charlotte, North Carolina, and that he would still hold a convention speech, albeit “in a...

July 23, 2020
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Team Trump Debated How to Weaponize Biden Assault Allegation

Team Trump Debated How to Weaponize Biden Assault Allegation

As the primary winds down and former Vice President , a claim that he sexually assaulted a former staffer in the early 1990s is already popping up on the virtual campaign trail from Democrats and Republicans alike. Biden’s pledge to select a female running mate to round out the Democratic ticket has recently put several of the top women thought to be considered for that role in a tough spot: how to respond to the decades-old allegation against him by Tara Reade. In President Donald Trump’s vast network, the Reade assault allegation had already piqued the interest of some of the...

April 19, 2020
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Trump, GOP Drop Millions on Firm Exposed for Shady Fundraising

Trump, GOP Drop Millions on Firm Exposed for Shady Fundraising

As President Donald Trump’s campaign turns its attention to the 2020 general election, top Republican allies continue to spend heavily on a political fundraising firm that’s been linked to money laundering and illegal campaign contributions abroad. Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee between the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, and the RNC itself, have paid the Pluvious Group, a GOP consultancy in Los Angeles, nearly $2 million since Trump became the nominee in 2016, according to with the Federal Election Commission covering expenditures through the end of...

April 27, 2020
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