Edward Keenan
Edward Keenan
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‘Enough prayers, time for some action’: Joe Biden wades into America’s battle over gun control

‘Enough prayers, time for some action’: Joe Biden wades into America’s battle over gun control

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to: WASHINGTON—“Gun violence in this country is an epidemic. And it is an international embarrassment,” President Joe Biden said Thursday in the Rose Garden of the White House. “Enough, enough, enough, enough.”He was announcing a series of executive orders and voicing support for legislation to curtail gun violence. Biden mentioned the shooting spree in Atlanta last month...

April 8, 2021
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Joe Biden is scrambling to control Donald Trump’s damage as Inauguration Day approaches. So is Trump

Joe Biden is scrambling to control Donald Trump’s damage as Inauguration Day approaches. So is Trump

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to: WASHINGTON—An incoming president preparing to take office in a crisis. An outgoing president leaving in disgrace. Each of them, according to reports, working as quickly as possible on damage control.For president-elect , that will mean a on his first day in office and the days immediately after, a good many of them aimed squarely at undoing the actions of his...

January 18, 2021
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Donald Trump is going down swinging, and Republicans in Georgia are feeling the blows

Donald Trump is going down swinging, and Republicans in Georgia are feeling the blows

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to: ATLANTA—Not far from Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Martin Luther King Jr. used to preach in downtown Atlanta, some of his words are engraved in stone. “This may well be mankind’s last chance to choose between chaos and community.”King’s words seem like an epitaph for the 2020 election, and one that continues to apply, as the election still isn’t quite over yet. The...

January 4, 2021
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Joe Biden dreams of a healing nation. For now, a dream is about all he’s got | The Star

Joe Biden dreams of a healing nation. For now, a dream is about all he’s got | The Star

≡SectionsCity PagesAnalysisByOn the eve of the American Thanksgiving holiday, President-elect Joe Biden addressed the nation by livestream Wednesday from a hall in Wilmington, Delaware.“On this Thanksgiving, in anticipation of all the Thanksgivings to come, let’s dream again,” he said. Become a subscriber today!Cancel anytime.On the eve of the American Thanksgiving holiday, President-elect Joe Biden addressed the nation by livestream Wednesday from a hall in Wilmington, Delaware.“On this Thanksgiving, in anticipation of all the Thanksgivings to come, let’s dream again,” he said. Only $1 a...

November 25, 2020
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Even in admitting defeat, Donald Trump claims victory

Even in admitting defeat, Donald Trump claims victory

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to: In the context of the presidency in the year 2020, this didn’t rank on the list of the strangest moments. But Trump’s surprise one-minute press conference at the White House on Tuesday wasn’t not weird.“I just want to congratulate everybody,” he began. A day after his administration began formal recognition of the transition to a presidency, hours after Pennsylvania...

November 24, 2020
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Remember when Canada and the U.S. were friends? Joe Biden does

Remember when Canada and the U.S. were friends? Joe Biden does

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to: WASHINGTON—On Dec. 8, 2016, vice-president Joe Biden met with president Barack Obama in the Oval Office, as he did most days. This was just a month after Donald Trump had won the election. As they were preparing to leave the office after the national security briefing, the two men checked in on each other’s plans.Obama said, “Where are you going?” is the way Biden . “I...

November 13, 2020
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Florida Man (and Woman) might decide the U.S. election. And they’re acting like they know it

Florida Man (and Woman) might decide the U.S. election. And they’re acting like they know it

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to:TAMPA—In the frantic final days before , the world turns its anxious eyes to Florida. Home of sun and sand, swamps and gators, retirees, partying students, con men and baseball spring training, “Miami Vice” and Disney nice. Adopted home of President Donald J. Trump. Birthplace of a million wild headlines about the misadventures of “Florida Man.”You learn quickly on a...

November 1, 2020
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‘It gets me really mad’: Bracing for more sickness and death, Americans aren’t buying Donald Trump’s message

‘It gets me really mad’: Bracing for more sickness and death, Americans aren’t buying Donald Trump’s message

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to: WASHINGTON—Those heading to rally at the Des Moines airport on Wednesday were greeted by a billboard: “TRUMP COVID SUPERSPREADER EVENT,” it read, above a giant arrow pointing to the rally.The didn’t deter the Trump faithful. Coronavirus cases are , and Iowa has set records for the number of new COVID hospitalizations , but people packed like sardines into the airport...

October 18, 2020
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Catching COVID-19 may be the most effective thing Donald Trump has done to stop its spread

Catching COVID-19 may be the most effective thing Donald Trump has done to stop its spread

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to:WASHINGTON—On Thursday, I was talking to an insistent Donald Trump supporter who was sitting on a stoop in the town of Bedford in central Pennsylvania. “Look at our economy before they pulled this here gag, this coronavirus s---,” he said. “That’s all that is. A gag. Nothing but political.”Some gag: More than 200,000 Americans dead, more than seven million infected....

October 2, 2020
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If Donald Trump drags the U.S. economy down, Canada’s economy is going along for the ride

If Donald Trump drags the U.S. economy down, Canada’s economy is going along for the ride

close This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To orderpresentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distributionto colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire aboutpermissions/licensing, please go to: From economy to psychology, from environment to diplomacy, what happens in the U.S. election will have a profound impact on Canada. Northern Exposure is a series of stories looking at what’s at stake for us as America decides its future.WASHINGTON—“Over the years I have learned,” a reader in British Columbia wrote to me this week, “that when the U.S. coughs, Canada...

September 24, 2020
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