Devin Coldewey
Devin Coldewey
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Tesla explodes after crash on Russian highway

Tesla explodes after crash on Russian highway

A Tesla vehicle involved in a collision burst into flames and exploded on a highway near Moscow last night, . The occupants were slightly injured, but the car is toast.The model of the car is not clear from reporting, but seems to be either a Model S or Model 3. It was being driven by a 41-year-old Russian man, who had his children with him. He had reportedly engaged a drive assist feature (though not necessarily Autopilot) and had his hands on the wheel when he crashed into a tow truck in the left lane.The driver broke his legs and the kids got away with just bruises, , but the car wasn’t...

August 15, 2019
Navy ditches touchscreens for knobs and dials after fatal crash

Navy ditches touchscreens for knobs and dials after fatal crash

A collision at sea that claimed the lives of 10 sailors has led to the Navy deciding to in some ships with more traditional mechanical controls. “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should,” a Navy official said of the outgoing technology.The crash in question involved the U.S.S. John S. McCain and an oil tanker in August of 2017. The sailors at the helm lost control of the ship and put it in the path of the tanker, resulting in the collision that killed 10 and injured 58 more.A National Transportation Safety Board investigation was issued recently and found that essentially, the sailors...

August 12, 2019
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PACT Act takes on internet platform content rules with 'a scalpel rather than a jackhammer'

PACT Act takes on internet platform content rules with 'a scalpel rather than a jackhammer'

is a new bipartisan effort to reform Section 230, the crucial liability shield that enables internet platforms to exist, approaching the law’s shortcomings “with a scalpel rather than a jackhammer,” as Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) describes it. It is a welcome alternative to the and also in the running.Section 230 protects companies online from being liable for content posted by their users, as long as those companies remove illegal content when it is pointed out to them. Politicians have recently characterized it as an excuse for companies like Facebook and Twitter to control speech on...

June 24, 2020
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Anything less than nationwide vote by mail is electoral sabotage

Anything less than nationwide vote by mail is electoral sabotage

has cast a light on decades of cumulative efforts to manipulate and suppress voters, showing that the country is completely unprepared for any serious challenge to its elections system. There can be no more excuses: Every state must implement voting by mail in 2020 or be prepared to admit it is deliberately sabotaging its own elections. (And for once, tech might be able to help.)To visualize how serious this problem is, one has only to imagine what would happen if quarantine measures like this spring’s were to happen in the fall — and considering experts predict a second wave in that...

May 23, 2020
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OpenCV AI Kit aims to do for computer vision what Raspberry Pi did for hobbyist hardware

OpenCV AI Kit aims to do for computer vision what Raspberry Pi did for hobbyist hardware

A new gadget called the OpenCV AI Kit, or OAK, looks to replicate the success of Raspberry Pi and other minimal computing solutions, but for the growing fields of computer vision and 3D perception. Its new multi-camera PCBs pack a lot of capability into a small, open-source unit and are now .The OAK devices use their cameras and onboard AI chip to perform a number of computer vision tasks, like identifying objects, counting people, finding distances to and between things in frame and more. This info is sent out in polished, ready-to-use form.Having a reliable, low-cost, low-power-draw...

July 14, 2020
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Space Force debuts official logo and motto, both reminding you that it's 'always above'

Space Force debuts official logo and motto, both reminding you that it's 'always above'

Earlier this year, the oft-mocked but new branch of the military, the Space Force, revealed an image that was suspiciously reminiscent of Star Trek. Now the Space Force has revealed a new, sharper graphic that is the force’s actual logo — and a motto to go with it: “Semper Supra,” or “always above.”To be clear, the image revealed in January, which everyone thought looked quite a bit like Starfleet’s, is the seal for the Space Force branch of the military. The new, simpler one is the logo for the organization as a whole, which is the one we’ll see communications and recruiting branded with....

July 24, 2020
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Social Construct's computer-optimized buildings could shake construction industry's foundations

Social Construct's computer-optimized buildings could shake construction industry's foundations

of the largest industries still resisting the call of the 21st century, its practitioners opting for decades-old but tried and true methods. Ben Huh, of Cheezburger fame, aims to modernize the planning and assembly of buildings with software-generated floor plans and rooms that fit together like Lego bricks., handles everything from design to execution, leaving only the actual in-person work to construction contractors. By optimizing layouts, laying cables and pipes below floors instead of in walls, and standardizing both pieces and assembly, this new tech-informed method could reduce the...

July 14, 2020
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Cloudflare outage takes down Discord, Shopify, Politico and others

Cloudflare outage takes down Discord, Shopify, Politico and others

Many major websites and services were unreachable for a period Friday afternoon due to issues at . The outage seems to have started at about 2:15 Pacific time and lasted for about 25 minutes before connections began to be restored.Early reports suggested Google DNS may also have been affected, but this turned out not to be the case – Google Cloud confirmed it had no outages yesterday.Update: Cloudflare at 2:46 says “the issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.” CEO Matthew Prince explains that it all came down to a bad router in Atlanta:We had an issue that impacted some...

July 17, 2020
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NASA may start using private suborbital flights to train astronauts

NASA may start using private suborbital flights to train astronauts

Astronauts may make a second home of space, but even they have a first time going up. NASA is hoping to better prepare its crews for the challenges of space by sending them on suborbital flights from the likes of Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin — suggesting a potentially huge new market for the nascent private spaceflight industry.Speaking at the Next Generation Suborbital Researchers conference in March, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine explained that the agency was considering private carriers now mainly because previously the possibility simply didn’t exist.“That’s a capability we as a...

April 21, 2020
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FCC Commissioner disparages Trump's social media order: 'The decision is ours alone'

FCC Commissioner disparages Trump's social media order: 'The decision is ours alone'

FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks has examined the president’s executive order that and found it wanting. “There are good reasons for the FCC to stay out of this debate,” he said. “The decision is ours alone.”The order targets Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which ensures that platforms like Facebook and YouTube aren’t liable for illegal content posted to them, as long as they are making efforts to take them down in accordance with the law.Some in government feel these protections go too far and have led to social media companies suppressing free speech. Trump himself clearly...

June 17, 2020
