David Shukman
David Shukman
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Sea level fears as Greenland darkens

Sea level fears as Greenland darkens

Scientists are "very worried" that the melting of the Greenland ice sheet could accelerate and raise sea levels more than expected. They say warmer conditions are encouraging algae to grow and darken the surface. Dark ice absorbs more solar radiation than clean white ice so warms up and melts more rapidly. Currently the Greenland ice sheet is adding up to 1mm a year to the rise in the global average level of the oceans. It is the largest mass of ice in the northern hemisphere covering an area about seven times the size of the United Kingdom and reaching up to 3km (2 miles) in thickness.This...

July 25, 2017
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Coronavirus: Can we stay safe as lockdown eases?

Coronavirus: Can we stay safe as lockdown eases?

As lockdowns are eased all over the world, what are the risks of getting infected as people come into closer contact with each other?It's a question that scientists have been exploring in a variety of settings including restaurants and offices.Frustratingly, the evidence for how the virus can be transmitted is often slim and if the answers seem vague it's because the science is uncertain.It comes amid pressure from businesses, such as pubs, to be allowed to reopen. But the influence is also coming from people wondering if the rules are too strict.The most obvious is distance.Research that...

May 26, 2020
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Coronavirus: Expert panel to assess face mask use by public

Coronavirus: Expert panel to assess face mask use by public

Should more of us wear face masks to help slow the spread of coronavirus?This question is to be assessed by a panel of advisers to the The group will weigh up research on whether the virus can be projected further than previously thought; a study in the US suggests coughs can reach 6m and sneezes up to 8m.The panel's chair, Prof David Heymann, told BBC News that the new research may lead to a shift in advice about masks. The former director at the WHO explained: "The WHO is opening up its discussion again looking at the new evidence to see whether or not there should be a change in the way...

April 1, 2020
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Covid: Nurses condemn 'fundamentally flawed' PPE rules

Covid: Nurses condemn 'fundamentally flawed' PPE rules

Nurse leaders are lobbying government to update "fundamentally flawed" guidance on personal protective equipment.The Royal College of Nursing says the existing recommendations are based on out-of-date evidence.One nurse told the BBC she had not been allowed to wear a higher-grade mask, despite having to go into the homes of patients with Covid.The Department of Health said staff safety was a top priority.The nurse, who wishes to remain anonymous, wanted to use what's known as an FFP3 mask that filters out infectious aerosols. But she says her employers insisted on following national...

March 7, 2021
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Climate change: Summers could become 'too hot for humans'

Climate change: Summers could become 'too hot for humans'

Millions of people around the world could be exposed to dangerous levels of heat stress - a dangerous condition which can cause organs to shut down.Many live in developing countries, and do jobs that expose them to potentially life threatening conditions.These include being out in the open on farms and building sites or indoors in factories and hospitals. Global warming will increase the chances of summer conditions that may be "too hot for humans" to work in. When we caught up with Dr Jimmy Lee, his goggles were steamed up and there was sweat trickling off his neck.An emergency medic, he's...

July 16, 2020
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Covid-19: How England's hotel quarantine will differ from Australia's

Covid-19: How England's hotel quarantine will differ from Australia's

England's rules on quarantine hotels for travellers arriving from Covid "red list" countries are less stringent than those enforced in Australia. The BBC has seen a copy of the government's official requirements for hotel operators It spells out the rules for handling travellers for 11 nights of quarantine.The UK government said its hotel quarantine measures were "in line with those in other countries".And it promised to update guidance for hotels "imminently".Australia's system, introduced early last year, is seen as among the best internationally.But as a result of repeated outbreaks...

February 12, 2021
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Call for better coronavirus masks for all medical staff

Call for better coronavirus masks for all medical staff

Doctors' leaders have called for urgent improvements in personal protective equipment for health workers.The British Medical Association is appealing for a higher grade of face mask to guard against coronavirus infection. It says there is 'growing evidence' that the virus is being spread through the air by aerosols.These are tiny virus particles that can build up in stuffy rooms and they have been linked to outbreaks of Covid-19.This follows an open letter from more than 1,500 health professionals for staff on general wards to be given the type of high-quality masks usually only worn in...

January 5, 2021
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Covid Christmas: 'Avoid board games and sleepovers'

Covid Christmas: 'Avoid board games and sleepovers'

Quizzes rather than board games are one of the recommendations from scientists for a Covid-safe Christmas.Earlier this week, from 23 to 27 December.But the government's scientific advisory committee, Sage, warns coronavirus could easily spread during the festive relaxation of the rules.They say people should still weigh up if an event could be postponed.If not, meeting online or outdoors where the risks of transmission are lower, could be a better option.But if you do go ahead, they say, it's important to include everyone taking part in drawing up a plan for how to manage the event. They...

November 27, 2020
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Covid: Fresh air 'key to safer classrooms'

Covid: Fresh air 'key to safer classrooms'

As children across England prepare to return to school, the focus is on testing, masks and the familiar routines of social distancing and hand washing.But on top of all those measures, there's something that until recently hasn't had much attention: a good supply of fresh air.Air matters because if someone is infected they'll release tiny virus particles called aerosols, which can accumulate and then be inhaled by others. show how easily the air in a poorly ventilated room can become hazardous. But there are strategies to reduce the risks of this happening. The first and most obvious move...

March 5, 2021
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