Emily Holden
Emily Holden
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Internal emails reveal how the chemical lobby fights regulation

Internal emails reveal how the chemical lobby fights regulation

Messages to the Environmental Protection Agency from lobbyists show tactic of sowing doubt in science, critics sayLast modified on Wed 6 Jan 2021 19.28 ESTAnd then she started to get sick. First came the brain fog, then the painful kidney and bladder symptoms.“It feels like I have a bladder infection all the time,” DePotter said.It was only after her doctor put her on cancer watch that state inspectors found a tank of toxic chemicals of a neighboring shop.One of the chemicals, a degreaser called trichloroethylene (TCE), is dangerous enough to humans that the Obama administration sought to...

May 22, 2019
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Republicans new favorite study trashes Biden's climate plans – but who's behind it?

Republicans new favorite study trashes Biden's climate plans – but who's behind it?

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldWyoming representative Liz Cheney says the study proves Biden’s policies would destroy state economies. But it has the oil and gas industry’s fingerprints all over itLast modified on Wed 23 Jun 2021 16.26 EDTWyoming’s US representative, Liz Cheney, envisions a dark future for her home state under .If the new administration extends its pause on new oil and gas drilling on public land, it would endanger Wyoming’s economy, kill 18,000 jobs and cause the energy state to lose out on critical education, infrastructure and...

March 9, 2021
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Inside the climate battle quietly raging about US homes

Inside the climate battle quietly raging about US homes

Away from the headlines, there’s an important fight happening that is pitting real estate developers and utilities against efforts to make America’s new homes more climate friendlySupported byLast modified on Wed 25 Aug 2021 09.45 EDTSome challenges to US climate action are obvious – like when Donald Trump boasts about leaving the international Paris agreement and rolling back pollution rules.But many more play out behind the scenes. One of those is the battle over efforts to make America’s new homes and buildings more energy-efficient.On one side are the city and state officials trying to...

October 9, 2020
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As fires burn the west, top Democrats stay quiet on the climate crisis

As fires burn the west, top Democrats stay quiet on the climate crisis

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldNancy Pelosi has been notably tepid on green legislation – so are the Democrats serious about fighting climate change?Last modified on Wed 25 Aug 2021 09.45 EDTWith hundreds of thousands of Americans forced to evacuate their homes in the western US, Donald Trump hasn’t said a word about the wildfires blazing across multiple states in nearly three weeks.But some national Democratic leaders also have been slow to call attention to the fires in California, Oregon and Washington which have killed more than 20, forced...

September 12, 2020
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Northern hemisphere breaks record for hottest ever summer

Northern hemisphere breaks record for hottest ever summer

This article is more than 1 year oldThis article is more than 1 year oldSupported byFirst published on Mon 14 Sep 2020 13.20 EDTThis summer was the hottest ever recorded in the northern hemisphere, according to US government scientists.June, July and August were 1.17C (2.11F) above the 20th-century average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa).The surpassed the summers of 2016 and 2019. Last month was also the second-hottest August ever recorded for the globe. The numbers put 2020 on track to be one of the five warmest years, according to Noaa.United...

September 14, 2020
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US scientists rebuke Trump over coronavirus response and other affronts

US scientists rebuke Trump over coronavirus response and other affronts

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldLast modified on Wed 6 Jan 2021 18.55 ESTMore than 1,200 members of the US have rebuked Donald Trump’s “denigration of scientific expertise”, an unusual move for a community which has historically avoided the political sphere.The co-organizers of an seeking to “restore science-based policy in government” say they have rapidly gained signatures during the coronavirus pandemic.Scientists have watched the downplay the crisis and ignore expert advice, including the need to wear masks and the dangers of using unproven...

July 20, 2020
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Joe Biden unveils aggressive $2tn climate and jobs plan

Joe Biden unveils aggressive $2tn climate and jobs plan

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldProposal outlines $2tn for clean energy infrastructure and climate solutions, to be spent as quickly as possible in next four yearsFirst published on Tue 14 Jul 2020 11.15 EDTJoe Biden has unveiled a new, more aggressive climate and jobs plan which advisers say he would take to Congress “immediately”, if elected president.The new proposal outlines $2tn for clean energy infrastructure and other climate solutions, to be spent as quickly as possible in the next four years, what would be the Democrat’s first term in...

July 14, 2020
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Democrats to unveil bold new climate plan to phase out emissions by 2050

Democrats to unveil bold new climate plan to phase out emissions by 2050

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldFirst published on Mon 29 Jun 2020 17.26 EDTHouse will unveil an aggressive climate crisis “action plan” on Tuesday to nearly eliminate US emissions by 2050, according to summary documents reviewed by the Guardian.The net-zero emissions goal is what United Nations leaders and the scientific community say the world must achieve to avoid the worst of rising temperatures, and it’s what the Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, says he would pursue if he were to win the White House in November.The Democrats’...

June 29, 2020
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US climate activists charged with 'terrorizing' lobbyist over plastic pollution stunt

US climate activists charged with 'terrorizing' lobbyist over plastic pollution stunt

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldAnne Rolfes and Kate McIntosh face up to 15 years in prison after delivering box of plastic pellets found as pollution Last modified on Tue 24 Nov 2020 16.01 ESTEnvironmental activists opposing a plastics manufacturing facility in have been booked with a felony for “terrorizing” an oil and gas lobbyist by delivering a box of plastic pellets found as pollution in bays on the Texas coast.Anne Rolfes and Kate McIntosh, with the Louisiana Bucket Brigade, turned themselves into the Baton Rouge police department on...

June 25, 2020
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'Selling off the future’: Trump allows fishing in marine monument

'Selling off the future’: Trump allows fishing in marine monument

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldAdministration opening areas off New England coast up to commercial fishing, a move experts say will hurt the environmentSupported byLast modified on Fri 29 Oct 2021 07.38 EDTDonald Trump is easing protections for a large marine monument off the coast of New England, opening it to commercial fishing. But ocean experts caution that the rollback to the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine national monument will hurt the environment and won’t help fishermen who are struggling during the Covid-19 pandemic and economic...

June 6, 2020
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