Erica Pandey
Erica Pandey
Reporter @axios, writing about the tech and biz trends changing our lives · alum @yale · Email me: erica@axios.comSource
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Why "white privilege" has become such a flashpoint in American race relations

Why "white privilege" has become such a flashpoint in American race relations

"White privilege" has become a common phrase in Americans' conversations about race — and that's unsettling many white Americans because they think it undervalues their struggles or questions the legitimacy of their successes. Why it matters: The term is a new weapon — and fault line — in American culture and politics. It’s one of a growing list of phrases different sides view very differently. The big picture: The dynamics of "white privilege" were first popularized by Wellesley College professor Peggy McIntosh in a 1988 paper, but interest in the term has recently exploded. Google...

August 18, 2019
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America's kids get an internet librarian

America's kids get an internet librarian

NewsGuard, a service that uses trained journalists to rate news and information sites, will become available to millions of public school students this week through a partnership with the American Federation of Teachers. Why it matters: Kids increasingly turn to the internet when looking for homework help or doing research for school projects. But unlike books in a library or articles in a journal, online resources can be difficult to filter for quality and misinformation. "Imagine you walked into a library, and there were a trillion pieces of paper flying around in the air, and you...

January 25, 2022
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America scrambles for restaurant workers

America scrambles for restaurant workers

Illustration: Aïda Amer/AxiosVaccinations keep climbing, and restaurants are ready to roar back this summer. But eateries from Miami to Martha’s Vineyard to Los Angeles are facing the same problem: not enough workers.The big picture: Millions of restaurants are hiring all at once and, after a deadly pandemic, the jobs of waiters, cooks, and hosts seem more dangerous than they ever have before. All of this is contributing to a nationwide hospitality worker shortage as the economy opens back up.By the numbers: The 2.5 million restaurant jobs and forced more than 100,000 eateries to...

April 22, 2021
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Reddit CEO: Platform doesn't plan to ban pornography

Reddit CEO: Platform doesn't plan to ban pornography

In an interview with "Axios on HBO," Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said the company supports pornography on its platform, as long as it's not exploitative.Why it matters: Most other social media platforms — such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Tumblr — have banned pornographic content."You can look at [porn] as exploitative. And, indeed, much of it is. And that's not the content that we want on Reddit," Huffman said. "But there's another aspect that's empowering. And these are people sharing stories of themselves, pictures of themselves. And we are perfectly supportive of that."Huffman also...

February 28, 2021
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A million American mothers are out of work during the pandemic

A million American mothers are out of work during the pandemic

Illustration: Annelise Capossela/AxiosNearly a million American mothers have during the pandemic — and many of them might not return.Why it matters: We've dialed the clock back decades in terms of women's workplace progress.The backstory: Women in the U.S. hit a milestone in February 2020 when, for the first time in history, they held the majority of non-farm payroll jobs, outnumbering men in the workforce. The big picture: The chasm between women's and men's unemployment numbers is driven by the difference between the pandemic experiences of working mothers and fathers, says Jed Kolko,...

February 10, 2021
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Biden wants to cancel $10k per person of student loan debt. But it won't address the root issue

Biden wants to cancel $10k per person of student loan debt. But it won't address the root issue

There’s a growing consensus among Americans who want President Biden to cancel student debt — but addressing the ballooning debt burden is much more complicated than it seems.Why it matters: Student debt is stopping millions of Americans from buying homes, buying cars and starting families. And the crisis is rapidly getting worse.By the numbers: Student debt — which stands at $1.55 trillion — is the biggest category of debt Americans owe, aside from mortgages.What's happening: Biden has proposed immediately cancelling $10,000 of federal student loan debt for every borrower. The move...

January 24, 2021
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